
King [Taoris]

Tao swung his legs back and forth as he watched the water ripple. His toes scraped the surface of the water, disrupting the perfect reflection in the water. His breath hitched as a bubble of water floated out of the water, enveloping a small fish. Tao grinned. He got up and turned, smiling when he saw two familiar faces standing at the end of the docks. Tao raced towards them, his bare feet pounding against the wooden dock as he ran towards his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Tao yelled as he tackle hugged them. Yixing caught him and held him close as he spun. Yixing set him down and nuzzled his nose as a greeting. Tao giggled and moved to his dad who gave him an equally tight hug.

"When did you guys get back?!"

"Two minutes ago. We were walking to the castle when we saw you." Yixing explained as he kept his arms wrapped around his son.

"Come on, I bet the others are waiting."

In less than an hour, the twelve Royal family members were gathered around a huge bonfire set by Chanyeol. The sun was setting, the temperature was dropping but the mood was high. There were couches set around the campfire for the members to sit comfortingly. Yixing sipped out of a wine glass as he snuggled against Junmyeon. "So what's new?"

The ten males immediately started talking all at once. Yixing laughed as he held up his hands, ignoring the bit of wine that spilled out of his cup, "Wait wait, one at a time."

Xiumin raised his hand, "Good news or bad?"


Xiumin stood up and posed, "I got a new look."

Chanyeol and Jongdae threw their grapes at Xiumin, yelling at him to sit down. Xiumin sat pouting, only smiling when Luhan whispered compliments in his ear.

Tao patted Yifan's chest proudly, "Gege can turn into a dragon."

Yixing spat out the wine in his mouth as he stared at the couple, "What?!"

"When I collapsed at the wedding, it was just a catalyst to turn into a dragon. The spirit's name is Ryu and he's an ." Yifan said, poking his head.

Tao giggled, "Hey, Ryu's not that bad."

"You're just saying that because he takes you on rides."

"That's not true!"


"Okay maybe it's a little true."

Yixing watched the two banter back and forth.

"Those two are closer than the last time I saw them."

Baekhyun turned to his mother who just sent a mind message, "Yeah Tao even kissed him before Yifan turned into a dragon."

Yixing smirked, praising himself on guessing that Tao and Yifan would naturally grow feelings for each other.

"Yifan, there's still a bit of light, mind if you show us."

Yifan nodded and pressed a kiss on Tao's cheek before getting up. He turned to see ten pairs of eyes staring at him. He flushed red, "R-Ryu likes the physical contact...H-he says it gives him strength."

Jongdae smiled mischievously, "Is the great Wu Yifan stammering?"

Yifan flicked a ball of flame at him. Jongdae yelped as he dove into the grass, avoiding the flame. Tao got up and slipped on his boots before joining Yifan in the field. Yixing watched as Yifan elongated, golden scales growing out of him as he morphed. Yixing's eyes widened as a huge dragon towered over them. Junmyeon gasped. He had never seen anything like this. Morphers were rare, especially ones that can turn themselves into something as powerful as a dragon. Tao winked at his gaping family members before grabbing the scales on Yifan's leg, pulling himself up until he was situated on Yifan's back.

"They do this every day." Sehun drawled, standing up. He shed his shirt, wings unfurling from their dormant position.

Yixing smiled and stood up. Why sit out on the fun? He morphed effortlessly into his favorite creature.

A unicorn.

More specifically, a unicorn with wings. Junmyeon shrugged off his blanket and swung his leg over Yixing's horse body. He situated himself as he grabbed handfuls of Yixing's mane.

"Oh come on!" Baekhyun pouted as he watched his parents take off.  Tao bent over, looking Yifan in his large golden eye.


"Fine, only two other people though. I prefer not Chanyeol."

Tao smiled as he waved his hand, "Baekkie!! Kyungsoo!" Chanyeol and Kai deflated as Baekhyun and Kyungsoo clambered onto Yifan's back.

"Some boyfriend you are!" Chanyeol yelled, hands cupped around his mouth as Yifan took off, leaving the two in the dust. Luhan pouted as he hugged Xiumin, "I want to fly too." Jongdae ruffled his hair, "Sorry broski, that's not happening."

And that's how Yifan, Tao, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Sehun, Yixing and Junmyeon ended up taking a late night flight with the stars leaving Luhan, Xiumin, Kai, Jongdae and Chanyeol on the ground pouting. 

Yifan has woken up in many different ways

Yifan has woken up in many different ways. There were setbacks on having Jongdae as a brother. Ice water has been thrown on him, snakes, rats, worms...you name it, he's woken up to it. But this was the first time he was woken up by Tao and it was adorable.


Yifan opened his eyes groggily to see Tao straddling his waist and patting his cheeks, trying to wake him up.


"We're going apple picking!!!!!"

Yifan groaned. Tao leaned down until his nose was inches from Yifan's.

"Gege please? Get up!" His bottom lip quivered as he studied Yifan. It took two seconds for Yifan to break. He lifted his head, pecking Tao's nose before rolling them over.  Tao giggled as Yifan ran his fingers against his sensitive side.

"Yifan! Stop! That tickles." He yelled between laughs. Yifan chuckled and ruffled Tao's hair before rolling off the bed.

He turned to see Tao was already dressed and guessing by the chocolate stain on the side of his mouth, he also had breakfast. Tao was dressed for the cold autumn weather. With tight black skinny jeans and a hunter green coat that tightened around his thin waist. The hood was bunched up around his neck and Tao's black hair was naturally ruffled, as if Tao gave up on his hair today.  Yifan smiled and motioned for Tao to come closer. Tao bounded over, he was in a very good mood now that his mom was back.

"You're such a child." Yifan chided as he wiped the stain off. Tao blushed, "It was a messy cupcake."

"You had a cupcake for breakfast?"


"How are you so thin?"

Tao gasped, as Yifan had offended him on the highest level.  "Excuse me?! I work out."

Yifan smiled, "Okay sweetheart."

"I do!" Tao protested as he followed Yifan as he got ready. Yifan pulled off his shirt, momentarily silencing Tao but he went straight back to describing his work out routine. Yifan brushed his teeth while Tao sat on the bathroom counter, still talking about random things.  "Let me pick what you wear!" Tao said, jumping off the counter and running to the closet.

"I don't think that's necess-" Yifan was cut off by a pair of black pants smacking him in the face. Tao popped his head out of the walk in closet, "Do you like light pink or hot pink?"

"What?! But I don't even own pi-"

Tao cut him off again by throwing a light grey sweater that he barely caught.  "Dress warm babe, it's cold outside." Tao cooed as he passed Yifan, heading to their shoe drawers.


Yifan was throughly confused. He had just woken up and Tao was yakking his ear off while putting together an outfit for Yifan.

"Brown or black?" Tao wondered to himself, completely ignoring Yifan.

"Black!" He decided himself without waiting for an answer, pulling out a pair of black combat boots.

"Hurry up, we're waiting downstairs for you." Tao announced before leaving the room, slamming the door shut on his way out.

Yifan blinked, severely confused on what just happened. 

Tao looked down, examining his light brown hiking boots as he waited for Yifan

Tao looked down, examining his light brown hiking boots as he waited for Yifan. He jumped when he felt an arm go around his shoulder. He looked up to see Jongdae and Chanyeol flanking his sides.

"Hey guys." Tao said, still distracted by his own thoughts.

"We've got a question for you."

"Fire away," Tao glanced at Chanyeol, "No pun intended."

Chanyeol grinned, "Yifannie's birthday is next week. We were wondering what your planning on doing."

Tao shuffled uncomfortably, he really hasn't thought about Yifan's birthday. He was too busy with Grammy's death and then Jaehyun that he completely forgot that the older male's birthday was in less than a week.

"Get off him you punks."

Tao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Yifan's voice from behind. Jongdae and Chanyeol were shooed away and Yifan stood by Tao, "You okay?"

"Peachy." Tao said, winking as he held up an 'ok' sign with his fingers. Yifan snorted in amusement before turning to Junmyeon. Tao didn't pay attention on what he was saying, he was too busy being happy that Yifan had worn his outfit. The sweater was a bit small on him. It fit snugly around his core, the sleeves were bunched up at his elbows and the sweater itself ended right at his waist, showcasing the belt Yifan was wearing. Tao gasped as a piece of his midriff was exposed when Yifan raised his arm, motioning Yixing over.  He quickly turned, hiding his reddening cheeks.


Tao turned to see Yifan looking at him with concern, "You good?" Tao nodded and opened his mouth to make some lame excuse when he caught sight of the earring Yifan was wearing.

"Hey is this the-" Tao reached up and pulled at the earring. Yifan smiled and grasped Tao's hand, "Yup, the one from our wedding. It's my favorite."

Tao's eyes widened, "F-favorite?"

Yifan grinned, "Yea, and a little birdy told me you never take yours off."



"Apple picking apple picking apple apple apple picking." Tao sang as he tugged another apple off the tree. Yifan smacked his forehead against the trunk, "Tao I swear to god, if you sing that one more ti-"

"APPLE PICKING APPLE PICKING APPLE APPLE APPLE PICKKNG." Tao sang louder, and this time he wasn't alone. Baekhyun and Luhan joined as well, enjoying the fact that they were annoying the out of their family.

Jongdae groaned loudly, "Someone shut them up!" Their chants only got louder.

After an hour of screaming on top of their lungs, the trio finally stopped after exhausting themselves. Tao filled another basket and sank to the ground, laying in a pile of leaves as he caught his breath.


He looked up to see Luhan and Baekhyun motioning for him. He got up, dusting his sleeves as he walked over to them.

"What's up?"

"We need to talk."

Tao opened his mouth to say something but got pulled into another row of trees, well away from the rest.

"Okay Yifan's birthday is coming up and-"

"Yea yea, we need to do something but what?" Tao had been asked about Yifan's birthday one too many times.

"We were hoping that you would confess."

"What?! But...but I don-"

"Save it Tao, we all know how you really feel about Yifan, so why don't you just admit it?"

Tao became silent, looking between Lunan and Baekhyun.

"I guess....I mean what better time to confess than his birthday?"

Luhan's smile widened. He opened his arms out for a hug when Tao's eyes widened.

"Cover for me. I'll be back by tomorrow evening."


Too late, Tao had already morphed into a bird and was flying away.

"Well ."



Does anyone mind making me a book cover? I would do it but I am terrible at editing. 

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Chapter 3: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: OH god I'm already getting excited! o(>w< o )
gelinamargarita #3
Taoris <3
XumbreonXx #4
Chapter 15: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: I wanted to tell you that you messed up the kingdoms, author-nim. First, you said that Tao is the west kingdom's prince. But now in this chapter you wrote Tao and his brothers are from the east kingdom. I hope you'll read it again. I'm getting confused.
Chapter 3: I wanted to tell you that you messed up the kingdoms, author-nim. First, you said that Tao is the west kingdom's prince. But now in this chapter you wrote Tao and his brothers are from the east kingdom. I hope you'll read it again. I'm getting confused.
IheartKPopandJPop #7
Chapter 41: Sooo good the ending made me cry!!