Chapter 2

The Lost Paradise
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Hoya stared at the glass of blood he was holding. He absentmindedly twirled the handle; his attention was on the sloshing sound he heard every time he tilted the glass.

It was another morning in the mansion. Sunggyu and Woohyun had gone out to patrol, just in case there is any low level vampire trying to invade their territory. Sungjong and Sungyeol were accompanying Minyoung in her room, and Myungsoo was burying himself with books in the library. Hoya had no idea where Dongwoo was.

In the world Hoya lives in, vampires coexist along with humans. They do not burn or glitter under the sun, but it was true that they were stronger when the sun had set. It did not mean that they were not strong during the day though.

Vampires, being vampires, feed on blood, preferably humans’. However, as far as Hoya could recall in his memory, he and the other coven members had never have to hunt for blood. For some reason, the mansion is always stocked with blood (they have a refrigerator for that) and none of them wondered why or where did those come from. Of course, they do eat human food, but unlike drinking blood, it does not satisfy their hunger. They just eat the food for the sake of enjoyment and cravings.

The mansion was a home for the seven boys along with Minyoung and Yunhee. They were a coven; and, again, as far as Hoya remember, they have always been together and Minyoung has always been their leader. He has no idea how they came to trust a girl younger than all of them to lead them, but he had never wondered about it. His mind told him to obey her and so he did.

And then there was Yunhee. Hoya had no idea why he resented that girl so much. Just the sight of her made him feel like breaking something. He could never understand why would they live under the same roof, but Minyoung had shrugged and told the boys “I want her to live here” before when they asked, so Hoya didn’t complain. After all, what matters is to make Minyoung happy (or at least that was what his mind told him).

Hoya was even more annoyed at Yunhee because he couldn’t read her mind or her feelings like how he did to others. It was as if Yunhee was abnormal – and not being able to figure her out pissed him off. The only person he had never used his ability on is probably Minyoung, but that was because he thought he loved her enough to respect her privacy. Hoya always felt the need to know what was going on around him – and that way he could stay cautious from any danger. Yunhee made him feel unsafe and vulnerable.



What is he thinking?

Hoya snapped out of his daze when he heard a familiar voice in his mind. He looked up to find Dongwoo frowning at his direction, while leaning onto the door.

“I am not thinking of anything, hyung.” Hoya replied.

“Yah, you read my mind again?” Dongwoo smiled as he took a seat on the sofa, next to Hoya. “You really need to stop doing that.”

“I probably don’t have to, your face was literally speaking out to me.” Hoya chuckled.

Hoya passed the glass of blood to Dongwoo – which the older took gratefully before drinking it in a go.

“Someone’s hungry.” Hoya commented.

“Yeah, I just came back from a morning jog.” Dongwoo the trail of blood on the side of his lips. “Came across a rather fierce newborn. Woohyun and Sunggyu hyung must have let it slip their attention. Took care of it under the sun rise, and now I am drained.”

“I didn’t know you are that weak.”

“Yah. I’m not weak. Just hungry.” Dongwoo corrected. “Do you think you can get me another gl–“

Just then, a hand with a glass full of blood appeared in front of Dongwoo.

“Yah. Myungsoo! Stop doing that, it’s freaky!”

A small chuckle was heard before the said man came out of the shadow, this time fully revealing himself.


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Chapter 13: hi... just wanted to say that this story is amazing!!! i am just waiting for the next update. Its been 3 years, but i am hanging onto that sliver of hope that i will finally get to know if the boys will remember, what is going to happen betwenn myungyeol, and who is woohyun's worst nightmare? fighting author-nim
Poster is A+!
Myungyeol1999 #3
Chapter 13: Umm can I ask you something? When are you gonna update? Cos this story is awezum! I love the Myungyeol scene^^ Please update!
ranialexy #4
Chapter 1: i loved the story only from the foreword and character list and decided to read it right away!!!i hope u finish it!!hwating!!<3
OOHHH MY GODD!!! I AM SO HAPPY THAT I STUMBLED UPON YOUR STORY!!!!!!IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!TT_TT(tears of pure joy)!!!!!! Please update soon:) I literally started yelling at my computer when there wasn't another "Next" button!
I just reread all of this omg ;~; this so so emotional lol please update soon ^u^ <3 poor woobaby ;;
omg the update. THE BRILLIANT UPDATE! 8D
Nooooo!!! :O
Leave Woohyun alone!!
Ooo, Sungjongie will have a different ability? And Gyu can see da future?

So teasing!!

:) Fighting >.<
hyundeul #9
oh my loooord you updated! HAHHAHAH
Gyu has the ability to see the future?!
So troublemaker gonna skip myungsoo and go right up to woohyun first?! Oh my gosh, gyu remember everything faster!!!!
this is getting exciting.. HEHE.

update soon~! :D