Chapter Five.

♥This is Love..♥


 Later at night.
''I am gonna catch youuuuu~!!'' said Hyukjae playfully.
''Kyahh~!!'' squealed Donghae as Hyukjae chased him around his room.
Kyuhyun frowned as he look up from his game.
This two hyungs are so noisy!
''Caught ya!!'' laughed Hyukjae, wrapping his arms around the petite frame of Donghae.
''Noooooo!!'' whined Donghae, squirming to break free.
''Uh uh..I am not gonna let go of you!'' said Hyukjae, hugging Donghae tighter in his arms.
Donghae felt another weird jolt in his heart and his face flushed.
''Huuuu!! '' cried Donghae suddenly.
HyukJae immediately let go of Donghae.
''What happened? Donghae are you alright?'' asked Hyukjae, turning around the bawling boy to face him.
Kyuhyun immediately dropped his game console down and rushed to them.
''Hyung! Why are you crying?!'' asked Kyuhyun worriedly.
''I..*sniff* I.. Huuuuaaaaahhh!! I THINK I AM DYINGGG!!!! HUUUUAAAAHHHH!!!'' sobbed Donghae.
Hyukjae and Kyuhyun looked at Donghae with confusion.
Hyukjae shook his head.
No, Donghae will not die.. No!
He hugged the boy tightly in his arms and said ''No! I will not let Donghae to die.. Donghae will not die!!''
And the weird feeling happened again.
Donghae sobbed louder.
Kyuhyun frowned.
''Why did you say that?'' asked Kyuhyun.
Donghae looked up sniffing.
''Cause there is something wrong with my heart..''
''What happened?'' asked Hyukjae before Kyuhyun could ask anything.
''It have a weird feeling and it will beat so quickly and sometimes I cant breathe.. '' said Donghae, rubbing his eyes cutely, trying to rub off his tears.
''How many times did it happen?'' asked Hyukjae.
Donghae sniffed and said '' I.. I think 3 times?''
''When did it happened?'' asked Hyukjae again, interrupting Kyuhyun once again.
Hyukjae opened his mouth again but this time Kyuhyun cut right in.
''Hyung, what are the symptoms?'' said Kyuhyun, glaring at Hyukjae.
Donghae tilted his head in confusion.
''W..what is 'symtoms' ?'' he asked.
''Donghae, dont worry, I will not let you die!'' said Hyukjae interrupting Kyuhyun.
''YAH! Cant you let me finish my talk?!'' snapped Kyuhyun.
''Sorry...'' mumbled Hyukjae.
Kyuhyun frowned and turned to Donghae who is still sniffing away through his cute little red nose.
''Hyung, Do you think you can find a cure for Donghae?'' asked Hyukjae to Sungmin.
''OMG!! Seriously!! Get out for awhile and discuss with the friend of yours!!'' snapped Kyuhyun, emphasizing 'friend' by making the quotation marks with his fingers in the air.
''Kyu!!'' whined Donghae.
Hyukjae smiled weakly and said ''Its ok, I think I should go out and discuss with Sungmin hyung..''
Kyuhyun grimaced as Hyukjae begin to 'drag' the invisible 'Sungmin hyung' of his out.
Once the door clicked close, Kyuhyun started again.
''Right, just before I was rudely interrupted, I was saying, What are your symptoms?''
''Alright alright just tell me already!''
''B..but what are symmtoms?''
Kyuhyun grunted in frustration. Seriously, who is the elder one here?!
''Symptoms - are what made up to make you feel sick or sort'' said Kyuhyun.
Donghae's mouth a cute little 'o' and nodded.
''Errm... My heart beat really fast.. And I cant breathe.. And.. My face felt hot..''
Kyuhyun nodded his little head and said ''Dont worry hyung.. You are not dying.. You are just.. Just..uhh.. maybe because its too stuffy?''
A wave of relieve washed over Donghae.
''Rweally?? Omggg!! Kyu!! Thank youuuu!!'' squealed Donghae hugging Kyuhyun.
Donghae then bounce happily to the door and let Hyukjae in.
''Hyukkie!! Kyu says its just that its too stuffy.. Thats why!!'' he said happily, but freezing when Hyukjae hastily wiped his eyes which before was filled with tears.
''H..hyukkie?'' asked Donghae.
Hyukjae sniffed and gave a smile.
''E..erm.. Hi Donghae..what d..did you just said?'' asked Hyukjae. *apparently he did not hear what Donghae just said..-.-*
Donghae's lips pulled down at the corners and he walked towards Hyukjae.
''Is.. Is Hyukkie.. C..crying?'' he asked in a sad tone that anyone who heard that would immediately hug that cute little precious.
Hyukjae shook his head and look away trying his best not to catch Donghae's now glassy with tears again eyes and to also not let him see his own wet eyes.
''H..hyukkie..'' whined Donghae lifting his chubby and dimpled baby arms to touch Hyukjae's pale and cold *and wet* face.
Hyukjae quickly blinked his tears away and turned to look at Donghae but was shocked to see the boy's face just inches away from his.
He felt his face blushing.
''Hyukkie had been crying..'' said Donghae, his cute lips forming a pout.
Hyukjae felt a strong want to place his own lips to the pouting ones just a few inches away from his.
Then he realized what he was thinking, he quickly shook his head and moved away.
'' I am n..-'' he trailed off when he saw Donghae's tears again.
''Donghae is a bad bad boy.. Donghae made his Hyukkie cry! Wahhhhh!!!'' cried Donghae, covering is face with his palms.
Hyukjae stood there stunned.
''Noo!! Hae!! Dont cry!! Hae is not a bad boy.. Hae is a good boy!! Dont cry...'' exclaimed HyukJae, flailing his arms, not knowing what to do.
Sungmin, who had be there all the while, said '' Hyukjae!! Dont just stand there and flail your arms!''
''Hyung.. But what can I do to make his stop crying'' said Hyukjae, who is close to tears too.
Just then, little Kyuhyun came out with a cross look on his face.
''Yah!! You two!! Stop crying! If you wanna cry, come in and cry. You are waking the whole house!!'' he whispered in a harsh tone, arms akimbo.
(Just imagine a short babyish Kyu, frowning at you with arms akimbo... AWWWW!!)
Both Hyukjae and Donghae went into the room sniffing.
Sungmin followed in and helping to close the door as neither made move to close it.
Kyunhyun gulped as he saw the door 'closed by itself' when there isnt a single breeze blowing in the air.
But he shrugged it off and turned his crying hyungs.
''First of all, STOP CRYING FOR STARCRAFT SAKE!!'' he yelled.
The two of them stood there stunned.
''Much better.. Ok..'' said Kyuhyun, sitting on the yellow stool and crossing his fat arms like a boss.
''Right..Monkey boy, stop crying. That fish is not dying. Its the room. Its too stuffy , thats why he is feeling like this.'' said Kyuhyun sternly.
''Oh..'' said Hyukjae. He felt so relieved after hearing that.
''B..but.. Donghae is a bad bad boy.. He made Hyukkie cry..'' said Donghae.
''No Hae.. You are not a bad boy!!'' whined Hyukjae, causing Kyuhyun to shudder.
Hyukjae hugged Donghae.
''Hae is the most perfect and the good-est boy in the whole world!!'' he whispered to Donghae's ear, ignoring Kyuhyun's fake gagging motion.
Donghae felt it again.
He pulled away and said '' Kyu.. I think we should open the window.. ''
Kyuhyun nodded and tried to open the window. But being a kid, its too high up for him.
Sungmin went to help him.
Kyuhyun gave a squawk of surprise.
''What happen Kyu?'' asked Donghae.
''N..nothing..'' stuttered Kyuhyun.
Donghae gave a shudder.
''I think.. Its too cold outside.. We should close the window instead..'' said Donghae.
Kyuhyun grumbled a little as he tried to closer the window.
Sungmin was about to help when Kyuhyun muttered ''Whoever are you stop it. Its not funny.''
Sungmin pouted at Kyuhyun, who of course cant see him.
Kyuhyun reached his small fat babyish arms as far as he could and grabbed the window plane and shut it down before falling backwards on his soft squishy .
''Ouch!'' exclaimed Kyuhyun, rubbing his soft and squishy.
Donghae giggled and went over to help him up.
Just then, there came a knock on the door.
Mrs Lee popped her head in and said ''Alright kids, its time for bed..''
Donghae pouted and whined ''Aww... Mummy.. But I wanna play with Hyukkie longer...''
Mrs Lee chuckled at her son.
''Hae, you can play with him tomorrow when you wake up''
Donghae pouted and look at HyukJae helplessly.
HyukJae nodded at him which causes him to pout even harder.
''Humph!'' huffed Donghae, climbing up to his bed and sitting there with arms crossed around his chest.
Mrs Lee and HyukJae chuckled at him.
''Alright, Kyu darling, HyukJae dear, you should get some sleep soon too.. '' said Mrs Lee.
Kyuhyun nodded his head and place his PSP into his bag before joining Donghae on the bed.
HyukJae was about to climb up the bed when Mrs Lee said '' HyukJae dear, its your first time here.. so.. I just want to warn you.. Hae sometimes talk in his sleep and he will grab the nearest thing next to him and hug it tightly.. Kyu had experienced it and that’s why there will be a bolster in the center to prevent Hae from hugging him.. But since you are sleeping over, the bolster would be taken out to allow more space..If not, If you dont mind, I can get for you a spare mattress that you can sleep on?''
HyukJae and Kyuhyun laughed while Donghae, who is still in his little tantrum, blushed.
''Its ok, Mrs Lee.. I think I can manage it'' replied HyukJae, flashing his cute gummy smile.
Mrs Lee laugh and said ''Ok then.. Good night kids! Sleep well!'' before switching off the light.
''Goodnight Mrs Lee/ Mummy '' replied the kids.
When Mrs Lee left, Kyuhyun spoke ''Monkey hyung, can you sleep in the center? I dont wanna be choke to death by that Fishy's death grip''
A loud ''Hrumph!'' came from Donghae's side.
So HyukJae and Kyuhyun exchanged places.
HyukJae knew that Hae always talk in his dreams and that he loves to hug something because he had been spying on him.
He turned his body to face Donghae's back *that kid is still pouting in the dark*
''Donghae?... Are you still angry?'' whispered HyukJae.
HyukJae felt the movement as Donghae shook his head on the pillow vigorously.
HyukJae sighed and place his hand on Donghae's hair and it gently.
''Dont be angry...ok? Sleep tight...Goodnight Donghae..'' he whispered, before closing his eyes to sleep.
''..... Goodnight Hyukkie..'' came an reply.
HyukJae smiled and drifted off to dreamland.
And as for the game addict?
It was his turn to pout.
How could they forget to say 'Goodnight' to him?!
''Hrumph! Nobody says goodnight to me!'' he huffed, but the two of them had already fallen asleep.
He hugged his pink bunny tightly and said ''Nevermind, at least Bunnie would say goodnight to me.. Right?''
He made the toy to nod its head.
Smiling, satisfied, he whispered ''Goodnight Bunnie..'' as the sandman begin its work on him.
Just before he drifted off to dreamland, he heard a cute and faint voice whispering to him
''Goodnight I wish you would say goodnight to me too...''
Author's note: Lol.. Updated :)
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
/I just wanna squish Donghae and Kyuhyun omg xD/
Shameless plugging time!
" Check out my new fanfic.
[Jurassic Park.]
The setting is where Jurassic Park existed and the events Alan Grant and Ian Malcom encountered were real and in the past.
Its a SuJu- centric fic but with SMtown supporting cast. Oh, and because I like Dream High 2 so much.. I will be including Jinwoon,Sora,JB and Jiyeon in the story as minor characters.
And its a fic.. But there will be a few Hextoual pairings.. :)
Maybe 1 or 2.. Or more? Idk.. LOL.
* Dont worry, EunHae,KyuMin,YeWook,KangTeuk,HanChul will be intact ;D There will be DB5k -YunJae,YooSu- and SHINee -JongKey, 2Min- pairings too :D*
Oh, but be warned.. There will be character deaths. Not only one or two.. But more..
And it will be rated M because of violence and vulgarities.. But if you want, I can include some scenes!
And of course there will be dinosaurs! RAWR!!                                                                                                                                                     "
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Will be on semi-haitus D:


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jewelsvalencia #1
Chapter 12: Omonaaa i hope Hyukkie is fine! Aigoo Hae don't cry, Hyukkie will come back to you soon and Kyu don't be sad :(
sunmoon #2
Chapter 12: I like this story so much,and I hate the fact that hyukjae must leave hae,update soon,please!
sunmoon #3
Chapter 12: I like this story so much,and I hate the fact that hyukjae must leave hae,update soon,please!
Chapter 12: OMO! I hope things will go well pwease!!!!!!!!
sunmoon #5
Chapter 11: Aww hae dont cry,you'll always be in hyukkie's heart,hope his uncle'll not do sth cruel to hyukkie,poor hyukkie and hae,update soon,please!
Chapter 11: Oh dy god no way uncle ahjusshi! You can't take Hyukkie away from him!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Oh dy god no way uncle ahjusshi! You can't take Hyukkie away from him!!!!!!!!!
sunmoon #8
Cutie hae,i imagine little hae in snow,update soon!
x3PSYY #9
Hwaiting! Heheheheh! XD
awwwwwwwww~ little Hae just too cute~ asdfghjklcdcvegdg so adorable~