
The End ♡

Youngjae cracked his eyes open, just enough for some light to come through. He quickly closes them when he feels a headache pounding  against his head. He groans slightly when someone picks him up harshly, ties his hands behind his back, and gags him. He is forcefully pushed to the ground. His eyes shoot open when he feels cold metal slide over his neck, cutting his neck ever so slightly just to give him a little burn. Youngjae tries to squirm away but a tight grip was on him forcing him to stay still.


He tries to say ‘Where is Jaebum?’  but it comes out muffled and distressed. Youngjae hears a devious chuckle behind him. Youngjae shivers at the laugh. 


He feels hot breath on his ear, “Look to the right of you.” Youngjae follows the order. His head slowly turns to the right, scared of what he might see. He sees Jaebum in the same situation as him except so dead looking. His face was pale, covered in cuts and bruises. His black hair sweeps across his face covering one eye. Without meaning to Youngjae lets out a strained cry. This must have caught the attention of the dead looking Jaebum so he turns his head to look at Youngjae. He gives a soft smile, almost like he was saying ‘Don’t worry. I am here.’


“You guys don’t worry. The boss should be coming in pretty soon. That is when the real fun comes in.” The gives a deep laugh. Youngjae looks over to Jaebum who was already staring at him with glossy eyes. 


‘Don’t cry.’ Youngjae talks into the gag to Jaebum. 


‘I’m not. We will get out of here. Promise.’  Jaebum responds shaking his head. Just after that, a bag was put over Youngjae’s head. The gag was ripped from his mouth harshly, freeing him to yell and cry.


“Jaebum! Jaebum!” He yells when he feels hands picking him up. He tries to thrash out of their grip but they were too strong.


“Youngjae, I promise I will save you!” He hears Jaebum yell, equally as terrified sounding. 




Youngjae sits in a cold room with the bag still over his head and his hands still handcuffed. He has been hearing screams in the room next to him. He hears the cracking of whips and a body being thrown to the ground several times. Then he heard a zombie go into the room, some more shouting, and then complete silence. He hopes and prays that it isn’t Jaebum. 


“Yugyeom, I’m sorry,” He speaks quietly into the air, “I searched high and low for you. Almost 30 days I looked for you. Yet, I didn’t come across you once.” Tears fall down his face in a rapid manner. “It looks like your old friend Youngjae is going to die today. I’m so sorry, Yugyeom. I’m so, so, so sorry.” Youngjae is now full on sobbing. He recalls all of the good memories with Yugyeom he had. His floppy hair, his laugh, his kindness. Youngjae just wanted to see it all one last time before dying, but it seems like he wasn’t going to get his wish. 


Youngjae hears the heavy metal door open. Then heavy footsteps to the table Youngjae was at. He hears the chair right across from him screech against the concrete floor. 


“Damn, your boyfriend sure puts up a good fight.” Youngjae guesses this is the ‘boss’ everyone has been talking about.


“He’s not my boyfriend.” Youngjae angrily states, tears still falling out of his eyes. 


“It sure seems like it. He kept on crying your name while he was getting beat.” Youngjae’s mouth opens in a silent sob. So it was Jaebum who was screaming in the room next to him.


“Please. Please let us go!” Youngjae pleads with a shaky voice.


“Why should I?” Youngjae hears the mans chair screech across the ground. Footsteps come toward Youngjae’s side of the table.


“What did we do? What did I do?” He cries out, more desperate now that he knows it was Jaebum in the room next to him.


The man slams his fist on the table, “You didn’t look for me!” He yells loudly scaring but confusing Youngjae.


“What?” Youngjae breathes out. Then the bag was being ripped off of his head.


“Y-yugyeom?” He shakily calls out. Yugyeom looked different. He had dark brown hair, he looked taller, and he had beefed up quite a bit. Yugyeom’s face was filled with anger and disgust, not his usual loving and passionate one. 


“You didn’t look for me! You found a ing romance!” He grabs Youngjae’s shoulders, pulling him up to stand. 


“That is not true! I looked for you day and night!” Youngjae shouts, face full of tears and snot. “Kim Yugyeom, I cried almost every night from guilt!” 


Youngjae sees Yugyeom’s face soften for a few seconds, giving him a short-lived relief before it goes back to the face filled with anger, “ing liar.” 


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amaranta17 #1
Chapter 14: Why is Mark being so nice now! Like wasn't he evil haha mark or jaebum?????....
kpop-kookie33 #2
annachan933 #3
NOOOO! I WANT MORE!! It's soooo good! I can't believe it! Please upload more ASAP before I die from curiosity! ( > o < )
sasa1245 #4
Chapter 7: Plean can you upload quickly i want continue this story!!
Chapter 6: Thank you for.the updateeee

Who is Maddox and wtf where is JB?

Haksnxjsbjsndksnxks <3
:) Thank you authornim
Chapter 5: Yugyeommmmmm T.T!!!

Thanks.for the update <3
Chapter 4: My gosh

My poor heart when YJ look at "zombie-YG"

It's a nice.story

I'm.looking forward for this fanfic <3
letwindgo #8
Chapter 3: This is so good T.T the concept is nice ~ their characteristics are diffirent with real life but still fit them.

Hope you can write longger for each chapter coz this is too short for a good story :)