Incident Love - Part 5

Incident Love

RynnA’s POV

I noticed that JinKi always avoid himself from facing me whenever he reply. But, everything seemed to be fine other than that. My curiosity made me asked TaeMin about it too, whether was there any rumor about JinKi and I, but there isn’t. Thus, the only way for me to find out what happened is from JinKi himself…


“JinKi ah~, TaeMin is busy today. So, can you walk me home?”

“Oh, okay. Sure.” he answered.

Gomawo.(Thank You)”


As usual, just like normal days, we chatted and laughed during the journey back to my house. I took the opportunity to face him when I continued our conversation. Whenever he faced me, he quickly turned away and continued our conversation. I did that for a few times, but he managed to avoid them. Eventually I gave up and tried using a different way, which usually worked….

“Yah!!!” I walked a little faster and sat on the bench, feeling pissed. He startled and quickly followed me behind.

“Waeyo, RynnA? Did I just say something that is wrong?” he looked innocent when he asked and sat beside me.

When I faced him to reply, once again he turned away from me.

Neotaemune!(Because of you!)” I crossed my arms and continued acting pissed. Then I continued, “JinKi, I noticed about this a few days ago, and I thought it was nothing much, eventually I was wrong! You did it just too much, right now even!”

“What did I do?” he said it softly while looking at the ground.

“Why are you avoiding yourself from facing me when you’re talking to me? You always turn away when I look at you. You’ve been doing it too many times! Just too much! I’m your best friend, yet you’re talking to me as if I’m a stranger to you. You’re keeping something from me right?” I blew up all of a sudden and it was my turn to turn away from him when he was going to face me.


“RynnA, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. But this is the only way that I think of to keep our friendship.” I was confused. He then continued, “Do you remember the day when I stare at you for a long time and then you told me not to do so to the other girls. They might take me as a ert if I acted that way on them. I was aware with it and got more worried as it only happened whenever I was with you…” I got a little shocked when he said it. “I’m worried that you might take me as a ert if I keep staring at you and we won’t be able to finish our conversation. I don’t want to lose my bestfriend just like that.

I was worried that you will avoid me on the next time. I wanted to tell this to TaeMin, but as you said before, TaeMin can’t keep any secret and he can easily make up rumors. Probably, you will know about this if I told TaeMin. So, I have to solve this myself, which is to avoid myself from looking directly at you.” I turned and looked at him after he finished his sentence. And as expected, he didn’t dare to face me and quickly looked down onto the ground.


“JinKi, mianhaeyo (sorry), for pissing off at you.” I said.

“Ani, it’s not your fault. I should be honest with you. You’re someone that could understand well, and doesn’t care much. You’re a straight-forward person too. I should have told you the truth.” He replied as he was still looking down on the ground.

“JinKi, try to look at me. Maybe this ‘sickness’ is gone already.”

“I don’t have the gut to do so. How if this sickness is not gone yet?”

I quickly bent down and faced him as he kept on avoiding himself. As he failed to do so, he quickly closed his eyes. I gave up and quickly sat back on the bench beside him.

“You’re not going to try? Fine... then I shall call it as no manners though, since you don’t face the person when you talk.”

“I look at them when I talk… Just that when it is you, I just can’t…”

“Are you going to be like that forever? Without trying? Just once…You know that I won’t take you as ert. I’m an understandable person just like what you said.”


Sigh~~ “Okay then, I’ll try.” JinKi slowly opened his eyes and turned to face me. It was not like what he said. He looked at me and smiled. “I can face you now, RynnA! I did it!” He was delighted that he held my hand and smiled so happily. I was glad that he recovered himself from the ‘sickness’ and smiled back.

Suddenly, the sickness came back… He paused and stared at me. I quickly shook his hand so that he will gain back his consciousness.

"JinKi!! JinKi ah~~!!!" . . . . . . .


Hey guys! I'm  back with the latest chapter~~ =D

Tommorow is Valentine's Day!! Happy Valentine's Day!! =D

Hope that this chapter would brighten you up more on Valentine's Day!!! =D

Enjoy~~ and look forward to the next chapter!!


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tianatutu #1
Chapter 11: AWWWW I can just imagine onew doing all these cute things! i cant handle it!!!
I Like it ^^
ZeRynna #3
Jinki,wae you acting like that? Don't tell me your condition is back XD
RynnA must be so confuse.
ZeRynna #4
Oohh..finally I found your fic! I'm one of your readers from SWM!
Really love this fic because the situation is based on reality.Where the guy (Onew) can't bring himself to confess to the girl (Rynna)because of his shyness and lack of confidence..Onew should just confess.Not Rynna do the confessing part.
Heck,I just notice my name is similar with your OC! XD
Anyways,update soon!
Nevrane #5
i just subscribed thehe ^^ love your story <3
aww~~ i'm glad that u like it! thx!!! =D
I like the flow of this story!XD gonna go check out ur other stories now...