
Recovering Happiness
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Nichkhun POV

      Sadly, it wasn't possible to put off filming for 'We Got Married' simply because it was an on-going show. Netizens were always fast to put two and two together. Articles of Jiho's accident leaked, and people were pouring out their support, though a few still believed he deserved it (what rubbish). Dispatch would naturally lurk around the hospital, therefore if I took time off to go there, netizens would somehow link the two of us together. Not that they would be wrong, but a scandal would break out for sure. My tweets about Thailand would resurface and ultimately, I'd probably be booted out of 'We Got Married' to prevent rating losses, effectively ruining it for Victoria. In short, I just had to continue and hope the best for Jiho.

      I guess that Jiho's accident took a toll on me because all I could think about was him while filming. It was hard for me to look into Victoria noona's eyes or even touch her. It didn't take long for the director to get mad.

      "Nichkhun! I don't know what's going on but the purpose of this show is to act like a married couple! You can't shy away from Victoria! Get a hold of yourself!" he scolded me. "We'll take a break and come back in five," he told the rest of the production staff. All I could think about was Jiho, Jiho, Jiho, and before I knew it, I broke down after holding it for so long.

      I absolutely hated crying in public, but my heart was too heavy. I not only failed my lover, but now I was faiing all these people who were working so hard for me, especially Victoria. I didn't even have time to get the comfort I needed. My mind cried for Jiho and Jiho only. I missed his touch so much. I missed the way he used to laugh at my jokes, clapping his hands in pure joy. The way his sharp eyes looked at me, concentrating on just us. The way his nose crinkled when he didn't like something he produced. The way he loved the world and wanted to learn everything. He was such a beautiful soul, and all I've done so far is cloud it with my ignorance and spitefulness.

      My manager ran up to me, cradling my face in my arms. Everyone was gaping in disbelief, some sending angry glares to the director, who put up his hands in defense. I wrapped my arms around manager-hyung's waist, pulling him closer to me. I didn't care who it was; I needed human contact.

      "Ah, director-nim I'm sorry but Nichkhun has had a rough time the past week. His friend is in critical condition at the hospital and still didn't wake up yet. Please be a bit lenient with him for a while, if it doesn't trouble you," my manager explained to everyone. The director's expression softened.

      "Oh, I...I didn't know that. Sorry for the outburst, I thought he was doing this on purpose or something of that sort....okay, okay take your time. We all need a break too," he replied apologetically. While everyone left, Victoria noona stayed behind.

      "Nichkhun, you know that if something is wrong, you can tell me, okay? You always have my phone number, so feel free to ask if you want to me up," she said soothingly. I pondered for a while, wondering whether talking to her like this would betray Jiho. I desperately need someone else other than Taecyeon to talk to. I can't talk that much to the others. Maybe, Victoria noona might be the right person, I thought.

      "Noona, are you free after filming? Let's go somewhere and talk. I need to tell you something," I asked. She nodded her head and rubbed my hand, agreeing to hear me out.

      After agreeing to meet up near the Han River, we relayed the message to our managers, who took us separately to avoid any scandals breaking out. They waited for us nearby while we began our conversation.

      "So, what's up Nichkhun?" she asked with a tone of seriousness. I took a deep breath, preparing myself.

      "Well, as you already know, my friend is in the hospital. He got into a car accident. A drunk driver ran him over while he was crossing the street," I began. She gasped.

      "Omo, is he okay?" she inquired. I nodded.

      "He should be stable now," I replied, resulting in her smiling a bit. "But, the problem is....I got into a fight with him probably a few before the accident happened. I said some mean things which made him leave, and I didn't bother chasing after him. I feel so guilty. If I had been there, this wouldn't have happened," I continued, choking up. She rubbed my shoulder, trying to console me.

      "What did you fight about?" she questioned. I gulped, knowing that this was something I had to be careful about talking about. But I trusted her and decided to reveal everything.

      " see....he's not really my friend. Rather, he's my boyfriend. As in, I'm dating him," I said dubiously. She nodded again, not frowning upon the words I said. "JYP signed me up for WGM without my knowledge, so I had no choice but to participate. I think my boyfriend was a bit unnerved knowing that I'd be with someone else on national TV, and I may have read his thoughts to easily, making him feel exposed. Then filming started, and you were a great person. I knew we would be close friends. But that made him question himself and his worth. I may have neglected talking to him by choosing to speak to you, making him mad. Instead of understanding him, I just blamed him for having the wrong mindset, telling him he should of thought of our busy schedules before dating me," I let out. She winced.

      "Ouch. That must have hurt. But what do yo

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I added in a Victoria moment for you all :) Maybe, just maybe, you'll want to read for about 60 seconds?


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Chapter 25: I couldn't stop reading until the end..... How I missed this cute couple
It's been so long since I've read this story and I really miss it
Chapter 1: Ok
Chapter 11: I think you've made me ship these two now XD
T6814R #5
Chapter 26: I may be late, but I just want to say that this is one of the best stories I've read!!! thank you for posting this story <3
Chapter 25: I loved this so much!! I read this whole story in less than a day. Nichkhun and Jiho are really cute together and there are so many sweet moments between them <3 You did such a great job writing this :) Definitely a rare favorite story of mine now :)
annethundr05 #7
Chapter 26: That was so brilliantly squeetastic!!! Just ask kinds of amazing, read it all in one go. My Jiho got his happy ending. (I adore him). It was a rough road but they made it. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 26: OH MY, at last, I get to finish reading this. (I'm sorry for being late when I'm too happy to open my shop and GOT myself SO many responses!).
I really love the way you insert the date and lyrics in this story. You made this story so real for us to assume that THIS actually happened!!! Like I said in my previous comment, you did a good job in expressing their personal POV very very WELL. From sad, to happy to cheesy to sad, to cute, yea is what made me giggle and sob.
Thanks dear for recommending this to me!
I love this. (*sending my love and hugs to you*)
Chapter 8: Blame it on my crazy mind who always gives me idea to write. I'm so sorry for not commenting till now (I'm going on a marathon to finish this since I'm planning to open the shop in a day or two).
At the first chapter, I do see some grammatical mistakes, but now it's rare. And back to the topic you're using reminds me of this news I read but well, I do listen to Block B songs and I love Zico and P.O, their raps is OMG. But at that time, I didn't follow them well (you know what I mean?). So, reading this kinda make me feel like reconnecting with them ^_^.
So far, till this chapter, I love the flow and each character's development. You did a good job in expressing their POV (each of them) and you won't let us hanging wondering what or why. It's good. Though it's just average length for every chapter, I find myself full since everything is there.
Till my final comment, I'm going to have a marathon read.
reshavxx #10
Chapter 6: nickhun to the rescue. i think khun will be the first to find out about zico cutting D: sighs i hope things would start lightening up between the two, zico's in so much pain my heart aches for him.