
Falling For You Hurts


Your Pov

The next morning, Manager Hwanji came to pick us up. We all got into a dark van and on the way Manage Hwanji turned around to face us whilst announcing, “Ok girls. From today you will be preparing for your debut. When we arrive at the company we will head towards the studio to give you your first song. We have also managed to squeeze you into your first CF which will be for adidas, you will be advertising their clothes before your debut.”


Adidas? Already? Oh gosh, I feel uneasy already.


The van eventually pulled into the car park. We all followed Hwanji into the studio.

When we entered the room a man was sitting by the electronics.

“I assume he’s our song producer?” whispered Mimo.

“I guess.” I whispered back.

“Anneyo.” Said Hwanji as he entered the room.

“Oh Anneyo haseyo.” Replied the man as he turned around in shock.

We all greeted him with bow.

“Ok. So shall we just get down to business. I looked at the recordings of your auditions and I decided to put you down to sing that which I think will suite best and show your talent off the most.” He handed each of us lyrics and I looked down at the words.


Hey babe,
I see you from across the room,
dazed in your eyes I pray for
the smile that reaches my core.

You're walking by
Saying hi
Why cant you just see

That you
just need to smile
At me.

That little smile makes me that much crazy
But baby,
I'm thinking, "what the hell?"

When you look at me like that
Your making me go round and round.
And all you really need to do is
smile, smile
Smile smile.

You can’t save me,
cause baby,

you’re the reason why there’s danger
Please don’t be another stranger

In my life, it hurts when your not here
but please don’t fear
and Just smile!

Your smile makes me go insanely happy
But baby,
I'm thinking, "what the hell?"

When you look at me like that
Your making me go round and round.

And all you really need to do is smile, smile
Smile smile.

Please come closer,
there’s just you and me left standing,
In a moment
Don't get me wrong, I just need to see you again

You're walking by
Saying hi
Why cant you just see

That you
just need to smile
At me.

That little smile makes me that much crazy
But baby,
I'm thinking, "what the hell?"

When you look at me like that
Your making me go round and round.

And all you really need to do is smile,smile
Smile smile.

Your smile leaves me smiling

At the air like a fool

I’m falling into the deep pool of your eyes

They glimmer like the stars, that leave me feeling high

I really wanna cry whenever you say… Goodbye

So just smile smile
Save goodbye for
another, other
Keep me laughing, laughing

(woah! Woah woah woah woah)
Your smile makes me go insanely happy
But baby,
I'm thinking, "what the hell?"

When you look at me like that
Your making me go round and round.

And all you really need to do is smile, smile
Smile smile.

When you look at me like that
Your making me go round and round.

And all you really need to do is smile, smile
Smile smile.

You're walking by (walking by)
Saying hi
Why cant you just see

That you (that you just)
just need to smile
At me.

(Oh baby!)

Your making me go round and round.

And all you really need to do is smile, smile

Smile smile.

 (Ha ha ha ha, Smile!)


 “The lyrics are color coded according to what you will be singing. Dark blue is for Kimi. Pink is for Stacy. Green is for Mimo. Orange is for Hyoae. Grey is for ________. Light Blue is for Soori. Black is for all of you.”

We all looked at our own parts.

‘Wow’ I thought to myself. ‘I do have quite a lot.’

“Now that you guys have seen the lyrics I want you to listen to the music before we start to practice.”

We listened at first to the music in silence. The beat was fast but the song gave an overall fun impression. After having heard it once we tried to add in our own individual parts to sing. Of course it didn’t go as smoothly as it does in movies. (Yeh, you know the whole thing where someone starts to play a song and immediately everyone knows the words and moves -.- yeh I’m talking about you high school musical!)

At about 12 we had all managed to sing our parts perfectly. There was still the matter of actually recording the song…

“Ya! Soori what are you still doing here?” remarked Stacey as we all started to leave the recording room to go for lunch.

“Ermmmm….” Soori looked around trying not to answer the question.

“Dongsaeng! Go! Now, or you’ll be late for your date.” Laughed Stacey.

“Aish… Fine I’m going.” Soori turned around and stamped to the lift. She pressed the button forcefully and huffed. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ya! Soori…. Have fun!” shouted Hyoae as she got into a lift.

“Shut up.” Was the only reply we got as Soori made her way downstairs. We all burst out laughing as the lift finally started to head downstairs.

“Omo! Unnie. Your so mean.” Said Mimo as we all started to head down the corridor towards where we could smell food coming from.

“I’m not mean, Im actually very nice. I managed to sort out a date for my dongsaeng.”

“I doubt she’s grateful.” Said Kimi.

Kimi opened the door and gasped.

‘Omo! Does the food look that disgusting!’

I pushed my way through my unnies. I was hungry, ok! The food can’t look that bad… Can it?

The air in my throat also caught as I looked up. No way!

“Ya,” whispered Stacey, “Why is Taeyang eating our food with G-dragon and Top? That is OUR food right?”


Soori’s Pov


‘Damn you Stacey.’ I thought to myself as I made my way across the reception. ‘You evil unnie. I was hoping you would forget but noooo…. Now I have to go meet that moron and pay for his ice cream.’

I took out my purse and looked at how much money I have. ‘200,000 won. Not bad…. After all how much can a guy eat?

I arrived at the spot just on time. “If that pabo doesn’t get before 12.15 I am leaving.” I said under my breath.

I looked around the park and noticed that it was quite empty. Of course the ice cream cart was standing in the middle of the park with no customers… No surprise there…. After all it was a bit too cold for ice cream…

‘Aish! Why couldn’t unnie at least get us to have a hot chocolate date?’

I started to jump from foot to foot as I warmed my hands. ‘Why is it so cold today?’ I thought to myself.


I looked around to find the source of the sound. The only people near me was an elderly couple sitting a couple of benches away.


Great…. Why is that sound coming from the bin. I started to slowly back away from the bin.

Maybe I should just leave….

“Ya!” This time a head poked up from around the bin.

“Omo!” I shouted and quickly covered my mouth.

“Shhh!” said the….. ermmm… I guess it’s a guy, I cant exactly see who it is through his big sunglasses and high scarf. “Don’t attract attention.”

I sweat dropped.  -.-“

Talk about not attracting attention. “I’m not the one hiding behind a bin.”

“Aigoo…” he got up from behind the bin and walked towards me attempting to keep his head down, away from the elderly couple who were looking at us like mad people.

“Ah.” I said. “So it’s you.”

Yes, it was the evil pabo which I had…. No wait which had skated into me.

“Ahahaha, ne.” He took off his sunglasses and smiled. Waaa…. His eyes twingle when he smiles.

*Mental slap* what am I thinking? Lets just get this ‘date’ over and done with.

When I didn’t reply I notice his face drop a little.

“So you don’t recognize me?” he asked.

“Of course I do. You’re the pabo who skated right into me and is now forcing me to get you ice creams.”

He laughed. “Ah. Thanks for reminding me about the ice cream. So shall we proceed?” He held out his hand as he laughed.

Is this guy for real?

I let out a loud sigh as I made my way over towards the ice cream seller.

“Anneyo haseyo.” I bowed as I looked at the cart and the ice cream flavors that were on sale.

“Anneyo haseyo.” He replied with a big smile. “ What would you like to get for your self and your boyfriend miss?”

I looked up in shock. My boyfriend? I turned around and noticed that the guy was standing right behind with his sunglasses on and a smile.

“Ani…” I began but he stopped me half way.

“Would you happen to have pineapple ice cream flavor?”

… Pineapple… Ice cream??? Here????

The ice cream man was obviously as surprised by the question as I was… “Pineapple…. Ermmm aniyo…”

“Oh I guess that’s a shame. Kamsahamnida” he grabbed my hand and led me away…. What is wrong with this guy. We walked in silence down the park before my stomache let out a loud rumble…. OH THE SHAME!

“Ahahahaha I hear someone’s a bit hungry.”

“Aniyo.” I said.

“Oh I guess that was just an earthquake then…”

Ya! Is he comparing the rumbling of my stomach to an earth quake. I gave him the evil stare which he seemed not to notice.

We approached a fountain in the middle of the park which had a café at one end.

“Come on then. Let me treat you to some coffee and lunch.” He smiled at me again.

…… Why is he being nice all of a sudden?

“I don’t like coffee.” Was the only thing that came out of my mouth. PABO! What am I thinking?

“I guess you can just drink from the fountain then.” He said as he turned around and went into the café.

So much for Mr. Nice guy.

I followed him into the café which was half empty. After having placed our order. He ordered a coffee whilst I was to have a croissant with water…. No not from the fountain he wasn’t that evil… yet.

I took off my jacket and hat as we waited for the order but noticed that he didn’t even attempt to take off his sunglasses.  Ok… This is kind of awkward.

“Aren’t you, at least, going to take off your sunglasses?” I asked him.

He looked around uncomfortably as if hoping no one would notice him…. I doubt anyone would we were pretty much isolated from everyone else in the darkest corner of the café.

“Ok.” He reluctantly took off his glasses and forcefully smiled at me after.

“Ya. You know you don’t have to smile at me like that. I’m not your omma.”

“Praise the lord for that.” He whispered.

“Ya, I heard that.” I said. The waitress eventually came to our table with our order. I noticed the guy (aish! Why don’t I know his name yet?) quickly turn around and pretend he was looking at the wall… I guess he thought a window was there…. Fail!

I laughed as I took a drink of water and bit into my croissant, delicious!

After the waitress had left he took a sip of his coffee and laughed.

“Ya. What’s so funny?” I asked as I wiped my mouth… maybe there’s something on it.

“Nothing…. Just we don’t even know each other’s names yet we speak using so much banmal.”

“Ermmm… Ok well then… My name is Soori….Kang Soori….. and you are?”

He laughed at my awkward attempt at an introduction.

“My name is Kyuhyun.” He leaned back crossing his arms over his chest and putting on a deep voice. “Cho Kyuhyun.”

I burst out laughing at the fail.

“What’s so funny?” he asked as he quickly straightened up.

“Nothing Bond, Nothing.” I said between laughs and bites of my croissant .

“No, its Cho.” I lauighed even hardeer as he said the next part in English… Or make that EngRish. “The names’ Kyuhyun…. Cho Kyhyun.”

After having laughed and finished eating we both paid half  of the price for the meal. (can you actually classify that as a meal?). We walked out of the café, Kyuhyun had his sunglasses back on. It was only 12.30 when we left so I still had half an hour before the end.

“Ya, Soori?”

“Mhm.” I said as I looked at the change I had left…. 1000 won… Some expensive café!

“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked.

“Ne. I still have half an hour left before I need to get back.”

We walked up to the fountain and Kyuhyun looked around for any passerby’s before taking off his sunglasses.

“Ya, why do you keep looking around like at any moment someone might attack you?” I laughed as I sat down on the fountain.

“Aniyo.” He said as he put the sunglasses away. We stood there in silence for a moment before I decided to get up and continue walking…. I’d rather walk in silence than sit in silence.

We walked around the fountain before I decided to get up on the side of the fountain and walk around.

“Ya! Kyuhyun, grab my hand.” I laughed as I almost slipped.

He helped balance me before scolding me. “What are you doing? How old are you?”

“I ‘m attempting to have some fun.” I said as I walked onto the thin part of the fountain. “If I fall in. Catch me!” I announced as I tightly grabbed his hand.

Manager Hwanji had told me that I should practice my balance before dance classes as it can help me improve… I’m a terrible dancer, just so you know ^.-

“Are you having fun?” asked Kyuhyun pretty much monotone.

“Aniyo.” I said as I jumped down. “What shall we do?”

“Ya! I’m not your entertainer. When it comes down to what’s what you should be entertaining me not the other way round. After all you’re the one who invited me on this date.”

“Aish. I did not invite you, it was my unnie.” I stated. “Besides usually the guy tries to impress the girl when they go out, no matter who asked who.”

He looked at me with a oh-really-look.

He took in a deep breath. “How many movies did you watch?”

I was about to reply when suddenly I felt something hit me hard on head. I fell forward straight onto Kyuhyun.

I could feel him attempt to stand his ground. But it was like we were at the ice skating rink again. We started to fall backwards and all I could think about was the pain in my head. That was until I felt the cold water of fountain.


I quickly for got the pain in my head and got up. Ok not bad I was only half wet. My hair was slightly wet, My arms and my feet. I stood up in the fountain and looked at Kyuhyun…. Oh boy….. He was soaking. He had completely submerged into the water.

“Mianhamnida.” I heard a little voice whisper I looked up and noticed a little boy bowing at me whilst holding a ball in his hands. Ow. So it was the ball. I rubbed the back of my hand before telling him it was ok. He ran off to join his friends whilst I looked at an angry emerging Kyuhyun.

He started to choke as I patted his back.

“Calm down submarine, calm down.” I laughed.

“Omo! Are you ok?” he wiped his hair back and I couldn’t help but fall into his eyes. I felt a warm feeling rise in my stomach as a small smile formed on my face.


“What happened?” He said as we both started to climb out of the fountain.

“I got hit in the back of the head by a ball and than we both fell into the fountain….” I looked at him suspiciously as he also started to rub his head. “ Your name is Cho Kyuhun, my name is Soori. You like to wear sunglasses and before taking them off…”

“Ah! The sunglasses!” He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled them out…. Once upon a time they were nice and could, perhaps, make a person look cool.

Now they were soaking and were missing a lens. Like I said… Once upon a time.

“Omo! Hyung is going to kill me.” He mumbled as he tried to find the missing lens.

“Ya! You two love birds!” shouted a voice behind us. We turned around and looked at the security of the park. “Don’t you know swimming in the fountain is forbidden!”

“We… We weren’t… swimming” I replied…. I was freezing.

“Sorry officer we’ll be off now.” Kyuhyun got up and wrapped me in his arms…. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad, HAD HE NOT BEEN SOAKING!

I screamed as I felt his cold body wrap around me. I was only partially wet, not soaked like he was. He laughed as he hugged me tighter whilst making his way towards the café.

He finally let me go once we were back inside the café and started to laugh evilly. Omo! He has one evil laugh!

The café was now entirely empty and the waitress from before was running around wiping tables before she looked up and noticed the two of us soaking wet.

“Omo! Why are you two soaking wet? It’s winter you shouldn’t be swimming in the fountain!” she ran into the back of the café before coming out and telling us to take a seat whilst giving us both towels and green tea.

“Kamsahamnida” I said as I took a sip. I looked at my watch an noticed that the time said 12.47. Just a bit more…

Kyuhyun was fiercely scrubbing his hair and mumbling something.

“Ya. If you keep doing that she’s going to think you’re a mad man.” I said I continued to drink the warm tea.

“What? I’m only drying my head.” He got up and took a sip of tea.

“Aish. I meant the mumbling. Your talking to yourself.”

“But Hyung is really going to kill me… Those were his favorite pair of glasses and he had barely allowed me to borrow them.”

“Yeh well, mumbling under your breath is not going to solve that problem. Just apologize.”

He looked at me like I had grown another head.

“Are you crazy? He’ll never forgive me. I’m done for!”

I started to laugh as Kyuhyun took out the glasses and attempted to do something with them.

“Ya! Stop laughing this is all your fault.” He said as he started to laugh.

“Of course it is I mean I totally forced that ball to hit me in the back of my head and make us fall into the pool. Besides who on Earth wears glasses at this time of year! There is no sun.”

He looked up at me as I got up.

“Ya, where are you going?”

I was partially dry and it was almost 1. I had to be back at the company on time.

“I’ve got to go now.” I put on my jacket and hat and thanked the lady as I left the shop.

I started to make my way back towards the company when I heard Kyuhyun running up behind me.

“Ya! Soori!” He ran in front of me and blocked my way. “Kamsahamnida.”

Huh? For what?

I smiled at him. “For what?”

“For today…. Ermmm maybe we could hang out more often?”

“Ne~ I guess we could.”

He gave me a big smile. Aish… I love his smile and those lips are…… WAIT! WHAT?

I mentally shook myself.

“Ok so maybe we could exchange numbers.”


We quickly exchanged numbers before we finally went our own ways. I had to run back all the way to the company to make it on time.


Oh gosh… The only thing in my head after that was how beautiful his smile was and how his eyes twinkle whenever he smiles. His voice was also quiet beautiful.. He should be a singer….


~Your making me go round and round.

  And all you really need to do is smile, smile

  Smile smile.~



(A/N: Sorry for the late update but I hope you enjoy this chapter ^.^ As you can see more famous characters are starting appear but we'll see where this goes from here so stay tuned~)

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P