

Leaning on the wall that divided their rooms, she pressed her ear against the wall.

Ding ding ding…

She heard the music box playing softly.

Ding ding…

He must like it, she thought and wander off to bed, not thinking much about it.


The next morning, Seong Im went down stairs as she was ready to go to school, only her mother was in the kitchen.

“You’re up? Come eat breakfast before you go.”

Seong Im went to help her mom. “Where’s…” She tried to say it carefully, “Where’s dad?”

“He had some business early this morning so he left already.” Seong Im nodded then continue eating. Then they saw Bolin entering the kitchen as he headed towards the fridge for water.

“Oh my, you’re up too. Let’s eat together.” Her mother warmly said and was about to get another bowl of rice but he ignored her.

“I’m not hungry.” he whispered coldly and walked out. Her mother sadly sat down again and usher for Seong Im to eat. It was the second time she had ever heard him talk.



“Don’t you think he’s weird?”

“Who, your brother?” and Seong Im nodded.

“No, it’s normal.” her mother tried to smile.

“Why?” Her mother stopped eating and looked at her.

“I think he’s just like you, just a little bit different.” her mother smile.

“Me? How?”

“Wasn’t it hard for you to like your father in the first place too?” her statement making Seong Im look down at her food. “It must have been hard for him, me replacing his mother after she left him with his father.” Her mother held her hand. “But unlike him, you are more understanding… Thank you, my daughter.” She gripped her hand lightly. “Be patient okay?” Seong Im understood now. He was just like her.


On the way to school, she quietly walked down the stairs.

“Seong Im-ah!” She turned around to see Il Kook waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. His breath moisten the air, seeing his breath as the wind slightly blew. She almost trip down the stairs but seeing his angelic smile made her heart flutter again.

They walked together to school until they met up with Yoo Jung.


During music class, the teacher asked them to perform notes on the piano. No one wanted to step forward. The teacher called on Seong Im as she shyly walks up.

“I heard you played the piano for a rehearsal in Pohang. Would you mind playing it?”

“T-teacher,” she looked at her, “It’s been a while. I don’t think I can play it as well.”

“It’s okay, take your time.” Seong Im had no choice as the other students were cheering for her to play. She stepped to the piano and sat, breathing anxiously as she open the cover of the piano.

(If – elsa kpof piano version)

High school students passed by the hall way and Il Kook was one of them. He stopped at the door and listened to her play when he notice her.

Bolin was on his way out the hall when he heard the piano play too. He was going to ignore it and shove his hands in his pocket but something caught his attention. He glance through the classroom window and saw Seong Im sitting on the chair and playing piano to the class.

He was about to leave when he heard something else. A little cry and the music stop.

Seong Im put her head down and looked away from everyone. Her eyes water with tears. She got up and walked out of the music room, bumping into Il Kook and Bolin who looked at her in surprise.

The teacher didn’t say anything and ended class. Yoo Jung pleaded the teacher not to scold Seong Im. The song must have been special to her. Her father was the one that taught her how to play that song.


Seong Im sat in the bathroom stall and cried. Yoo Jung came in the banged on her door.

“Are you okay? Yah Seong Im-ah.” No answer but she could hear her hiccups and muffled cries and sniffs.

“I-I’m alright unnie.” her voice cracked. She waited until Seong Im was done crying for almost 20 minutes. When she opened the stall, Yoo Jung could see her swollen pink eyes and quickly gave her a tight hug.

“Let’s go back to class.” they were on their way back but Seong Im remember something.

“Yoo Jung-ah, you go first. I forgot my bag.”

“Be quick then.” as Seong Im darted off.

As she ran to the room and found her bag under the table, she leaned down to get it. Suddenly she heard the door creak open and slide back shut. She saw someone walking up to the piano and sat there. She was about to get up but the keys slowly played.

She recognized it immediately, it was the music in her music box. She got up from the table and crept to see that it was Bolin playing on the piano. His fingers swiftly moved on each key, his eyes full of emotion, the first time had ever seen it. After he finished, he started trying to play the music she played earlier.

He kept messing up at one part and was about to slam the cover.

“Being impatient won’t help.” She called out from the back of the room, making him jump up. His eyes were wide open as he saw her standing there. She walked forward.

“You have to slowly play it by ear, see, it was a G, not F,” she showed him. As she look up at him, he had already put on his cold mask again. “Bolin oppa…”

“Don’t try to be nice to me,” his words were emotionless. “I hate crybabies.” He walked passed her with his bag hooked behind him. Seong Im was left alone in the room as she tried to hold back tears. She didn’t want to be seen as a baby.


She was walking home when Il Kook called her. She turned to see him rush to her side.

“You’re going home already?” he asked her. She only nodded. No words, why? Her stomach started feeling funny again, her head fluttering, looking away.

“You haven’t gone around the streets have you?”as she shook her head lightly. “Then… let’s go eat,” he declared. She finally looked up at him in surprise as he held her hand. He pulled her along gently. She looked up at him, his hair moved back and forth, his warm hand held hers. She started feeling giddy, her heart rate quicken. Then he turn to smile back at her, in which he saw a faint smile curve on her lips, he started running, making her run with him.

The wind blew on their face as they reached the streets was only when he stopped running, letting them catch their breaths.

“Feel better now?” He chuckled.

“Why did you run?” Seong Im asked as she spoke between breaths, earning a cheesy smile from him.

“Don’t you know about the story of the wind?”

“Tornado?” but he shook his head, making her blank; thinking hard.

“Wind struck.” he replied.

“Wind struck….” she repeated.

“When I’m not around, if you feel the wind blowing, then that will be me.” He turn to her and recited it clearly. Seong Im’s face flushed pink as she looked at him. “If I die, I want to become the wind.”

“Don’t you know these quotes?” he asked her.

“No.” she shook her head.

“They are my favorite quotes.” Their hands were still clasp together. “Let’s go, that street vendor has delicious seafood pancakes.”

Seong Im followed him as he led her way. They stopped at a small vendor.

“Ahjumma, can we get a seafood pancake and some roasted potatoes?”

“Coming!” the old lady answered. She brought the food.

Il Kook turned to Seong Im with the food only to find their hands still holding on. He shyly let go of her hand and handed the food to her.

“E-eat it. It’s awesome.”

Seong Im took a bite and immediately made a sour face.

“Why? It’s not good?” But she only shook her head. “What is it?”

“It’s too hot.” She managed to say. Realizing that she had forgotten to blow it, he started bursting in laughter. Seong Im gave him a death glare as he handed her the bottle of water. She gargled a few times before gulping it down.

“I can’t believe you didn’t blow it first, ahaha” he held his stomach laughing.

“You did it on purpose right?”


“You gave me garlic.”

“What? Really?” he quickly check the pancake. “Where? Where is it?”

“Here,” she handed him the potato, making him grin.

“Now you’re joking too.” Seong Im pursed her lips into a smile.


After he took her to eat, they walked back home. As they reached the steps of the stairs. Seong Im bowed.

“Thank you for showing me around Wongju.”

“Ani, thank you for coming with me, although I kind of dragged you along.” He answered.

“Then, goodbye.” She bade and climbed the stairs.

“Seong Im-ah,” he called her. “About your father… I’m sorry.” She turned to look at him as he climbed the stairs forward, stopping before her, side by side.

“Remember, you are not alone.” He ruffled her hair. Seong Im stared at him with her big doe eyes, astounded. “Call me oppa from now on, okay?” He nervously waved at her, “ tomorrow.” he then bolted away smiling.

On her way home, she could feel that it was true, about what her father said.

‘One day when you meet the one, when you feel a weird thump and flutter in your stomach, that’s when you have really gone crazy. You’re in love.’ Her father told her as he retold the story about his love for her mom.

Appa….I think I’m crazy too… She thought as she smiled and giggled to herself while looking at her hand, the one Il Kook held.

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Chapter 12: Oohmyygawwwwwwd...oohmyygawwwwwwwd...Did not expect it to be this creepy O_O
In general, good. I think the change in Bolin was sudden and not built up as well as it could have been. Also some grammatical errors/sentence structure issues, but otherwise well done. Even though you didn't explicitly write about the scene, I think you should mark this story as "M" and "Trigger Warning."
Chapter 12: the end of story!
make some min stories more
i like to read yours
mei254 #3
The ending tho. -Completed
baybiena #4
Chapter 12: what a heart breaking story... u really did a great job writing it though...she had such a terrible past.. I can't wait to read more of the original story after reading the past story of jihyo n jongkook...
Chapter 6: for a long time I'm waiting a writer that write better than me
and I found yours
you really inspire me!
mei254 #6
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: cool!
Chapter 3: She is falling in love with Il Kook? Daebak!
songjihyo_fans #8
Chapter 1: wahhh...daebak....can't wait to next chapter author-nim...>___<