House of Cards 13

House of Cards
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Several days later,

It was the end of the week and it was also the last day Chaerin was in Seoul, everyday she stops herself from calling Jiyong. Everyday she tells herself that he is probably with his wife now, she bring herself down every single day.

There hasn't been a day where she doesn't miss him, there isn't a day where she remembers their days together.

She shook her head and sighs, tomorrow Saturday she goes back to Jeju. The training has kept her busy during the week but not completely busy for her not to remember him.

She sighs and stands up when she heard someone at the door, she was staying at a near hotel by the hospital.

She smiles when she opens the door "hello" she greets the man in the door

"Chaeyoon!" Mino says happily and wraps her in a hug, they make small talk then he waits for her to get everything then they walk down to his car.

"How you been?" She asks once inside the car

"Busy yet anxious" he confessed

"Were you able to buy the fancy hotel you wanted?" She asks

He shakes his head no "I think I need to look for a new location to build my own, the family is undecided of letting it go" he says while looking towards the road

"Why? Don't they need the money" she asks curious

He smiles and shakes his head no "they don't, they just want to sell it because it belonged to their late son, he passes away 3 years ago and the hotel brings them bad memories"

Chaerin nods understanding "that's sad, losing a beloved son"

Minho nods "he was young, not even 30 I think and was newly wed"

"Maybe they want to keep it so his kids keep his legacy" she says trying to understand the family

"He didn't have kids" he says and makes a right turn

Chaerin pouts "I can't imagine how his parents and wife must feel, how did he pass away?" She asks curious

"A car accident I believe, in Jeju actually"

Chaerin now thinks "I heard about a horrific accident about 3 years ago, I heard by the locals that the man inside the car was unrecognizable"

Mino nods "I think that was him"

"What a horrible way to go" she says feeling bad for the unlucky man

"Yeah so I understand why the family is taking long to decide" he admits

She smiles "if they end up not selling then I know of this amazing place next to the beach but you have to promise me first that you will let me have my picnics there still"

He smiles widely "I promise I will"

She smiles but turns to look out the window, it was her first time in Seoul since her accident and she wanted to enjoy the view.




"I need to stop by your house and talk to YB oppa, I need advise on the whole selling deal" HaeYin says towards Dara

"I don't think you will sell it" she admits

"I don't want to keep it, I don't want to keep our house either.. it's painful Dara"

"I wouldn't sell it" Dara adds

"If you were in my position you wouldn't sell it? Even if you can't bring yourself to go over there because of the memories" HaeYin asks Dara, she keeps her eye on her

Dara nods "It's his legacy, he loved that building Hae"

HaeYin sighs "I'll think about it,, someone else wants to buy it too" she admits

"Who?" Dara asks curious

"Seunghyun oppa, he says he won't let me sell it to Song Minho"

Dara smiles "he wants it to stay within the family"

HaeYin only nods

"Song Minho would change it drastically, it wouldn't be the regency anymore but The Song instead"

HaeYin nods "I know"




"Are you ready to see HaeYin?" Asks YB

Jiyong shakes his head no "I'm ready to go back to Jeju" he admits

"You have to face her sooner or later, she wants to sell your pride and joy" YB says

"And that is?"

"You loved the Regency in Jeju along with the ones in Shanghai and Hong Kong but she wants to sell the one in Jeju"

"Why?" He asks curious

"It brings her bad memories, she wants to sell it soon"

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Masimasi3 #1
Good job authornim....sequel please!!!
Plutonics #2
Chapter 25: That was a great fic with amazing plot i really enjoyed each and evey chapter
But the only thing i didnt get was haeyin's hatred towards chaerin.she wanted to get jiyong because she didn't want her sister to have him but not because she loved him.I'm just curious on what caused haeyin to hate chaerin somuch.Were they treated differently like one was favoured n other was ignored???
I enjoyed the fic a lot and thanks for writing this.
Chapter 25: Cant wait for you to update again.... finally chaerin and jiyong are together... update soon ^^
Chapter 25: What? Oh. So her parents thinks that she's a husband stealer. Oh.
Chapter 25: Looking forward to your next fic.
Chapter 25: I am more than pleased to see Jiyong and Chaerin finally together but I'm quite disappointed that Haeyin won in the end by having her parents side with her. Sorry but I disagree with Chaerin for not telling her parents. I'm disgusted with the way her parents treated her. Unreal!
Jingyo5 #7
Chapter 25: Thank you honey
Chapter 25: Good job dear, thank u..... Next story very soon ^^
cipluk #9
Chapter 25: Thank you , hun
sjuskind #10
This story had such an interesting premise with lots of potential angst within the characters but it ends up with cliche black or white figures without depth