
The End ♡

“Amber, Sohye, go to the main road where all of the shops are. Jackson, Jinyoung, go into the forest or anywhere around there. Youngjae and I will stay here if he ever comes back.” Mark claps his hands to signal everybody to move out. Once the 4 are out of sight, Youngjae turns towards Mark with a locked jaw.


“Really? Send everyone else out and stay here on your .” 


“Youngjae, I am protecting us!” Mark replies with an angrier tone.


“Protecting what? Nothing can be protected anymore. Soon this little house you found secluded will be overrun, our ammo will run out, our knives will go dull, we will run out of food, and we will die. You can’t be protected anymore.” Youngjae turns on his heel and walks down the stairs into the front yard.


“Choi Youngjae, where are you going?” He hears Mark from behind him. 


“I’m going to find that kid that has no business being out here.” 





“God, Mark is such an . He sends us out to do all the dirty work and stays back there to sit on his .” Sohye kicks a rock, making it hit the sidewalk.


“Youngjae does the same. The first time he went on a run he barely got us food and made the unstable kid go crazy.” Amber looks at Sohye who is slightly smiling.


“I think Youngjae does more than Mark though. I bet you in a few weeks or possibly days, Mark will die and Youngjae will take over.” Sohye points her knife in the air, drawing out the scenario. 


“No way! Jinyoung will become the new leader. That man, he really is something.” 


“Why do you think so highly of him?” Sohye questions, pushing her hair out of her face.


“He is the one that saved me when all of this went down.” Sohye makes a slight ‘ah’ sound.





“Yugyeom? It’s me,Youngjae. If you are here, come out. I won’t be mad.” Youngjae says into the air, grabbing his arms to try and warm them up. 


“God I should have worn a jacket.” Youngjae whispers. He starts to hum, but hears a twig snapping near him. He grabs his knife and pulls it out. Making sure to go in a circle so one of them can’t come from behind, he holds the knife in front of him. A man comes out of the woods, scaring Youngjae, causing him to start slashing in random ways.


“Ow! ing hell, short stuff.” The man groans in annoyance. 


“Who are you? What do you want?” Youngjae says, voice laced with panic and worry.


“Don’t worry, kiddo. I don’t want anything. My name is Jaebum, chill out.” The stranger puts his hands in front of his body.


Suddenly, Youngjae remembers what he is out here for, “Have you seen a kid, around 6’1? Red hair? Wearing a black shirt, black skinny jeans, an adidas jacket, and some converse?”


Jaebum looks at the shorter male in front of his, “No? Why does he sound so fashionable for the apocalypse.”


“I honestly have no idea. But you haven’t seen him?” Youngjae probes once more.


Jaebum sighs loudly, “No! I haven’t seen the tall,fashionable kid. Can you move out of the way so I can leave now?” 


“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” Youngjae side-steps and lets the stranger pass by him. Once Jaebum is out of ear shot, Youngjae mutters a slight ‘What an .’

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amaranta17 #1
Chapter 14: Why is Mark being so nice now! Like wasn't he evil haha mark or jaebum?????....
kpop-kookie33 #2
annachan933 #3
NOOOO! I WANT MORE!! It's soooo good! I can't believe it! Please upload more ASAP before I die from curiosity! ( > o < )
sasa1245 #4
Chapter 7: Plean can you upload quickly i want continue this story!!
Chapter 6: Thank you for.the updateeee

Who is Maddox and wtf where is JB?

Haksnxjsbjsndksnxks <3
:) Thank you authornim
Chapter 5: Yugyeommmmmm T.T!!!

Thanks.for the update <3
Chapter 4: My gosh

My poor heart when YJ look at "zombie-YG"

It's a nice.story

I'm.looking forward for this fanfic <3
letwindgo #8
Chapter 3: This is so good T.T the concept is nice ~ their characteristics are diffirent with real life but still fit them.

Hope you can write longger for each chapter coz this is too short for a good story :)