
Battle of the Leaders


"She died 5 years ago."

"You can die here?" you didn't know that people could die here because you thought that people who DIED are sent here.

"Of course. This place is just like Earth. People sent here are just given a second chance to live. Like you."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did she die?" you were a little hesitant about this question because you didn't want Soohyun to think of the past.

"Honestly... It was partly my fault." 

You frowned and Soohyun knew you didn't understand.

"One day, she came home and told me that she fell for someone. I was happy for her. She looked so happy and in love. But when she told me that the guy was from Paradise, it was like the whole world collapsed."


"The people from the two worlds aren't supposed to fall in love. Much less get Paired. As her elder brother, of course I didn't approve of this relationship. But seeing her devastated look, I couldn't bear to break them up. I helped them to meet up occasionally. The guy was friendly, I could see that he sincerely loved her."

You nodded, showing that you understood.

"But the day we all dreaded came. The Council found out about them. We weren't really aware of the rules when we were younger. You have no idea how many rules we broke. My sister and the boy, they were sentenced to be Exiled. The boy didn't want to leave his family. He took her and they hid near his neighborhood. When the Council found them, they were just..." Soohyun's tears rolled down his cheeks.

You patted his back. "Oppa, it's not your fault."

"They were killed on the spot. If I hadn't allowed them to meet and date, she wouldn't have got into all this trouble. It was partly my fault that she got killed. But if the boy had just went according to the instructions, my sister wouldn't have got killed! She could've just been Exiled and live in the Divider. We could at least see her once every 3 years! Now he made that impossible."

"So that's why you hate Paradise people so much?"

He nodded.

"But not all Paradise people are like this! I'm not."

"I know. That's why I'm friends with you. I believe that you wouldn't be like that guy."

"I'm sorry about what happened to your sister..."

"Aniya, it's ok now. As long as we have her in out hearts, she won't be gone for good." Soohyun wiped away his tears. He suddenly held your hand. 

"JaeIn-ah, I really really like you a lot. Not because you look like my sister, but also because of your personality. I like you for who you are. Don't worry, I'm sincere. I won't force you to make your choice now, but just to let you know that I'll always be here for you." He said and smiled. 

Your heartbeat quickened. *Am I really falling for Soohyun oppa?*

Sunggyu's face suddenly appeared in your mind. 

*But what about Sunggyu oppa? He treats me well too... I feel really selfish for holding on to both of them and not being able to make a decision. I need to choose soon...*

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yooamie #1
Chapter 31: aww that's so cute!
awwwe. cute ending!
gabyme0629 #3
Did you read Matched?
finished already?!~ >.<<br />
awww..that was amazing story^^<br />
Nice Sunggyu ending xD
Loved your story!!~ xD <br />
Looking forward to your new fic! ^^