Happy Valentines Day or Unhappy Valentines Day...?

A Hidden Gangster

You ran all the way to school.You just couldn't wait to give L the biscuits you made lastnight.You made chocolates for the rest of Infinite.

Once you entered school,you looked for L everywhere.When you spotted him,you ran behind him and back-hugged him.L jumoed and spun around.

You giggled.His eyes softened at your cute little self.He touched the white ribbon in your hair.He remembered last Friday.He wanted to scream at you but he stop when he saw you holding a pink box.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Huh?Oh.This?This for you oppa.I made it for you,Happy Valentines Day Myungsoo oppa!" you handed him the box and smiled.He forgot about everything instantly.He smiled and opened the box carefully.

His eyes widened at the cookies that had each letter of his name on it.


He looked at you.You blinked at him.The next thing you know,his lips were on yours.

You didn't feel anything.No spark.No fireworks.Nothing.

He pulled back and held your hand.Both of you walked to class with a comfortable silence.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Woohyun hugged you tightly,earning glares from every female in the class.Hoya pried Woohyun of you.

"You know what day it is today?" Hoya asked you.You tapped your bottom lip,pretending to be clueless.

"Erm...What day is it?" you asked,innocently.L chuckled and went to his seat beside Sungyeol.Sunggyu just looked at you from afar.He couldn't come near you anymore.He planned to confess to you during lunch.

"What?!?!!?You don't know?!!?"Woohyun cried hysterically.You cracked a smile.

"Of course I know,oppa.It's Valentines Day!" you went to your seat.You felt a tap on your shoulder.

You turned around to be greated by Sunggyu.You smiled.

"~~~~~~-" Before Sunggyu could continue,the teacher had come in.He sighed and went back to his seat.You shrugged.

In the middle of the class,a piece of paper landed on your table.You looked back to see Sunggyu waving at you.You nodded.

You opened the note.

Hey Princess,

I have something to tell you during lunch.Meet me at the garden.It's important.


You looked back and smiled at him.

The classes were going by faster than usual.Before you know it,it was already lunch.

"Myung oppa,I'll meet you at the cafeteria,ok?I have something to do," you tugged on L's shirt.

"But,I'll miss you..."he pouted and hugged your waist.You rolled your eyes.You had to admit,you felt kind of irritated.

"I'll see you later," you pulled away from him and ran to the garden.L didn't realize but he kind of stalked you.

"Sunggyu oppa!" you ran up to Sunggyu.He greeted you with a warm smile.He asked you to sit on the bench beside you.

"So...what do you want to tell me?" He cleared his throat.You looked at his expression.He looked troubled for once.

"Oppa...what's wrong?" you cupped his cheek.He looked at you and held out a white tulip.

"O-oppa..." you whispered.

"~~~~~~,look.I like you,screw that,I love you.I just can't say it.I know Myungsoo has you.I don't want to be a bad hyung and take you away from him...but...I can't lose,~~~~~~-ah...I love you." With that,his lips landed on yours.His kiss was soft,sweet and gentle.You felt it,you felt everything.You felt sparks.You saw fireworks.You unconciously kissed him back.

You now know,you didn't love L but Sunggyu.Sunggyu pulled back.

Suddenly,you saw him on the floor groaning in pain.You looked up to see a very,super pissed L.He grabbed your wrist and pulled you with him.

"OPPA!STOP!Y-you're hurting me!" you shouted.Your voice echoed through the empty hallway.

"WHY DID YOU KISSED HIM BACK?!?!?" he shouted in your face.You winced.You had so many guys shout at you but L is the scariest.

"Do you know how I feel...?" he grabbed your hands.You roughly pulled away.He looked at you in shocked.

"I just realized something,oppa...I don't love you."

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Chapter 30: I am glad she ended up with Sunggyu.. I have nothing against Myungsoo, but I think they are better of as best friends.
sweetypiee #2
Chapter 30: <333333333333333333333333333333333333333
sweetypiee #3
Chapter 24: OK WAIT ouch
sweetypiee #4
sweetypiee #5
Chapter 22: woahhh L not so fast:<
I prefer her with Sunggyu though.
sweetypiee #6
sweetypiee #7
Chapter 7: OMG L L L L L L L L stop it you~
sweetypiee #8
congrats :)
nicyeol #10
Chapter 30: im so doooone and congrats :)