Wait! What?

Falling For You Hurts


"Ow!" I shouted to inform the idiots around me that I had, once again fallen to the floor due to their non-stop pushing and shoving.
Why are they pushing and shoving?
Well everyone outside the shop was a fan. A fan of Kpop and today was the official release of 2ne1's new CD and apparently they were giving them out with free posters! 

Ok. Ok. Its no secret Im a fan of K-pop too, but hey! At least I dont push other fans to the floor!

Finally the doors to the shop opened and everyone barged in, leaving me to be the last person to enter.
Yes! I know!
I should have tried harder to be first but at least..... ok. Nevermind. By the time I finally reached the k-pop stand all the CDs had been sold out. Great.
I took a deep breath and started to go through the other k-pop CDs on sale: F(x), Infinte, Bigbang, Super Junior, G.NA...... I finally settled on buying a B2ST CD, I had after all come to the shop to buy a CD and not mourn over the fact that I will not be getting a 2ne1 CD with cool, amazing posters....

I went over to the cash and stood in the queue when I felt someone lightly tap me on my shoulder. At first I brushed it off, after all, you never know who you can meet in such a shop. (The guy in front of me had made me paranoid after giving me one of those creep smiles).

I was tapped again but this time much harder, I turned around and noticed a relatively plump man smiling at me. (Why is everyone smiling at me?).

"Hello." He said still smiling at me.

"Helllloooo...." I awkwardly replied.

"I see you like to listen to k-pop music."

I immediatly felt a smile form on my face, k-pop just had this effect on me. "Yes, I love k-pop."

"Well... have you ever thought of joining that sort of music industry?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you see, we are having auditions tommorow at the theatre, we are looking for new trainees to form a new girl band. You seem like the perfect candidate."

"What? But how come, I haven't heard about these auditions?"

"These are private auditions, tommorow we will only have 100 contestants... If you decide to come of course." He held out his hand in which he was holding a handful of papers.

I suddenly had a big urge to hug this guy! I dont think he realised that he was giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams.

"Thank you!" I shouted at him as I took the papers from him. I wanted to jump up and down in joy!

"Bring those papers with you tommorow and we'll see what you've got." He turned around and left the shop.

I stood there hugging the papers and staring after him. I couldn't hold it any longer and gave a shriek of joy! Everyone in the store turned around and looked at me but I just giggled in joy. 

'This is unreal' I thought to myself as I started to skip out the shop, the one thing that jolted me back into reality was the sound of the alarms going off as I started to leave.

'Oops. I guess I better pay for that B2ST CD...' I thought to myself as I flashed a grin at the security and ran over to the checkout.



I nervously stood in the waiting room as I prepared myself for the audition.
I was contestant number 100, the last of them and contestant 98 was already going in......

Yeah being last had no benefits, so far everyone that had left the auditions was either crying or had no emotion. I knew it was hard to get into the industry but not one person had got in yet.... and 97 people had already been!

I went over the lyrics one more time. I had to chose a song which showed off my singing skills as well as my dancing skills. I settled for 'Can't Nobody' by 2ne1, the lyrics were easy (if you knew korean that is) and the dance was also relatively easy once you got the hang of it.

I heard them calling contestant 99 in. OMO! I was next.

I took out my phone and started to text my mom that I was next. She quickly replied, wishing me good luck. I smiled as I read the text. My mom wasn't able to come to the auditions with me as she had a shift in the hospital whilst my dad... well he had taken off long ago.

Finally I heard my number being called out, I immediatly got up and almost stumbled on the chairs as I made my way towards the audition room.

I entered the room and immediatly felt hot. The room was tiny and there was a line of five stern looking people at one end. I walked in and introduced myself:

(This conversation is in korean>)

"Hello." I greeted as I bowed. "My name is __________. I come from New York, my mother is American and my dad was Korean. I am 19 years old."

"Hello _________." Greeted one of the judges. "What song will you show us today?"

"I have prepared the song 'Can't Nobody' by 2ne1."

"Ok get ready."

I got into position as I waited for the music to start. I felt extremly nervous and as soon as the music started I almost stumbled on my words at the beginning. Eventually I allowed the music to take control. I started to sing and dance.
I only got up until the end of the chorus when they stopped the music. I let out a deep breath, as I made my way towards the centre to face the judges. They were all scribbling down notes on their paper.

"________." I turned to look at the last judge on the panel who was talking to me.

"In your application you wrote that you have always wanted to be a famous k-pop singer.......... Why k-pop?"

"Well....." I looked around the room as all the judges stared back at me. "I find k-pop music very unique and energetic. It is different compared to american music and I enjoy listening to the lyrics which are about various things concerning life and love, not like american music which is only mainly centered on drugs, partying and . I would like to be part of the k-pop industry as I want people to view me as the energetic and fun person I am and not another singer who is singing typical songs."

He turned back to his paper and started to quickly scribble something down. This time another judge spoke to me from the middle of the panel.

"How do you know korean so well?"

"My grandma taught me as a little girl how to speak korean, unfortunatly I do not know hangul."

"Very well........ What makes you think you have the potential to become one of our trainees who actually debut?"

"I don't know whether I'll debut or not, but if you offer me the chance I am willing to try my hardest to debut. No matter what it takes or how hard it gets I'll always try my best to come out on top. I don't know what awaits me but whatever it is....." I smiled at the judges showing my confidence, ".....bring it on."

I continued smiling at the judges as they turned back to their notes and once agin started scribbling.

'I feel like a fool.'

I kept the smile on my face as I watched them all finishing with their notes and passing down pieces of paper towards the man who sat in the middle.

The judge in the middle looked up at me with a stern face. I knew that he would annouce my fate.....


I carried on smiling, praying to God that I wouldn't walk out crying.

"_____________, how well can you cope with long flights?" he asked whilst looking at me sternly.

"Ermm, well I guess quite well...... why?"

He carried on looking at me until he laughed.

'What on earth is wrong with this guy?' I thought to myself.

"Well then, _____________, we'll be seeing you in Seoul next week I hope."



(A/N: well I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Im sorry if I made you a bit too dopey at the beginning but hey! Thats how you are XD. Please give me feedback and ways to improve my story as this is my first fanfic. Kamsahamnida~ )
(Oh by the way sorry if its too long)

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ooohhhh ^^ they both got a date XD
You should put some scences with. G-dragon and one little thing UPDATE
Cliffhanger grr...<br />
I can't wait to see what happens next >_<
Unnie~<br />
I am waiting for your next chapter~ ;P