How Great Is Your Love

Christmas oneshots


It was a normal December for a new student like Joomin. She was treated as a nerd in their school since she wears glasses and she was a quiet person so she was an easy target. She was always getting bullied that she eventually got used to it. It was their last day of school and then it’s their Christmas break. Their school had a Christmas party and Joomin ditched her class.

“No one would notice I’m gone, right?” she said to herself as she made her way to the roof top. Maybe you’re wondering why didn’t she just go home, well it’s because when she goes home she’ll just hear and see her parents fighting. Her parents aren’t exactly on good terms and their marriage is on the bridge of breaking down. The only place she finds comfort is the roof top.

When she got there she neared the railing and just breathed in the fresh air while she closed her eyes.

“I knew you would be here.” a voice said startling Joomin she opened her eyes and looked back only to find the kingka in their school, Choi Seunghyun or most commonly known as TOP.

“Why are you here? What do you want from me?” Joomin stuttered she was obviously scared. She heard a lot of rumors about him, and those weren’t good ones.

“Do you own this place? Can’t I come here as well?” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

He has a point but Joomin was the type who doesn’t want to be left speechless. “What do you mean by you knew I was here?” she asked.

“I noticed you were not in the classroom and I figured you might be here.” he said with a smile. After hearing that Joomin had a lot of questions running in her head like ‘He took notice of me? How does he know I always go here?’

“Were you looking for me?” she asked. TOP didn’t answer instead he walked closer to her. She backed away eventually bumping into the railing. She tried to run away but TOP was able to catch her, holding her in her wrist.

“Let me go! I’m going back.” she said but he didn’t instead he hugged her. Joomin was shocked she wanted to get away but she felt something, something she hasn’t felt for a while and that is warmth and love. She didn’t know why but his warm body against her made her feel safe.

“You might not know this but I’ve always took notice of you. I’ve been watching you, I may sound like a stalker but I’m not. It’s just that when I saw you I felt that I need to protect you, call me crazy I don’t care.” his usual deep voice was replaced by a sweet tone. She could not believe that the kingka who was known to be fearless and heartless was actually someone who was kind and caring.


Joomin sat far away from TOP she was still scared of him. TOP noticed that well he can’t help it he made his image that way.

“Don’t worry I’m not who you think I really am.” he said as he looked at her.

“Why are you paying attention to someone like me? I don’t want to be bullied more than I encounter now.” she said. TOP knew that once people would find out that he talked to her she would get bullied even more.

“Then I’ll protect you.” he simply answered. “Why are you doing this?” she asked again.

“Like I said earlier I felt like I needed to protect you. I don’t know why but when you transferred to our school you already caught my eye. So can we be friends?” he asked as he held out his hand. Joomin hesitated but she shook it nonetheless. That day they eventually got to know each other.

After that day TOP made sure that he had contact with Joomin that they would get to talk every day. With his actions Joomin felt loved and she eventually fell for him. The kingka which she heard about was the total opposite of the kingka she had met.


It was Christmas eve and at Joomin’s house all she could hear was her parents never ending argument. She wanted to scream but she couldn’t. She just stayed in her room and curled up in a ball at the corner of her bed. Everyday her parents bickering would get worse to the point that she got scared.

She suddenly heard a sound coming from her balcony window. She stood up and wiped her tears away. She slightly pulled the curtain to the left and she saw a figure from the ground. She fully opened the door and she saw TOP.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in between sniffs.

“You’ve been crying again.” he said as he climbed a tree to get his way up. When he was there he hugged her. “It’s Christmas eve you should be happy.” he said as he tightened the embrace. She didn’t pull away as she got used to it already.

“Don’t be like this because I might get too attached to you.” she said as she broke the hug.

“You don’t need to worry I promise I won’t leave you. I’ll protect you no matter what.” he said as he raised his right hand.

“Why?” she asked as she tilter her head.

“It’s because I like you.” he said as he kissed her on the forehead.

Joomin couldn’t believe what she heard. For the first time after a long time she felt how great it was to be loved.

“Merry Christmas.” he said as he once again embraced her. “Merry Christmas too.” she answered back.



With TOP beside her she knew she could overcome everything. She got the courage to continue with her life.









~here's another one.... omo while I was typing this I got to engrossed that the words got longer than 1000 so I had to redo it and this became the outcome... to be honest I'm not that satisfied but I hope you still like it 

~please leave comments ^^


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@YourEmoAsianGurl thank you :)
YourEmoAsianGurl #2
Aw! I love your one shot! :D
Iheartlife #3
AW! More more! :D
ShinHyunAe18 #4
when i saw the title, i was like akfjgkjdksfjdkgjkdj!!!!!!<br />
yay!!! good job! i think its more than great!! :)<br />
i'm waiting for more! :P
Iheartlife #5
yay! Christmas with Big Bang! Update soon :D
ShinHyunAe18 #6
hey! its great! i loved it! your description gave me the feeling. :)<br />
congrats for this one-shot! :)