Pt.1 The Beginnings: All Gone

Thirteen Monsters
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Suho POV

A  month after the end of War World VII...


"Eomma? Eomma where are you?" No one replied.


"Eomma what happened?" Still there was no reply. I walked up the stairs to the first floor. The halls were empty and cracked. The air stung my skin, strange air isn't supposed to hurt. I went to the bathroom to clean up, the water didn't work. Cracks decorated the walls and the tinted windows were gone, turned to shards on the floor. The mirror had large cracks running through it, parts of it were scattered on the floor. I stared at myself. My hair was rumpled from sleep and my face was paler than usual. The air smelled damp and foul, like food years past its expiry date. What happened while I was asleep?

 The rest of my house was in ruins. Walls crumbled and the clear windows I loved to look through lay broken on the dirty ground. My shoes crunch the glass and rubble covering the ground. Everything was destroyed. My beloved home that held the memories of my's gone. All of it...gone. Was everyone that lived here...gone too?


It was the crinkled, dirt-covered envelope that stopped my heart.


'To my beloved Suho, Eomma'


My hands tore at the envelope. Maybe it would tell me where eomma was and why our house was destroyed. Maybe it would explain the savage smell.


'Since you are reading this I am guessing you have survived the war and I have not. Don't get mad at me Suho. I put you in a coma and locked you away under the house for two months. World War VII is happening. Every single country is at war. They are cutting each other's throats with nukes and bombs and endless gunfire. Those of us that are not killed by fire and destruction are killed by plague. The radiation in the air is killing the remaining, slowly yet surely. The news says the world's population is less than 1 billion now. South Korea's population is estimated to be under 1 million. I am hoping that when you wake up this war will be over and you can live...without me. My son, my own and only son, please survive, for me. Don't be sad keep moving forward. Go to Seoul. Everything will be all right as long as you try hard. So my son, try hard to survive. I don't have much time left. There is water and rations that should get you through a couple weeks by then I hope you would have found another source of food and water. Make me proud and survive. I will be watching you from above my son. I love you. -Eomma'


"Eomma..." The tears wet the paper. I didn't realize I was crying.


"EOMMA!" I screamed. She can't be dead. She can't die on me! She can't leave me alone here, in the middle of this wreckage. I fell to my knees, not minding the pain it caused or the glass that punctured my skin or the blood that stained my jeans.


I cried a lot that day, and the next, and the next and the next.





Make me proud and survive


It was a week, I think, after I woke up when I left the house. Eomma was right. Food and rations were packed in a bag in my crumbling room. There was extra clothes, water bottles, a blanket, first aid supplies, a map, and enough food to last me almost three weeks packed neatly inside. I slipped the black bag on my shoulders, it was heavy but I could manage. My eyes skimmed the broken walls that kept me alive. They landed on the made bed in the middle of the ruined room. It was unharmed, unlike everything else in this world. I will miss it. I combed the room for one thing, a photo of eomma. It laid in a pile of splintered and burned wood and broken shard of glass. A burned photo lay underneath it all. She smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with the spark they always had. Her skin was flawless despite her age and her hair was short. A necklace with a silver ring, her marriage ring, hung around her neck. It was gone now. 

"Thank you eomma...I promise eomma, I will try my hardest to live. I love you eomma. I'll miss you eomma." I paused choking back a new wave of tears. "I'm leaving, goodbye eomma." 


I stepped out the ruins I called home and made my way to the city, hopefully where other survivors walked.




Deep craters marked the streets and destructed houses stand lonely as I pass them by. I didn't stop, even when I passed the burned bodies of former Koreans. It was going to take a while to get to Seoul on foot. Maybe a couple days at best. I spent my time observing the wreckage called South Korea. The smell got worse the farther I walked and the bodies came into view more often. I tried my best not to picture eomma's face on them. The sky started to turn dark and that's when I heard them...


Beasts the size of me rose from the rubble and roamed the land. Their snarls and snaps made me freeze in fear. I couldn't die. Their eyes glowed a sick shade of red. Their fangs protruded from their mouths. Claws as sharp as knifes scratched the dry ground. They sniffed the air, snouts pointing to me.

I ran, taking off in a fast sprint, howls echoing behind me. My feet fled fast but not fast enough. Their muscles tensed and blasted them up to me. A beast appeared on my right and snapped its ferocious jaw at me. I skidded to a stop before I slammed into another one that halted in front of me. Quickly snapping around I stopped face to face with another face. In every direction a beast growled. My hands trembled and my eyes widened in fear. Sharp, high-pitched, ear piercing howls exited from their fang filled mouths. I flinched. They seemed to be laughing.



A voice boomed. The howls seized. Apparently the beasts had brains. Their snouts sniffed the air once again, heads turning to the small boy that shouted. He stood, a stick with a knife taped to its end, a spear of sorts, raised above his head. His stance showed he knew how to use it. He had heart shaped lips, the upper lip pulled into a deadly sneer. Rage burned in his eyes. Dark eyebrows frowned fiercely, challenging the beasts. His skin was milky white, as pale as mine and covered in small cuts and bruises. Black hair was cut close to his head. Torn, dirty clothes hung from his small frame. A silver chain hung from his neck, his black top covering it. He moved fast and accurately, stabbing one of the monsters in the head before anyone of them could stop it. Blood spouting from the entry wound, spotted the boys clothes in dark red splotches. He spun, swinging the spear with him cutting down, one, two, three of the beasts. That left 3. 


"What's your name?" He asked coming to stand in front of me. I was barely taller than him. His bloodied spear held defensive in front of him. Ready to strike.




The boy turned and his spear dropped a bit. "WATCH OUT-" The beasts pounced, taking the opportunity with glee. The boy turned as their claws connected with the small boy's chest, cutting deep and jagged. More blood stained his clothes, this time his own.

   The wound didn't seem to slow him down though. If anything it seemed to anger him. He ran forward in powerful swift movements. He used the spear like an e

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marilyn01 #1
Chapter 20: Whoaaa nari's powers though!!
Chapter 20: Oh mannn!! what the hell they could do that to them!! I gonna kill all of them.
Before they can even see the light!! I swear im gonna kill all of them!!

Also, not to be weird, but both the idea of having wings and those light blue eyes are very pretty.
marilyn01 #4
Chapter 19: Bet Tao will resurrected too. Plot is sooo good!
Chapter 19: welcome back subject 7! now, only one left
I wonder what this training room is, looks more like a torture room
Alosya #6
Chapter 19: Okkkkkk
Chapter 18: well wow, didn't see that coming!! will the other two members resurrect form the dead too?
Alosya #8
Chapter 18: Well chanyeol daebak he can sense kris aigoo and can i ask is this story gay!!
Alosya #9
Chapter 17: Please update and you know this story is like based on lucky one n maze runner well it kind of dffrent from the movie but kind of similar to lucky one
Chapter 14: This is great! Super enjoying it. Can't wait for more