
The End ♡

Mark and Jaebum had a deadly glare set on one another as they sat across from each other. Jaebum decides to break the glare when he reaches into his backpack that is on the floor. He pulls out a map with red circles on it, setting it up on the large table. Sohye tilts her head while looking at it not knowing why he marked it up so much.


“Why did you mark it up so much? Wouldn’t that just make the street names marked up meaning you can’t see them?” Amber asked the question that was across Sohye’s mind. Sohye and Jackson nodded in agreement. 


Jaebum chuckles at them, “Those red mark are all of the places we saw signs of Yugyeom.” Mark’s head whips around, looking directly at Youngjae.


Youngjae stands up presenting each of the red marks to them, “The first red mark is when we found a piece of red hair, the same shade as Yugyeom’s under a cup with the note ‘Come and find me, Youngjae.’ It didn’t seem like a coincidence to me.” Mark visibly gulps. 


“The second red mark is when we found Yugyeom’s adidas jacket with blood on it in the alley.”


“How do you know that was Yugyeom’s?” Mark questions. His eyes darting in between Youngjae, Jaebum, and the map.


“We know because there was ‘YK :)’ on the tag. That is Yugyeom’s initials and he loves smiley faces. One again not a coincidence.” 


Jinyoung uncrosses his arm and grabs his glass of water, “What is the next clue?”


“The third and final clue is Maddox.” Jaebum speaks in a clear and serious voice.




“Why didn’t you tell me that you almost got killed by this Maddox dude?” Mark asks Youngjae while taking off his shirt. Youngjae is sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the mirror. His face is badly bruised with cuts still decorating his cheeks and top of his head. His hair is matted to his head with grease from not taking a shower.


“I didn’t want to worry you.” He replies when he feels strong arms embracing his figure, snapping him out of his daze.


“I thought you were dead.” Mark kisses the crook of Youngjae’s neck. “I missed you so much. You don’t know how happy I was when I opened the door and saw you there.” Youngjae smiles softly. They both lay down, Mark embracing him tightly.


“I missed you too.” Youngjae whispers.





A glass of water in put in front of Jaebum with a clink. He looks up at the person with tired eyes. He notices the person to be Sohye. 


“Thank you.” She nods and slides into the seat across from him.


“Thank you for keeping Youngjae safe. He was the glue to our group. Without him and Yugyeom, out group just hasn’t been the same. You see, him and Yugyeom were the best of friends. They barely had fights, Youngjae would protect Yugyeom, and all of these other things.” Sohye smiles sadly to herself, “When Yugyeom ran out of the door I thought Youngjae was going to have a mental breakdown. He was yelling at Jackson to get the guns and ammo, but he couldn’t.”


“Why not?” Jaebum questions, taking a sip of the water.


“Marks rules. Mark is a stupid leader. He puts all of us in danger and sits back to watch. Everyone hates him but the last time someone left voluntarily, it wasn’t good.” She looks down at her hands.


“What happened?” Jaebum asks curiously making Sohye close her eyes and gulp in nervousness. 


“Her name was Luna. She was great but wanted to go out on her own. The group scene just wasn’t her cup of tea, so he told her to go with a smile on his face. He let her go with 2 guns, 3 boxes of ammo for each gun,and enough food and water to last for days.But that night he sent out Jackson to murder and come back with her body as proof.” 


“, that’s messed up.” Jaebum shakes his head.


“Yet, that’s not even the messed up part. Amber was her best friend, just like Yugyeom and Youngjae were,” Sohye tears up,” Jackson didn’t even shoot her through the head. He stabbed her multiple times, killing her but she came back as a zombie. Amber had to sit and watch them play with it. Poke her with a stick and feed her rats and then Jackson shot her through the head.” 


Jaebum didn’t know what to say. 


“They are so cruel. Youngjae, Yugyeom, Amber, and Me are the only sane ones here. Jinyoung is ed mentally too. I want to leave.” She whispers the last part, looking behind her paranoid. 


“Come with us. Youngjae and me.” Jaebum whispers, also looking behind him.


“I can’t. I didn’t have a special relationship with Yugyeom, he will find it suspicious and kill us.” She motions to herself and Jaebum. Sohye stands up abruptly, “I have told you too much, I am going to bed. Good night, Jaebum.” She hurriedly walks out of the kitchen leaving a shocked Jaebum behind.


“What kind of people doesn’t Youngjae affiliate with?” He whispers looking down at his cup of water.




sorry for not updating yesterday!

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amaranta17 #1
Chapter 14: Why is Mark being so nice now! Like wasn't he evil haha mark or jaebum?????....
kpop-kookie33 #2
annachan933 #3
NOOOO! I WANT MORE!! It's soooo good! I can't believe it! Please upload more ASAP before I die from curiosity! ( > o < )
sasa1245 #4
Chapter 7: Plean can you upload quickly i want continue this story!!
Chapter 6: Thank you for.the updateeee

Who is Maddox and wtf where is JB?

Haksnxjsbjsndksnxks <3
:) Thank you authornim
Chapter 5: Yugyeommmmmm T.T!!!

Thanks.for the update <3
Chapter 4: My gosh

My poor heart when YJ look at "zombie-YG"

It's a nice.story

I'm.looking forward for this fanfic <3
letwindgo #8
Chapter 3: This is so good T.T the concept is nice ~ their characteristics are diffirent with real life but still fit them.

Hope you can write longger for each chapter coz this is too short for a good story :)