

A week passed and Seong Im’s friendship with Il Kook progressed every day. Every day, he would make sure to be by her side, taking her to the street vendors as he fed them to her and they joked as Seong Im got more comfortable but would stop when she got shy. They ran through the neighborhood with the yellow umbrella in front of them as the wind gushed passed them.

They were at the playground as Seong Im sit on the swing and he was twisting it. They laughed and she scream and the swing made her dizzy. He stopped it, making their faces close, their noses touching. Then they would both draw back in shyness.

He clipped her hair away with a clip.

“I like your eyes.” He said.

Her relationship with Bolin was the same. He always left after she left to school. He started attending class again regularly.

But there was a tingling sensation burning in him whenever he saw Seong Im and Il Kook together.

Today, Yoo Jung and Il Kook came to their house. Bolin entered her bedroom with something in his hand. He was about to place it on her table until he heard footsteps running up the stairs. With nowhere to run, fear of being caught in her room,he look for a place to hide.

He hid under her bed as she and Yoo Jung came inside her bedroom.

“So this is what your bedroom looks like.” Yoo Jung smiled.

Seong Im went to the table by the window and grabbed something.

“Let’s go.” and they got out.

He then quickly got out from under her bed and crept out of the room. Just then he met Seong Im outside.

“Why are you in my room?” She asked. He was a bit surprise but acted cold and serious again. He said nothing and went to his room.

“He must be crazy…” she muttered. She went inside and found something on her table that wasn’t there previously.

Her music box that he took was there. She opened it up to see it beautifully furnished. She twisted the node and the music started playing clearly. She smiled.

He fixed it…


The three students were in the kitchen baking a cake for her mom. Her parents were not home.

They played with the flour as Il Kook marked her face with the white powder. Soon they made a big mess and laughter filled the kitchen.

Bolin happened to come in when Yoo Jung threw a bucket full of flour at Il Kook and Seong Im. It missed as they squatted and landed on Bolin. The three musketeers stare in shock as he looked like a snow man covered in chalk.

Bolin opened his eyes to see a powdery vision. He was angry but seeing Seong Im’s worried face as she quickly came to pat off the excess from him made the anger dispersed.

“Oppa, are you ok? Did it get in your eyes?” Seong Im tried to check but Bolin face palm her head from touching him any further, making her stop. He removed his hand as it left a white print on Seong Im’s face. Il Kook and Yoo Jung cracked a smile and burst in laughter.

Seong Im made a face as Bolin brushed passed them into the kitchen.

“You guys are such bad cooks.” He observed the supposed -to be cake.

“Why don’t you help us if you know how to cook it then?” Yoo Jung said.

“You know how to bake a cake?” Seong Im asked curiously.

“Really?” Il Kook asked too.

Bolin ignored them and started cooking.

After a few hours, he was able to make a fresh white cake. He ordered them around to prep the items as they all worked in awe.

Soon the icing was done and they all clapped. The decorations were complete, as they were waiting for the parents to return home.

Her mom was surprised to see the birthday party, even more surprise to know that her step son was the one who baked the cake.

“Thank you so much.” Her mother warmly said and tried to hold his hand. He flinched and she stopped but smile. The cake was cut and divided and they had a fun dinner time together.

Suddenly her mother said this to Seong Im. “Thank you, my daughter. Your father must be very grateful.” then she turned to Bolin’s father as he just nodded to signal that it was alright. Seong Im looked at her mom sadly. “I…miss you father…But it’s okay, because I have your dad here.” She held Bolin’s father’s hand.

Seong Im smiled as her eye shimmer. She stood up and went to sit on the piano table. She looked at Il Kook who smiled at her cue and pulled out a guitar. Together, they played a song.

(If – elsa kopf)

Yoo Jung began singing as Bolin looked at them performing. Her mother cried in joy as they perform. His father smiled and held her mother.

Bolin only laid his eyes on Seong Im who was playing the piano while she and Il Kook looked at each other from time to time.

It was late night and Yoo Jung had to go home.

Seong Im sent them to the door as her father came to fetch her. Seeing Yoo Jung clinging onto her father’s arm as they headed home, Seong Im smiled sadly.

Il Kook stood behind her and tried to scare her with his hands suddenly tapping on her shoulder.

“Boo.” Seong Im jumped and turn to glare at him.

“Why the long face?” He ruffled her hair.

“You’re going now?” and he nodded. “Why? You want me to stay longer?”

“A-ani,” Seong Im put her head down.

“I’m just messing with you,” he ruffled her hair again.

He was about to walk away but he turn back to her. Seong Im looked up to see him glowing in front of her, a little nervous.

“Did you forget something?” Seong Im asked.”

He shook his head. “Actually, I want to tell you something.”

Il Kook leaned in and held her hands.

“Cheon Seong Im, I like you.” he confessed to her. Seong Im stood agape at his confession, not knowing whether he was just teasing her or telling the truth. The soft look in his eyes made her melt, her heart pounding.

“I….I…” She couldn’t find the words to say.

“You don’t have to say anything.” He assured her. “I’m not expecting an answer. I know you’re still young, but I will wait until you are older.” His words touching her, “I’m being sincere.”

Seong Im stood agape, processing every word he said. He was going to walk away when she held his sleeve, stopping him.

“Me too.” She said, “I like you too, Il Kook oppa.” A smile curled from his lips. He walked back and held her hands before hugging her happily. Seong Im was overwhelm but hugged him back.

He waved to her before leaving, almost tripping, making Seong Im giggle.

It didn’t go unnoticed by someone from the window. Why? Because he saw the whole thing, he was watching them. Bolin closed the drapes in a cold manner, angry.


Bolin started to be mean and cold hearted towards her again. Seeing Il Kook coming by their house every morning to walk with Seong Im to school made him angry.

A few days later, she hadn’t seen Il Kook come by to visit her anymore. Although she looked for him at school, there was no news or even a glimpse. One day, she sat by the stairs and drew on the wall, thinking of him worried sick.

“What are you writing?” Bolin asked from behind her.

 “N-nothing.” She got up quickly as he went to examine it.

He said nothing as he touched the red crayon that was imprinted on the wall.

보고 싶어

I miss you, the characters on the wall read.

She was about to walk away before he spoke.

“Do you miss him?” making her turn back. He turned to look at her with his big eyes a bit watery, “Your father…”

( image gif for reference à )

She looked down at the ground as her feet shuffled underneath her shoes. He turned away from her and touched the characters slightly again.

“I do too…” he whispered. “My mom…”

His hands caressed the characters and gather his hands to his face, covering it. Seong Im’s attention grew back as she went back to sit beside him. There was no sound but only shaking whimpers and irregular breaths. She heard him muffle his cries.

With hesitation, she reached up her arm around his shoulders to hold him. She leaned on his shoulder as she felt him shaking. He didn’t let out a sound.

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Chapter 12: Oohmyygawwwwwwd...oohmyygawwwwwwwd...Did not expect it to be this creepy O_O
In general, good. I think the change in Bolin was sudden and not built up as well as it could have been. Also some grammatical errors/sentence structure issues, but otherwise well done. Even though you didn't explicitly write about the scene, I think you should mark this story as "M" and "Trigger Warning."
Chapter 12: the end of story!
make some min stories more
i like to read yours
mei254 #3
The ending tho. -Completed
baybiena #4
Chapter 12: what a heart breaking story... u really did a great job writing it though...she had such a terrible past.. I can't wait to read more of the original story after reading the past story of jihyo n jongkook...
Chapter 6: for a long time I'm waiting a writer that write better than me
and I found yours
you really inspire me!
mei254 #6
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: cool!
Chapter 3: She is falling in love with Il Kook? Daebak!
songjihyo_fans #8
Chapter 1: wahhh...daebak....can't wait to next chapter author-nim...>___<