Incident Love - Part 8

Incident Love

“Which means I’m not sweet and innocent now?” Suddenly RynnA appeared behind us…



JinKi’s POV

“Oh no..” TaeMin looked worried as RynnA approached to us.

“Aniya, aniya! Unnie, that’s not I mean! I think I better go now.. Bye, hyung!” Before RynnA could stop TaeMin, he ran away as fast as possible.

“RynnA, seems like TaeMin really misses his ‘2-years-back’ unnie.” I chuckled. She stopped and sat down, while looking down. She sighed. I made a move by sitting next to her. As I move nearer to her, she moved a little too. It seemed like she wants to keep a distance with me. I stopped and asked..

“RynnA, are you mad at me?”

“Ne? Aniyo.” She replied, but she still kept her head down.

“Then, why are you avoiding from me? I found that you have changed. You’re not that cheerful like before. What happen?”

“I have changed?.... Seems like I have… Indeed..” she said softly after a few minutes of silence…


I couldn’t take it anymore as I felt more worried for RynnA. I turned to her and placed both my hands on her shoulders. Then I tried my best to make her face me, instead she kept on avoiding and ended up, I gave up. “RynnA, I’m getting really worried of you right now. Please don’t act like this. Please let me be your listener, like how you did to me. Jebal~~” I pleaded. While RynnA still kept herself quiet.

I let my hands off from her shoulders and sighed. Suddenly RynnA held my hand and started her sentence…

“I’m Sorry, JinKi. Sorry.” She held my hands tightly. I didn’t what to do next, thus I just placed the other hand on top of her hand that was grabbing my hands tightly. Then, I continued…

“Kwaenchanna, RynnA. Just relax, be yourself and share it with me.”

“You knew what happened to me two years back right? TaeMin told you just now right?”

“You heard it too, I guessed.. You were hiding behind us...”

“Key was my first love. He will be always there when I need him. Whenever I was feeling down and sad, he would try his best to make me happy. Actually, TaeMin was a little wrong about the changes that happened on me. Actually, Key told me earlier about his departure for his study. He was worried about me and so he taught me to be tough and independent before he left. But, when he left me, I couldn’t hold my tears and cried whenever I thought of him. And just like what TaeMin said, he had to stay with me and to comfort me. A few weeks later, I managed to calm myself down and tried to be tough and live independently without Key. I still miss him now until…”


“RynnA!” We heard someone calling for RynnA but I ignored it as I was curious about the following sentence. I tried to distract her so that she could finish her sentence. “RynnA, you miss Key until? You haven’t complete your sentence yet.”

“But, JinKi ah~, I heard someone calling out my name..”

“RynnA!” the same voice is heard once again. She turned to the direction where the voice was heard and she got a shock. I turned to direction and saw a guy standing still, waved and smile to her.

“Oppa!” she said happily while taking out her hands from mine and ran towards him. Not only that, she hugged him. The first thought that came across my mind was “That guy is definitely Key.” I left that place quietly as I knew that I will have heartache…


RynnA’s POV


I have been thinking a lot about my feeling towards JinKi. Yet, I am still confused. “Did I really fell in love with JinKi or  JinKi was just a replacement of Key?” Those were my thoughts. I knew that it will not work if I kept on avoiding myself from him. Thus, I have made up my mind to be honest with him like what he did the other day.

As I was on my way to see JinKi, I saw both TaeMin and JinKi chatting. I went and hid behind the tree and eavesdrop their conversation. And it was about me and Key. I chuckled a little when TaeMin said the last sentence, “I missed my ‘2-years-back’ unnie.” I didn’t know that TaeMin missed his ‘sweet and innocent’ unnie so much. So, I came out and gave TaeMin a big shock until he ran away.


JinKi started the conversation and led me to sit down, but it was far away from him. I didn’t know why but I was looking down and kept on moving away as he came nearer to me. At last, it seemed like he got fed-up and questioned me with the ‘serious’ tone just like the first day when we met each other. I felt sorry and apologized, then started telling him my story. As I was going to tell him how I felt for him and those confusion, suddenly I heard someone calling out my name. It was familiar to me.

Indeed it was, I was sure about it as the same voice was being heard again. I turned to the direction where the voice came from and it was Key! I was so happy that I ran towards him and hugged him tightly.


Suddenly, I thought about JinKi, whom I had just left him alone there. But, when I turned back, he was not there anymore. He left…


Hey guys sorry for the late update!!! =(

I got stuck in the middle of the story thinking about how to end this story~~

And it took me quite long to think...Thus, I didn't manage to update the following chapters!! =(

Mianhaeyo T_T.....

Once again, i will say this.. I promise you guys that I'll not just abandon this story!!

I'll make sure that this story would end nicely,  definitely will not be a rush ending!! =)

So, for those new readers here or whoever who haven't subscribe this story..


Need a little idea from u guys~~~ =)

Gomawoyo for all your supports!!! =D

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tianatutu #1
Chapter 11: AWWWW I can just imagine onew doing all these cute things! i cant handle it!!!
I Like it ^^
ZeRynna #3
Jinki,wae you acting like that? Don't tell me your condition is back XD
RynnA must be so confuse.
ZeRynna #4
Oohh..finally I found your fic! I'm one of your readers from SWM!
Really love this fic because the situation is based on reality.Where the guy (Onew) can't bring himself to confess to the girl (Rynna)because of his shyness and lack of confidence..Onew should just confess.Not Rynna do the confessing part.
Heck,I just notice my name is similar with your OC! XD
Anyways,update soon!
Nevrane #5
i just subscribed thehe ^^ love your story <3
aww~~ i'm glad that u like it! thx!!! =D
I like the flow of this story!XD gonna go check out ur other stories now...