Incident Love - Part 4

Incident Love

Onew’s POV

As she told me that I was a funny guy and smiled to me, I felt great! It was my 1st compliment from a girl, which was also my first girl-friend! I was really happy to hear that from her although I was still curious about what TaeMin asked her. My way of treating girls was bad…?  Hmm…. Since she has treated me as her friend, I shall use some time to explain and to tell her about my past-time so that she will not misunderstood me for treating the girls that way…..


*Few months later*

I’m glad that I could get along with RynnA and TaeMin. As what I’ve decided, I really took some time to explain my behavior or you can call it attitude to the girls to both of them. And they were able to understand that, sometimes they would make fun of me with my’ killing smile’ sickness. There was once when they asked me to prove it…

“Hyung, you said that you have the smile that would kill any girls right?”

“Ya, TaeMin.”

“Then, do you mind showing it to us?” TaeMin asked happily, waiting for me to show it.

“But, RynnA is here… I’m worried that I might kill you..”

“JinKi, we are friends. I know you very well. Don’t worry, you won’t get to ‘kill’ me.” She chuckled.

Thus, I showed them. Well, both of them gave a big response.

“Hyung! Your smile can really ‘kill’ the girls. I thought mine is already best! Instead, yours is better! What do you think, noona?”

“TaeMin ah~ yours is the best all this while in my opinion. But, looks like I have to agree with you, TaeMin! JinKi ah~ you look so cute and sincere with that smile!!! No wonder the girls got hooked into you.” She smiled.

“Should I be thanking you guys or what? I always think that this is my weakness… Only both of you praised it so well.”

“Well. Just don’t do it so often especially to the others girls if you do not want them to run away from you. You both are really cute!!” RynnA smiled brightly and pinched TaeMin’s cheek. She then faced me and as both of her hands were getting nearer to my cheek, she quickly put them down. The action stopped, and she just smiled to me.


RynnA’s POV

“Ommo~~ kyeopta!!!” I thought to myself when Onew smiled. He better not do it to the other girls. They will definitely faint! I have to keep myself calm in front of them. No blushing No blushing! If not, TaeMin will notice about it. And JinKi will feel bad and sad about it. Cool down Cool down…

“~~~ What do you think, noona?” TaeMin asked.

“TaeMin ah~ yours is the best all this while in my opinion. But, looks like I have to agree with you, TaeMin! JinKi ah~ you look so cute and sincere with that smile!!! No wonder the girls got hooked into you.” I replied with caution and continued, “You both are really cute!!!” I pinched TaeMin’s cheek and as I was going to do so on JinKi, I quickly stopped myself. TaeMin will start making up stories about JinKi and I. To prevent this rumor, I better not do so. Moreover, JinKi is only my friend, so it is better not to make him think wrongly.


Onew’s POV

As our friendship grew stronger, we became best friends. TaeMin would teach me some ways on treating the girls. While RynnA, she often advised me to make more friends so that I would be friendly and sociable with the others. As a token of appreciation, I would offer them dinner at my house. My mom was happy to know that I have friends especially a girl-friend and became more friendly and talkative although my clumsiness has not gone yet. I will also treat RynnA like how I was taught by TaeMin. She noticed them too and would tell me the mistakes I did, due to my clumsiness… They always tell me clumsiness is a normal ‘sickness’ that everyone has, is just that I would show it more often than the others, and it is definitely not a weakness and would always ask me not to be sad nor worry about it.


As days passed, I found out that my clumsiness always shown out when I was with RynnA only. Whenever she turned to me and smiled, my mind would turn blank and I wouldn’t be able to reply her or continued our conversation…

“JinKi ah~, JinKi!” RynnA patted continuously until I responded back.


“JinKi, you look distracted again. Do you always do that?”

“Ani~~” “Only at you” I thought to myself.

“Ah~~ It is better not to stare at a person. Especially on girls. They would think that you’re a ert or you’re up to something.”

‘Am I a ert, a maniac?” I would question this to myself because of that… I wanted to ask TaeMin about this, but I was warned by RynnA before that TaeMin loves to make up story by himself and just can’t keep any secret sealed. Therefore, I can’t depend on him. If I just tell RynnA, I’m worried that she will be afraid of me.. I don’t want to lose her, she is my only best girl-friend.  How am I going to solve this???

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tianatutu #1
Chapter 11: AWWWW I can just imagine onew doing all these cute things! i cant handle it!!!
I Like it ^^
ZeRynna #3
Jinki,wae you acting like that? Don't tell me your condition is back XD
RynnA must be so confuse.
ZeRynna #4
Oohh..finally I found your fic! I'm one of your readers from SWM!
Really love this fic because the situation is based on reality.Where the guy (Onew) can't bring himself to confess to the girl (Rynna)because of his shyness and lack of confidence..Onew should just confess.Not Rynna do the confessing part.
Heck,I just notice my name is similar with your OC! XD
Anyways,update soon!
Nevrane #5
i just subscribed thehe ^^ love your story <3
aww~~ i'm glad that u like it! thx!!! =D
I like the flow of this story!XD gonna go check out ur other stories now...