Almost Caught

Recovering Happiness
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Zico POV

      The next day, I woke up with sore thighs and I wondered what happened. My mind then flashed back to last night, reminding me of what I did to myself. I saw manager-nim finish up brushing his hair. He turned to me and smiled.

      "Good morning, Jiho. You must have been tired due to yesterday," he started off. I froze. Wait...he couldn't possibly know what I did to..myself...

      "I mean, I would assume nearly drowning would be extremely exhausting," he continued. Oh...phew.

      "Anyways, everybody is up and ready. Unless I can't smell right, I'm sure Taeil made some breakfast for us all. That smart kid bought groceries for the trip. How nice. I'll wait outside, okay?" he finished. I nodded and made haste in getting ready, wary of the throbbing pain in my thighs.

      Outside the cabins were tables with benches set up. It was about 9 in the morning,so the sun did a good job of drying off all the rain. I sat down next to Kyung, quickly grabbing a bowl of rice. Kyung slung his arm over me.

      "Sleeping princess finally woke up, yeah?" he joked. Obviously an attempt to get back at the orange comment yesterday. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to retort back, but Taeil-hyung angrily banged his spoon against his bowl.

      "Guys, please refrain from arguing so early in the morning. I made all of this food for you guys to eat and I don't want it to turn cold!" he scolded. While Taeil-hyung can goof off sometimes, when his mother mode is activated, you'll never hear the end of it from him. In a way, it's good to have someone to hold us down. I held back my comments and instead chose to eat my bean sprouts, steamed eggs, and fried fish with my rice. It's a good thing that I stuffed myself because when all 7 of us, now 8 because of our manager, have to share a meal, it goes away quickly...extremely quick. Sometimes, you'd be lucky to even get one grain of rice since prying hands lurk around the table, sneakily invading your plates. Yukwon suddenly posed a question.

      "Hey, are we going to play volleyball today? The rain kind of ruined everything yesterday and I haven't had the chance to show you my insane skills," he bragged.

      "Of course we are! Especially since you decided to wage war against I, the ultimate volleyball god," Minhyuk-hyung piped in. 

      "Four people per team! Let's go! The net is by the lake!" exclaimed our manager, much like a child excited to eat ice cream in the summer. Everyone abandoned their bowls, which were most definitely empty, and ran joyfully to the lake.

      Taeil-hyung, who has never seemed to be the sporty type, actually was not the sporty type. In fact, he didn't even know how to play volleyball. We stood on standby, waiting for Jaehyo to explain to him what to do. He soon understood and got into his competitive mode. We were ready.

      Minhyuk-hyung and Yukwon established their rivalry a few minutes ago, so of course they were on different teams as captains. Yukwon was on Team A with Jihoon, Taeil-hyung, and Jaehyo-hyung. Minhyuk-hyung was on Team B with manager-nim, Kyung, and I. I didn't play volleyball for a long time, but I was definitely ready to support my team. If I can't do any good for Block B, this is the least I can do, I suddenly thought. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the internal voice. 

      The game started off a bit easy in the hopes of allowing Taeil-hyung to get the feel of the game. Suprisingly, he turned out to be an average player, unlike what we expected. With Jaehyo-hyung, he was able to understand any remaining logisitics. After that, the game quickly became fierce, mostly because of the fiery battle between the captains. The ball came flying to me and I was ready to hit it into the air, passing it to Minhyuk-hyung. However, what I foolishly did not expect was for the ball to directly hit my arm with cuts. I successfully passed the ball, but couldn't help but wince in pain. The cuts I made weren't exactly small...they still hurt when I touched them.

      Once again, the ball came towards me, this time hit by Yukwon,and I had no choice but to pass it back, but this time the effects were worse because of his strength. Blood started to seep through my yellow hoodie, becoming largely visible to anyone nearby. , I thought, I forgot to bandage them again after that day.Our manager, noticing this, caught the ball and held it, pointing towards me.

     " that blood?" he asked, as if he couldn't believe I got injured from a mere game of volleyball. He shot Yukwon a look while walking up t

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I added in a Victoria moment for you all :) Maybe, just maybe, you'll want to read for about 60 seconds?


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Chapter 25: I couldn't stop reading until the end..... How I missed this cute couple
It's been so long since I've read this story and I really miss it
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 11: I think you've made me ship these two now XD
T6814R #5
Chapter 26: I may be late, but I just want to say that this is one of the best stories I've read!!! thank you for posting this story <3
Chapter 25: I loved this so much!! I read this whole story in less than a day. Nichkhun and Jiho are really cute together and there are so many sweet moments between them <3 You did such a great job writing this :) Definitely a rare favorite story of mine now :)
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 26: That was so brilliantly squeetastic!!! Just ask kinds of amazing, read it all in one go. My Jiho got his happy ending. (I adore him). It was a rough road but they made it. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 26: OH MY, at last, I get to finish reading this. (I'm sorry for being late when I'm too happy to open my shop and GOT myself SO many responses!).
I really love the way you insert the date and lyrics in this story. You made this story so real for us to assume that THIS actually happened!!! Like I said in my previous comment, you did a good job in expressing their personal POV very very WELL. From sad, to happy to cheesy to sad, to cute, yea is what made me giggle and sob.
Thanks dear for recommending this to me!
I love this. (*sending my love and hugs to you*)
Chapter 8: Blame it on my crazy mind who always gives me idea to write. I'm so sorry for not commenting till now (I'm going on a marathon to finish this since I'm planning to open the shop in a day or two).
At the first chapter, I do see some grammatical mistakes, but now it's rare. And back to the topic you're using reminds me of this news I read but well, I do listen to Block B songs and I love Zico and P.O, their raps is OMG. But at that time, I didn't follow them well (you know what I mean?). So, reading this kinda make me feel like reconnecting with them ^_^.
So far, till this chapter, I love the flow and each character's development. You did a good job in expressing their POV (each of them) and you won't let us hanging wondering what or why. It's good. Though it's just average length for every chapter, I find myself full since everything is there.
Till my final comment, I'm going to have a marathon read.
reshavxx #10
Chapter 6: nickhun to the rescue. i think khun will be the first to find out about zico cutting D: sighs i hope things would start lightening up between the two, zico's in so much pain my heart aches for him.