Declaration of Kinship


Today is high school and middle school competition.

“High school teams A and B versus middle school teams C and D. First game will be dodge ball, tag, tug of war, then a relay race. Clear? Remember, this is just a game. Any disputes will deduct merit points from students. Understand?” Everyone answered.

Il Kook looked Seong Im and winked at her before throwing the ball. Seong Im reacted weirdly as her brows furrowed. She dodge and the ball hit another student instead.

“Yah Song Il Kook!” Yoo Jung yelled. “If you’re gonna throw it then do it properly. Stop flirting.” All the girls glared at Seong Im who shyly walked behind her.

He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. His team cheered as the game continue. The ball was thrown back and forth between the students. Seong Im caught the ball that was thrown by another boy from Il Kook’s team.

Bolin stared at them all from the sidelines. His eyes crawling over the students as he was irritated at all the squeals and cheerings.

Il Kook’s team won with only Seong Im, Yoo Jung and another boy left. They were cornered and lost. But Il Kook gently threw the ball at Seong Im, tagging her out before others threw the dodgeball at her.

In the other groups, Bolin only stuffed his hands in the pocket of his yellow sweats. Suddenly someone threw a ball at him. He turned back to see who it was. Min Ki smirked at him.

“Oops, my bad.” he sarcastically said. “Mind passing us the ball?” Nut Nolin ignored them and got ready to enter the game.

The game began as Bolin was in the back. As the game proceeded, the other boys in the back were being harsh. They purposely threw the ball harshly at Bolin while all the students were distracted.

“Ooops, sorry again man. You know…. a slip.”

Bolin ignored them once again. They threw the all at him again. This time, Bolin actually bends down, picks up the ball, stood his stance, and threw the ball right at Min Ki’s face.

Min Ki fell on the ground as his friends went to help him.

“Wrong place to stand punk.” Bolin smirk. Min Ki got up and ran to shove Bolin.

“Well then, wrong place to talk you motherless b*st*rd.” Min Ki spat on Bolin’s shoe.

Bolin threw a punch at Min Ki. There, they started fighting.

The dodgeball game halted as the fight gathered the attention of the teachers and students.

Seong Im and the rest of the students moved out of the way and circle the fight. The trio fought with Bolin as he fought back. The teachers came to stop the high school boys. Min Ki’s nose was bleeding bright red.

“You *sshole! Motherless fool. You dare to make me bleed?! You son of a b*tch!”

“What?” Bolin roared as he tried to free himself from the teachers.

“You heard me! Ni wonder your mother ran away with another man. You’re a worthless punk!” then he spat on the ground.

Enrage, Bolin stormed forward and kick him again, although he was still held back. Bolin yelled at him. Seong Im witness the whole thing.

Their mothers had to come later and talk to the principal. Seong Im’s mom took him out of school first as he ignored them and left first.


Seong Im was going to go home but she found Bolin’s back pack. His bag was , making a slip of paper fall before he got out. Seong Im notice it but he had already left. She went to pick up the slip, not sure if she should open it.

With curiosity, she slightly open it, reading the content.


On the way back home from school, Seong Im walked the neighborhood roads and climbed the stairs, leading to the neighborhood close to home.

Seong Im entered the house, “I’m back.” She took off her shoes and entered the living room where her father hit Bolin across the face.

“When will you stop giving me problems?” Bolin didn’t answer but looked at his mother. “Answer me. Are you going to keep this up?”

Bolin quirked out a thin grin and looked at his father head on.

“Does it make you that sick to see me?” He coldly asked. “I will not accept them. They are not my family.”

“S-son.” Seong Im’s mother wanted to hold his arm but he shoved her out of the way.

“Who is your son ahjumma?”

His father grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him outside.

“Reflect yourself and apologize to your mother now.” his father ordered. Bolin only smirked at him.

“Sometimes I wonder…” His voice cracking, “If mom really ran away because she cheated on you or if she was scared of you.” His statement earned him another hit from his father.

“You.” his father pointed at him, trembling, “I don’t have son like you.” He left him in the front yard and slammed the door lock.

Seong Im crept to the door and saw Bolin sitting in the rain in the center of the yard. The soft rain drenched him as the wind blew. Seong Im saw him shivering but there was no pleading from him. He only look at the ground.

She was afraid he might get sick. “Omma, it’s too cold.” Her mother went outside as the sky grew darker. She went to pull Bolin up but he pushed her, making her fall on the mud. Seong Im ran to help her mother. “Omma!” She helped her up and her father came out to help her mother, ignoring Bolin. He took her mother inside to the porch, her knees injured.

Angry, Seong Im turned to him as the rain trickled down her clothes. She purposely stood in front of Bolin who was still sitting on the ground. Her eyes were fixated on him, holding her fist tight.

“Do you hate us that much?” She asked. Thunder rumbled and the rain grew harder. She pushed his shoulder. “I’m talking to you.” He look up and glared at her.

“Yes. I hate you all.” His purple lips cut at her. Seong Im saw the hatefulness in his eyes, burning with rage and disgust. “If you know it then get lost!” He stood up, obviously taller than her, looking down on her. Seong Im clenched her fist tightly as the anger in her grew.

He looked at her fist from the side and grin. “You want to hit me?” He walked towards, trying to make her back up. “Go ahead. Hit me.” Seong Im swallowed the lump down , she really wanted to hit him. “Hit!” He shouted, making her jump. His eyes challenging her. She bit her lips as it turned purple pink. She raised her hand and he was expecting her to punch him but instead… She hugged him.

He felt her arms wrapped around his body against hers, her head lied on his chest, her warmth turning cold. He was shock as he didn’t expect that. She hugged him and cling onto his shirt. He froze like ice.

“Even if you hate me, I’ll love you.” She declared. She let go of him and faced him, whose expression flinched and could only listen to her. “My mother is now your mother. Your father is now my father. They are our parents. We, are siblings. Even if you hate me, I won’t give up.” His mouth was left agape, confused.

 “If getting along with a rude jerk like you will help this family become one then I will do it. If it makes my mom happy then I’m willing to sacrifice for her.”


“Are you deaf? If you hurt my mother again, I won’t let you go. I’ll be sure you to annoy you to death. This, is a warning.” Seong Im glared at him, her once cheerful eyes turned cold and murderous. Somehow it scared him. She glare at him once more and dragged his hand by the sleeve and pulled him to the porch, away from the rain. Their parents looked at her bravery to confront him in pride.

He fainted as they reached the porch, his body shivering. “Oppa!” she caught him as his heavy body landed over hers on the porch.

She has decided to get along with him. Probably the biggest mistake of her life, yet she didn't know.


“You’re up?”

He woke up to find her putting a bowl of porridge on the side of his bed. His clothes were changed, his lips pale. Seong Im placed the dishes next to his bed.

“Eat it while it’s warm.” She said. He only looked at her confused. “Why are you looking at me like that? Looking at me won’t make you full. Now eat.” She ordered him. She was dressed in another set of clothes. Her hair dried and pin back in a ponytail. She reached for his hand and put the spoon there. But he retracted his hand back.

“What do you think you’re doing!?” He shouted at her. She only stared at him and sighed.

“Seems like you still enough energy to shout.”

“What?” then he started coughing as he inhaled the air too much.

She pushed the spoon back in his hand. “Eat.”

“You- Get away from me and get out of my room.” He demanded and push her away, continue to cough. But she came back and placed the dish in front of him.

“I won’t. If you want me to leave then eat and then gather up your strength and kick me out.”


“How many times do I have to tell you to eat?” She picked up the spoon and scooped the porridge and blew it. He only look at her in a daze. Was she really going to feed him?

“Say ‘ah’,” He only stared at her in confusion and refused to. “Stop staring at me.” She was getting annoyed with him staring at her like that.

“Why are you being nice to me?” He finally asked her, the thought of it has been itching his mouth.

“I told you already. We are family now. Of course I’ll take care of you, oppa.” He flinched at hearing that word from her. “So eat, it took me a while to prepare this.” She looked at him looking away from her and sniffing with coughing.

Maybe he wants to be alone.

“Alright, I’ll leave. But be sure to finish your food.” She got up and walked to the door. Before heading out and closing the door, she stick her head back to look at him. “Happy birthday, oppa.” She said in almost a whisper and left.

He was surprised to know that she knows his birthday. He looked over to the lamp side, there was another bowl. He took off the lid and found some seaweed soup. His lips quiver and shook as he slowly scooped the soup into his mouth. Tears started falling from his eyes as he ate it. He sniffed and a thin smile crawled over his lips. He was happy… No one remembered his birthday, but she did. He didn’t know what took over him but he started to eat the food.

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Chapter 12: Oohmyygawwwwwwd...oohmyygawwwwwwwd...Did not expect it to be this creepy O_O
In general, good. I think the change in Bolin was sudden and not built up as well as it could have been. Also some grammatical errors/sentence structure issues, but otherwise well done. Even though you didn't explicitly write about the scene, I think you should mark this story as "M" and "Trigger Warning."
Chapter 12: the end of story!
make some min stories more
i like to read yours
mei254 #3
The ending tho. -Completed
baybiena #4
Chapter 12: what a heart breaking story... u really did a great job writing it though...she had such a terrible past.. I can't wait to read more of the original story after reading the past story of jihyo n jongkook...
Chapter 6: for a long time I'm waiting a writer that write better than me
and I found yours
you really inspire me!
mei254 #6
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: cool!
Chapter 3: She is falling in love with Il Kook? Daebak!
songjihyo_fans #8
Chapter 1: wahhh...daebak....can't wait to next chapter author-nim...>___<