Spilling the beans

Falling For You Hurts


"Come on you two, just tell us who this guy is.” Moaned Mimo as Me, Soori, Hyoae and Stacey all sat down in the living room.

I exchanged a look with Soori before I started to giggle.


“Well, unnie, this time there wasn’t just one guy,” started Soori.

“Omo! So ________ also had her own guy?!” exclaimed Mimo, and if I didn’t know better, there was a hint of jealousy in her voice.


“Well, I must say: Im quite good.” Said Stacey as she tossed her gorgeous blond hair back laughing. Yep, we were all currently going through metamorphoses for our debut which is mainly why Kimi’s not here.

“Well, Soori and _______ tell us who the guys were.” Said Hyoae impatiently.

“Fine. I already told you his name is Kyuhyun and as it turns out…. He is a member of Super Junior!” We both looked at the other members as if we expected a round of applause. Instead, we were met with awkward silence.


Suddenly they all burst out laughing.

I looked at Soori who looked just as confused as I did.


“Ermmm, she’s not lying… I saw him!” I said but the members weren’t listening, they were laughing as if it was the funniest joke on the planet.

“Yeh, suuurrreee. Do you have any proof?” said Mimo.


“Actually we do.” Cut in Soori as she stood up and ran into her room.

I looked at Stacey who had an amused look on her face as she said, “and I’m guessing you were with Siwon or something?”

“Actually, it was Donghae oppa~” I announced proudly. I mean, its not everyday you get to date a member of Super Junior (ok, perhaps not officially but hey!)

Soori walked back into the room with a delighted look on her face and her hands behind her back. What has she come up with?

“You want proof? Well here it is!” and she produced a page of the photos we had taken earlier. Oh yeh! Why hadn’t I thought of that?


“This ain’t fair!”

“Well, Im good. VERY good.”

“I can’t believe you guys actua—actua—actually—“ stuttered Mimo.

“Awww, you two actually suit.” Said Stacey to Soori whilst intently looking at the pictures.


I coughed to announce my displeasure. Stacye then looked at me, then back at the pictures, then at me and back again.

“Can’t say the same for you and Donghae though,” laughed Stacey, “he’s a bit too good looking for you.”


“Calm down! I’m just joking.”

“Ok, now spill the beans guys.” Said Hyoae whilst jumping up and down on the sofa.



“… and then they told us to come to their concert this weekend. BACK STAGE!” I concluded.

“Take us with yoooouuuuuuu!” Begged Hyoae as she slid off the sofa and attempted aegyo.

“Aniyo.” Bluntly stated Soori.


“You guys already ruined my da- I mean meeting with Kyuhyun once already.” Blushed Soori.

“Aww dongsaeng, don’t worry. We already know your in love.” Said Stacey and quickly continued before Soori could argue. “besides you have to take your unnie with you in order to be cared for, your underage you know?”

“Im 19.”

“Well that’s underasge in your unnie’s eyes. I’ll take responsibility of you… Including backstage.”

“Ne! And I’m also ________ unnie so Ill take care of her.” Said Mimo as she grabbed me into a headlock, why so violent unnie?

“What about me?’ asked Hyoae as she, once again, attempted aegyo.

”That is not going to work, you do realise that Hyoae? You can take care of the house  whilst we’re gone and water the plants.”

“We have no plants.”

“Well, we’ll buy some by then.”

“Ermm, maybe we should take her.” I said taking pity on Hyoae, we must seem like some evil unnie’s right now. “ And Kimi.”

“Aniyo.” Said Stacey immediately after I said Kimi.


“She’s the leader of the our group. You do realise how much trouble we’ll be in if anyone finds out we are going to an SM concert? I doubt Kimi won’t just stand back. Also remember the rules about dating? Do you know how much this looks like a date?”

“But its not” I attempt to argue.

“But it sure looks like it, and if Kimi realizes or our manager you guys wont ever be allowed to meet those guys again. It’s strictly prohibited for trainees or stars of different companies to date, especially when you’re of rivaling companies. I doubt those guys are going to be over the moon when they find out you’re part of YG.”

“But they’re going to find out sooner or later once we debut-“

“But by then you guys will be over? It’s not like there’s much going on between you and them. Those pictures? Sure, but they’re more friendly rather than anything else. You two do realise you can’t even dream about being in a relationship with them right?” Pain started to seep into Stacey’s voice and rather than feeling hurt about the truth and the fact that Stacey is right, I started to wonder how she knows so much. “The consequences will be severe for you, and for us.”

An awkward silence, none of us looked at eachother. We allowed the truth of Stacey’s words slap us across the face. She’s right of course. We can’t ever have a relationship with any of the Super Junior members or anyone for that matter, but still realizing this just now, for some reason, Hurts.

Mianhe Donghae~

I guess I’ll just have to stick with being friends with them. If I can.

“Ok. I guess we’ll have to tell the guys we’re bringing some ‘friends’ over” Said Soori breaking the silence and attempting to lighten the mood by mimicking speech marks in the air.


“Ya! What was that suppose to mean?” said Mimo as, this time, she grabbed Soori in a headlock.

“Argh! Nothing! Let me go!”

“Wait so can I go?” asked Hyoae.

“Ne dongsaeng~ Ok so Soori… can you call Kyuhyun and tell them?”


“Aigoo, fine” Said Soori as she got up and went over to her room to call Kyuhyun. Man! I should of have got Donghae’s number.

“Seriously? You didn’t get Donghaes number?” Said Mimo as all the members stared at me including Stacey who seemed to feel better.

“Ermmm, there was no time?”

“No time?! No time to get a SuJu member’s number! There is defiantly something wrong with your head unnie!” Shouted Hyoae as if I had just copmmitted the worst crime imaginable.. And I guess she was right, what is wrong with me these days?

“Calm down dongsaeng, it’s not her fault she’s a pabo.”

“Ya! Im not a pabo!”

They all just gave me THE look.


“Aigoo, don’t worry dongsaeng. I’ll help you out with Donghae.. Unless there’s someone else you want to play with?” said Stacey in her happier tone. No matter what, this girl is more than happy to flirt.


“Kamsahamnida unnie. But I don’t think I’ll be needing your help.”


“Ne, Donghae has already invited me out for dinner. WITHOUT all of you.” I stated as Mimo and Hyoae both attacked me with pillows whilst Stacey couldn’t help but laugh.


“Ok. You guys can come.” Said Soori as she came back and sat down next to Stacey.

“Yay! Im going to a Suju concert~” sang Hyoae as she danced around the room. Aiggo, what is wrong with my dongsaeng?

“Ok, now we just need to make sure Kimi doesn’t find out, arasso?”

“Ne, but how are we going to do that?”

 “I’m HOME!” As if on queue Kimi walked into the living room and flung herself down on the couch.

 “Anneyo haseyo~” we all replied.

“Aigoo, I had a meeting today with Yang Hyun-Seok.”

“Ohhh. Chincha? What did he say?”

“Not much really, just that he’s expecting the best from us and that next week he’ll be visiting us whilst we practice to discuss details of our debut, so by then we better be ready to impress him. Oh, also if everything goes well our debut single will be released in three months, our debut stage three days after. And we’ll also be practicing our new song next week and filming the Music Video for Smile next week too. Oh yeh! How’d the meeting go dongsaengs?” said Kimi as she smiled at us regaining her strength.

I suddenly started to feel uneasy. What should I tell my unnie? Should I lie or say the truth? But Stacey said not to. How can I lie to my unnie and our leader? Unlikely I didn’t have to say anything as Stacey interrupted.


“Not much.  ______ was quickly unmasked and so poor Soori’s date was ruined and in the end _____ couldn’t even provide us with any good information.”

“Ahahahaha, dongsaeng, you truly don’t know how to spy. Although I don’t think those clothes helped much.” Said Kimi as she eyed Mimo, Hyoae and Stacey.

Eventually the conversation turned around and Kimi started to worry more about what we’d eat tomorrow for breakfast then Soori’s date.

“Oh and guys this Saturday I’ll probably be at a meeting with manger and so on so I won’t be home until… well, until midnight the earliest, so you guys are going to have to find something to do without me. But no Partying!”

“Calm down unnie, I’ll take them to my omma’s shop so they can meet my family and maybe we could also help out.”

“Yeh, that would be nice. Dongsaengs be nice when you go! And Mimo apologize to your omma for my absence for me.”

“Aigoo, don’t worry she won’t mind.”

I guess now we have an alibi for the concert, but that still doesn’t get rid of the guilty feeling I feel for lying to Kimi unnie and looking at the others. They feel just as guilt as me. Its for the better though, right?


(A/N: Mianhe *bows* for the late update, Im sooo sorry but I couldn't get around to typing up the chapter. Mianhe~Mianhe~Mianhe~ I promise I'll post the next chapter this weekend ToT

Now... *wipes tears* I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I even felt bad for writing that all the membes are lying to Kimi but! The question is: will she find out? And if so, what will happen? Dun-Dun-Duuuu! Well either way thank you for subscribing I love you all ^o^ and please stay with the story until the end and comment XD all comments appreciated. Kamsahmanida~)

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P