Chapter Three.

♥This is Love..♥


Donghae turned around with Kyuhyun leading the way, disappointed.

"You told me that he will come alive.." he thought.

The angel in his dreams told him that Mr.Frosty will come

to life .. And promised him that he will make sure it will..


It seems that its really just a dream..


"hyung?" asked Kyuhyun, worried as Donghae stopped in his tracks.


"He lied.. He told me its real.." sobbed Donghae, hugging his knees.


"w..who is he?" asked Kyuhyun, confused.


" angel.." sobbed Donghae into his arms.


Kyuhyun frowned. There are no such things as angels..?


"Then who is that.. If he is not an angel.. “thought Kyuhyun, thinking

about the cute boy.. Or sort in his dreams.

Well, he is so cute and squishy.. He cant be a human.. He is too beautiful..

But there is no such thing as angels!


"no.. Not angel.. He is a bunny.." he decided.


"Hyung.. Its just a dream.." yeah.. Just a dream.. Bunny is just a dream too.




Suddenly a bright flash of light glowed behind them.

Donghae and Kyuhyun quickly turned around to find the snowman is

Surrounded by a bright blue light.


Kyuhyun instinctively took a step back, while Donghae walked towards the glowing snowman.


"M..Mr frosty?" asked Donghae.


"D..Donghae??" gasped the snowman.


"Hyung! G..get back here!" hissed Kyuhyun, frightened.

Donghae ignored Kyuhyun and took curious little steps

towards the snowman.


" can hear me?" asked the 'snowman' (its HyukJae! He succeed!!)


"Yeah..  kyuie, am I dreaming?" asked Donghae, eyes not leaving the snowman.


"Hyung, g..get back!!" stuttered Kyuhyun.


The light grew brighter and brighter.

Donghae and Kyuhyun shielded their eyes and then the light dimmed.


Donghae peek through his tiny fingers and saw a young boy standing in place of the snowman.


The boy turned around as though searching for something behind his back.


"Hyung! I had succeed!!" exclaimed the boy to the air next to him.


The boy looked so beautiful. His red plump lips curved upwards to reveal an adorable gummy smile.


Then realization hit Donghae.


"Its you!!" squealed Donghae excitedly, rushing to the boy and giving him a crushing hug.


Kyuhyun then peeked through his fingers and saw Donghae hugging a blushing boy.


"Do you know.. Who am I?" asked HyukJae(that boy of course).


Donghae pulled back from the hug and nodded his head vigorously, shocking HyukJae.


"You are the angel!!" exclaimed Donghae grinning widely.


HyukJae blushed.

"Erm.. I am not.. angel" he said shyly.


Donghae pouted and said "you are!! You told me Mr

Frosty will come alive and then you will come and play with me!!"


HyukJae tilted his head in confusion.. Since when?


And even if he did... He wont know..right...?


Donghae pouted at HyukJae's confused face

"You told me.. In my dream, that you will soon be able to talk to me and meet up with me.. Through Mr.Frosty..." said Donghae, placing his hands to his hips, looking annoyed.


HyukJae furrowed his brows in confusion.


Donghae sighed and mumbled "you forgot.."


"anyways, whats your name?" asked Donghae.


HyukJae blushed again and mumbled "Lee...H..hyukjae"


Donghae smiled happily and said "Owkay! Then I shall call you Hyukkie!"


HyukJae blushed again.


Donghae squealed and pinched HyukJae's cheeks

"Awww!! Hyukkie is so cute when shy!!!"

Causing HyukJae to blush even deeper.


"Excuse me.. But I am here too" said an irritated Kyuhyun.


Donghae giggled and pulled Kyuhyun over.


"Hyukkie! This is Cho Kyuhyun! He is 6 this year and thinks angels doesn’t exist and I've proved him wrong!" said Donghae smugly to HyukJae.


"Yah! Angels doesn’t exis..." started Kyuhyun but stopping, when Donghae pointed at HyukJae who once again blushed.


"Fine." he said, pouting.


"And Kyuie, This is Hyukkie.. I mean HyukJae, my angel" said Donghae, clinging cutely onto HyukJae's arm.


"Bleh.. Whatever.. Lets get in the house before mum come out.." said Kyuhyun turning around.


Donghae nodded and said "Hyukkie, lets go in, I cant wait to tell mummy about this!!"


"Erm, Donghae.. I think you should not tell your mum about this..." said HyukJae nervously.


"Waee??" questioned Donghae, pouting.


Kyuhyun snorted and said “Because no one will believe that your Hyukkie is an angel. And appeared from a snowman"


"But you saw it!! Its real!! Hyukkie is real tooo!!" said Donghae.


"Adults will not believe it" replied Kyuhyun simply.



"Its ok Donghae.. "


Kyuhyun sighed and said to the pouting fishy "Just say that you made a new friend..."


Donghae frowned but stopped when HyukJae nodded his head in approval.


"Owkay than.." said Donghae.


"Oh! And this Sungmin hyung!" said HyukJae, gesturing next to him.


Sungmin blushed and waved. "Hi.."


Kyuhyun and Donghae stared at HyukJae with a confused expression.


"But Hyukkie.. There is no one there.." said Donghae.


Sungmin sighed, yeah.. They cant see him..


"Ah.. Oh.. You cant see him .." said HyukJae.


"Hyung.. I am sorry.." said HyukJae to Sungmin.


Kyuhyun shuddered "This is mad. What is wrong with this world? Weird things are happening today.. First a glowing snowman that turned into a weird monkey looking kid and next, he started introducing an invisible friend to us.. This must be a dream.. A nightmare.. Urghh!!", shaking his head.


Donghae frowned and said "this is real. Its not a dream!"


"and HyukJae is not a monkey looking for your info! He is the most beautiful-est angel ever!!" pouted Donghae.


"Erm, thanks Donghae.." muttered HyukJae.


Kyuhyun snorted and said "Lets get going... "


The 6year old turned around, pulling Donghae by the arm and dragged him  towards the house.


Donghae hurriedly grab HyukJae's arm too and drag him along.






"Mom! I've brought that childish kid and a monkey back!" called Kyuhyun aa he went into the house.


"Kyu! Thats mean!... I am so sorry, Mrs Lee.. Aishh! Kyuhyun you can’t say that to people!" chided Mrs Cho.


Mrs Lee chuckled and said "its ok.. Hae is childish for his age"


"Mummy!!!" protested Donghae, lips pouting again.

The adults and Kyuhyun laughed.


"Oh! Who is that adorable kid behind you,Hae? "asked Mrs Lee.


"Erm.. Hi.. I am L..lee H..hyukjae.. Erm.." said HyukJae shyly, hiding behind Donghae's back.


"He is my angel!" exclaimed Donghae, turning around and hugged him.


"Can Hyukkie join us for lunch, plweeeseeeeeeeeee???" begged Donghae, squeezing HyukJae tightly.


"D..donghae.. I can’t breathe!"  Gasped HyukJae.


"Oopsy!" said Donghae, letting go and stare at the poor boy infront of him.


Mrs Lee and Mrs Cho chuckled at the cutenessof Donghae.


"Of course darling! HyukJae dear, would you like to stay for lunch?" asked Mrs Lee kindly.


Donghae looked at HyukJae with wide puppy eyes.


HyukJae smiled shyly and nodded his head.


And with that markingthe beginning of a new friendship


Author’s note: Huu! Sorry for the long wait! I almost forgotten about this fic! I had this chapter ready in my phone for ages and I am always forgetting to update it! D:

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Will be on semi-haitus D:


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jewelsvalencia #1
Chapter 12: Omonaaa i hope Hyukkie is fine! Aigoo Hae don't cry, Hyukkie will come back to you soon and Kyu don't be sad :(
sunmoon #2
Chapter 12: I like this story so much,and I hate the fact that hyukjae must leave hae,update soon,please!
sunmoon #3
Chapter 12: I like this story so much,and I hate the fact that hyukjae must leave hae,update soon,please!
Chapter 12: OMO! I hope things will go well pwease!!!!!!!!
sunmoon #5
Chapter 11: Aww hae dont cry,you'll always be in hyukkie's heart,hope his uncle'll not do sth cruel to hyukkie,poor hyukkie and hae,update soon,please!
Chapter 11: Oh dy god no way uncle ahjusshi! You can't take Hyukkie away from him!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Oh dy god no way uncle ahjusshi! You can't take Hyukkie away from him!!!!!!!!!
sunmoon #8
Cutie hae,i imagine little hae in snow,update soon!
x3PSYY #9
Hwaiting! Heheheheh! XD
awwwwwwwww~ little Hae just too cute~ asdfghjklcdcvegdg so adorable~