Even If You Have Another One

Christmas oneshots

a/n: this will be in your POV


I really pity those girls who likes guys who are already taken, girls who would do anything just to push themselves to a guy who doesn’t even like them. I’m not saying that what they are doing is wrong it’s just that there are still guys out there who will truly love them. I guess I just don’t get them. I told myself that I won’t be like those girls. But my point of view changed ever since I, myself, liked a guy who already had a girlfriend.

He was a co-worker of mine, he was my sunbae at work and he was the one who helped me. Of course when we got to know each other I learned that he has a girlfriend. And I must say his girlfriend is very lucky to have him. After knowing that fact I told myself that I can’t like him. As I got to know him better I didn’t feel anything but with his actions I slowly fell for him. He was a sweet and gentle guy, who wouldn’t fall for someone like him? I wish he didn’t act that way towards me but that was his personality besides he was like that to anyone so I shouldn’t give any meaning to it. But I guess it was too late I’ve already fallen for him hard.


I had to work overtime even though it’s Christmas Eve. ‘Why am I such a nice person? I should really practice saying no to him.’ You must be wondering who asked me, it’s none other than Seungri my senior whom I fell for. He asked me to finish the presentation since he was gonna prepare a special event for his girlfriend. You might say that I should’ve said no so that he won’t be able to do something for her, don’t worry I’ve thought of that but I just couldn’t say no.

I stopped what I was doing for a while and I looked out the window only to see snow falling. I looked at my wrist watch to see that it was already 8 and just a few more hours then it’s Christmas. ‘I guess this would be okay, I get to occupy my mind with something else.’ My parents are in the province and I won’t be able to go there at this rate so might as well spend Christmas here.

I was still looking out the window when someone tapped my shoulder I looked back to see Seungri.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. He held out a gift and handed it to me. See what I mean? He always does something for me whenever he asks for a favor. He never really forgets to do something in return for the favor he asked. I looked at him with a confused face.

“It’s for you. My token of appreciation for doing my work.” he said as he smiled. Please don’t smile and just leave before I suddenly go bersek and just blurt out my feelings. “Thanks you didn’t have to.” I managed to say in a calm tone.

“Well Merry Christmas.” he said as he hugged me. Me in his arms felt like we were a perfect match that I didn’t want to let go but of course I know what is the right thing to do. “Merry Christmas. Good luck with your event for her.” I said as I broke the hug and deep inside I was hoping it won’t go well.

“Thanks again.” he said then he headed to the door but stopped and looked at me. “If it goes well I’ll treat you to dinner.” “Sure I’ll take your word for it.” with that said he left and I was alone again.

I looked at the present I was holding I know I should save it for later but I won’t be able to do that since I still need to do my work. I saw a card and read it first. ‘~~~-ah Merry Christmas. Thanks for everything. You know what? I haven’t said this yet but I’m thankful to have you in my life. I’ll say one thing, though you’re not my girlfriend I feel like you’re my soul mate ‘cause we have a lot of things in common and you understand me more than her. I think our relationship is deeper than my girlfriend too bad I didn’t meet you earlier haha don’t know what’s gotten to me. Anyway bestie hope you enjoy your Christmas’ while reading that I was already crying. ‘Babo why would you say something like that? It would just make me fall for you.’

I opened the gift and it was a box. I opened the box to see an infinite symbol ring. There was another letter. ‘I didn’t know exactly why I bought a ring for you as well but there’s a meaning behind this our relationship will be forever. I’m not naïve I know you have feelings for me but I just let you and I’m sorry. I’m gonna propose to her so I’m going to distant myself to you, meaning we won’t get to hang out like we used too. I hope you find your own happiness soon.’


I may look like an idiot but I can’t help myself so I’d still love him secretly. Now he won’t really look at me as more than a friend. I can manage to bear the pain since I’ve been doing that for a while now. I just hope that I will be over with it soon.










~sorry if Seungri didn't appear that much... and I hope you like this :p

~don't forget to leave comments.... ^^

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@YourEmoAsianGurl thank you :)
YourEmoAsianGurl #2
Aw! I love your one shot! :D
Iheartlife #3
AW! More more! :D
ShinHyunAe18 #4
when i saw the title, i was like akfjgkjdksfjdkgjkdj!!!!!!<br />
yay!!! good job! i think its more than great!! :)<br />
i'm waiting for more! :P
Iheartlife #5
yay! Christmas with Big Bang! Update soon :D
ShinHyunAe18 #6
hey! its great! i loved it! your description gave me the feeling. :)<br />
congrats for this one-shot! :)