
Dr. Jeon

After lunch you were back on the floor and it was even rougher then before. Namjoon had finally clocked in though, releasing some stress off of you.


“How was seeing Dr. Hotshot?” Namjoon bumps shoulders with you as he came to you while you were waiting for a new patient’s history to be faxed over.


“Annoyingly normal,” your voice half muffed by the mechanics of the printer.


“How so? Please elaborate, I need to hear about something other than stiches and joint pain,” he complains to you.


You laugh and start to gather the papers. “He’s been the same, really. He just said he needed to talk to me about something though. For lunch, he said, but then I forgot. But you know, funny thing is, he came to look for me for lunch,” you dully tell him.


He, of course, takes hospital gossip very seriously, gasps loudly.


“He asked you out for lunch?!”


You give him a look to tell him to be quiet.


“No, he just said he needs me to find him before lunch so we can discuss something.”


“Oh so he said you need to ‘discuss’ something,” his fingers marking the word ‘discuss’ dramatically.


“Well, he said to see him but why else would he need me other than to talk about something?”


“He so wants to bone you,” Namjoon said a little too loudly that a nurse pulled her clipboard over her smiling face.


“He hates me,” you scrunch your face up at him, “I hate him. Everyone knows this. You’re saying crazy things because you’re on clinic duty, I swear.”




“Charts,” Dr. Jeon says before dropping a huge pile of paper in front of you onto your tiny desk.


“I was just about to leave for the night,” you tried to make your voice sound differently from the whine you were letting out.


He doesn’t even turn around but instead says, “I have another pile on my desk. Come get it when you’re done with those.”


One minute he needs to see you before lunch asking all nice and everything and then he turns around and becomes the evil ruler again.


You growl at the door as it closes shut and then cry over the amount of your you still have to do before leaving.




“Hey, I’m about to clock out for lunch.” Fast-forward to the next day and you’re popping your head into Dr. Jeon’s office to tell him you’re going on lunch.


He doesn’t answer, doesn’t even look at you, but instead annoyingly slowly puts the pen he was using in the middle of the book he was looking through and annoyingly slowly closes the book with the pen wedged in it. He stands from his desk and makes his way to you.


“Alright. Go clock out then,” he says, passing you.


You jog a bit to keep up with his long legged strides. “Wait, I thought you wanted to talk to me about something.”


“Just clock out and get your food,” he says calmly before turning to a different hallway, leaving you annoyed at the corner of it.


 You’re annoyed but you have so much other stuff to worry about that your annoyance of a doctor slowly slips from your mind till you’re sitting at the same place as the day before calming eating your food again before he comes.


He silently sits down, his book still with him but on top of it a soup is balanced on it skillfully. He doesn’t say a word and neither do you. He just adjusts himself around your table and calmly eats his food with his book cracked back open to the page his pen held for him. He finishes his food this way and you’re forced to awkwardly sit there and continue to eat.


The annoyance was back and your mouth itched to say a few things.


“Uh, excuse me,” was all you could get out though. He was your boss and you couldn’t say the things you really wanted to say to him.


“How’s your sandwich?” His eyes never left his pages even though he finally spoke to you after minutes of silence.


Not taking it anymore you put down the other half of your sandwich and say, “Seriously Dr. Jeon, do you need something from me?”


Finally, he closed the book and draws his eyes up to meet yours.


“Just see me before your lunch tomorrow.”




And again, you pop your head in to tell him you’re on lunch and again he comes to you with food and a book to keep him occupied.


This goes on for 2 weeks. You barely talk about anything; the only conversations shared were about patients you were working on and if the food was good that day. He’d talk to you like a normal person during lunch and then turn stone hard and mean once work starts again. You were sill his little errand boy and you still hated him as much as you had before. Just now, you hated him and ate lunch with him too.


The news about the hotshot doctor spending his lunch with you had already circled the hospital too many times. Nurses were teasing you about dating him and Namjoon had freaked out too many times; all the while you were desperately trying to tell everyone that you didn’t even talk to him. You two just sat there most the time.


The 3rd week rolls around and you’re sitting, expecting him to come eat lunch with you again.


This time, you were equipped with confidence and a whole lot of questions. You were tired of all the whispers about you through the halls.


“Hey,” he almost smiles as he takes his usual seat in front of you.


“No ‘hey’,” you say to him.


His face doesn’t seem phased and he doesn’t make eye contact, just like always.


“Hi?” He says.


“No. No greetings. No greeting till you tell me,” you say to him as calmly as you could.


“What do you mean?” He calmly opens his book to its page and stirs his coffee with a coffee straw.


“Do you need something from me? Or do you just like to torture me during my break too?” It was a bit harsh but you just couldn’t hold onto your words anymore.


His face scrunches up in confusion and he says, “Torture?”


You swear you were more confused than he was but regardless of that, you say, “Torture. You have me running around all day and night but when I sit down to eat you have me working to keep you company too?”


His face seemed just full of hurt at this point and he says, “I didn’t know it was such a bother to eat lunch with me. I just wanted to spend some time with you.”



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nana199296 #1
Chapter 15: ohhhhh please ,can you update again?this is really good.
and please dont wrap up and everything quickly,this story can be a reaaaally good one with many and long chapters,i mean you write that well.
and can you please jus continue with this doctor plot that you put bts in and make spin of,of this story for v,
and also jung hoseok too?i mean you mentioned hoseok hospital ,i's about him right?please do it if you can.i's hard to find a good fic about them
Xxjinniexx #2
Chapter 15: Nooooo this is not right I want a happy ending ??
Chapter 7: When are you going to comeback ? T.T
Miss you and your story so much ??
Reemy_454 #4
husunaglorymorning #5
Chapter 15: Oh my god..i love this...please update soon..i finish this in one go
mickeyup #6
Chapter 15: I fear for the worst!!!! >▪<