Chapter 5

Just a Happy Life

Krystal POV
This morning is quite cold, I put my bag and heading to school. I'm running downstairs and to my surprise, Amber is here. "Hey," she's waving with her cheeky smile. "Hi to you too," i approach her and wonder what is she doing here. "Come on, we'll miss the bus if you keep staring at me in awe," she said teasingly. I slap her shoulder, but I like this feeling. Well, Minhyuk or my previous boyfriends never do these simple things on me. All they know is just making out to me and do the other pleasure things. "Since Vicky considers us as a couple, can you do me favor?" she said. I held back my smile and turn to her with a questioning face. "Let's just be a fake couple, for maybe two weeks or a month. Then you can break up with me," she said without look at me. Suddenly i feel some disappointment. I nodded, but a crazy thing comes up my mind. I hold her hand and intertwined. "Fake couple is still a 'couple'. It's not a couple when they don't hold hands," I said. Let me be selfish for once. Let me enjoy this 'fake couple' thing. She grins and holds my hand tighter and we go to the bus stop.
Amber POV
I have no idea why should pick her up. Maybe I just wanna distract my mind about Victoria. "Hey, you okay?" Krystal nudges my shoulder. She still holds my hand and I feel her thumb my back hand now. I smile at her and nodded. "Maybe you should talk to her," she said calmly. "I'm not in the mood for that," I shook my head. Then the bus comes and we hop on. There's no seat for two, then she take the seat beside a middle age man. I just stand beside her and take a grip the seat, while my left hand still holds on her. She looks at me then i make a questioning face, then she shook her head and look to the window.

We off the bus and heading toward the school gate, still hand in hand. Then I saw Vicky.. with Choumi from the opposite direction. I gulp. Krystal nudges me and I look at her. "Go on. Talk to her," she said. We forward to approach Vicky and Choumi. "Hey," my voice sounds unfamiliar. Choumi just smiles, Vicky lowered her head but greet me, "Hi," What should i do.. What should i do.. Then I feel Krystal loosen her hand, but I grip hers tighter. "Come on, let's go to the class," I chirped. I pull Krystal and walk away from them. "What are you doing?" she asks me, confused. " I told you, let's just Do as I said before. She doesn't seem wanna talk anyway," I told her. We entering the class then she release her hand because Minhyuk look at me in anger. Loser. I sit on my seat and I saw him approach on Krystal. "We need to talk," he said in annoying tone. "No, I don't want to. Beside, we are over," Krystal said coldly. He grab Krystal's wrist make her squeal in pain. "Let her go!" I scream. He glares at me and approach me in flashed. *BAM* he punched me again. "Amber," Krystal running to me and kneel on my side. "Why do always intervene on me," he screams to me. "Stop it you jerk!" Krystal punches his rib and he fell backward. "Don't you ever punch my girlfriend again," she screams. I hold Krystal's hand and she pull me to stand. She caressed my cheek, "Let go to the clinic," she said calmly. I just nodded.

Krystal POV
"Why did you always let him punch you," I said while put an ointment on her cheek. "Because you don't like a rude person," she said. I widen my eyes, "Besides, I don't like fighting," she continued. She winced in pain, on reflex I blow her cheek softly. She look at my eyes and we both stop. She look down to my lips and I feel wanna lean forward. "Amber," Vicky come to clinic in rush. We both pull our self and she grin to Vicky. "Hey. I'm fine," she said. I find myself annoyed. "Let's get back to class," I said and pull Amber's arm. She nodded and the three of us heading to class.
We heading to our seat and I glared to Minhyuk then I approach him, "Once again you punch my girlfriend. I sent you to jail!" I threaten him. I feel a grip on my wrist and Amber pull me to my seat. "Let him," she said. "No, i don't like the way he treat you," I said. "I know. Listened to your girlfriend, okay?" she hold my hand and drag me to my seat.

Amber POV
Thank God, it’s break time. I'm hungry. "Krys, what do you want to eat?" I asked her. She shrugged, "I'm not so hungry," she said nonchalantly. "Come on. Let's share then. You need to eat something," I pinch her cheek softly. Then I look at Vicky, she look at me back. I try to smile casually, "Let's go," She smiled and nodded.
We heading the cafeteria, then i saw crowd in the hallway. I saw Minhyuk, that jerk again. He try to punch Choumi, I run to them and held his grip. ", it's you again!" Minhyuk said in anger. Then he try to punch me, again. Oh no you don't. I dodge and kick him on the ribs. He fell backward. "My girlfriend said I shouldn't let you punch me again. So here we go," I'm gonna give him another punch, but then, "What's going on here!" Mr. Lee come in rush. "Amber, Minhyuk, Choumi. Come to my office. Now!" he said in rage. I saw Krystal look at me and then I mouthed 'Sorry'. She look at me in worried.

The result is, the three of us got a detention but in a different class and different day. Monday and Tuesday for Minhyuk, Wednesday and Thursday for Choumi. I got on Friday and Saturday. Minhyuk glared at me but he turn away when I glared him back. "Psst, Minhyuk," I call him. He turn to me, then I offer him shake hand. He shook my hand hesitantly. "Sorry to punch you but I don't like your behavior, so does Krystal. Oh, and Krystal is mine now, so don't approach her again," I said casually. I put my hand on Choumi's shoulder and we walk away.

Victoria POV
The school is finished now, I stay at the class, waiting for Amber. I saw Krystal putting Amber's belongings to her duffel back and suddenly look at me. It's awkward now, but suddenly I saw Amber and Choumi, they entering the class while laughing. "I don't know that you can fight," Choumi said brightly. He got bruise on his cheek but he still look cute. Wait, what am I think about. I scold myself. "Well, I do. It's just I don't like fights," Amber chirped. I saw Krystal fold her hand on her chest and glared coldly to Amber. Amber stare at her in fear then approach her. "Have I told you that I don't like my girlfriend in fight?" she said. I held my smile, poor Amber. She looks down, in front of Krystal, just like a puppy. "Come on Choumi. I don't wanna witness a murder here," I drag Choumi out of the class while laughing. "YAH!" Amber shouts at us.

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jasonds #1
Chapter 12: sweet ittt
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 12: Thanks for the updates... Next pleaseee
Chapter 10: Oh my ty...
Sina_neiyz #4
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update
Sina_neiyz #5
Chapter 9: The next story i think is about who amber really is...i think..
jasonds #6
Chapter 9: hahahaahahah nice story author nimmm...please updates soonnnn
Chapter 7: Ouch..ouch~~ why so many ants in here???
Sina_neiyz #8
Chapter 7: Next pleaseeee~~~ btw, thanks for the update.....
Sina_neiyz #9
Chapter 6: Next pleaseeeee~~~~~
Sina_neiyz #10
Chapter 5: This is interesting.... Next update pleaseee~~~