Chapter 14 (Final)

Were we ever in love?

(Your POV)-

You felt a sudden breeze coming from your window in your hospital room that awakened you, as you felt slightly dizzy trying to figure out the situation based upon your surroundings

A nurse just then entered the room with a towel as she then cooled down your fever which made you feel like you were literally on fire

(You)-What happened to me? What day is it? Wait no..why am i here?

(Nurse)-You've been in a coma for 6months after you almost lost over 2pints of blood due to the excessive amount of cutting you commited yourself to

(You)-I was in a coma? wait did you just say FOR 6 MONTHS?!!! omg i need to get out of here (you said running down the hallway until you bumped into someone)

The nurses then come to you back into the room until they realize the situation (where it looks like you and "someone" were hugging and oddly enough you knew who it was just from the scent of his clothing)

(You)-Kim Jongdae? you said looking up at his face while in his embrace

(Jongdae)-If you're running out because you missed all your essays don't worry i did them for you~ (he says with a wink)

(you then release the hug staring at him blankly as if you forgot the question you were about to ask)

(Jongdae)-Something wrong? or are you just attracted by me? (he said that made you laugh a little reminding you of the good old times)

(You)-(hears your stomach growling) which caused Jongdae to laugh as he then approached you closer holding your favorite meal ever

(Jongdae)-Here let's go eat in the cafeteria i'm starving too~

(While the two of you were eating and catching up Jongdae didn't know how to approach the topic of Joshua towards you, however fortunately you haven't mentioned him which set him at ease for that moment anyway..he knew how you would react, knowing how depressed you will become, getting into your bad habits again)

(You)-So..where's Jimin? is she off on a date with Kai when her bestfriend is sick?

(Jongdae)-Seriously you really think that low of your bestfriend, her and Kai came almost everyday to ask the doctor on how you were doing and Jimin almost went insane for two months as she would casually talk to herself not wanting to believe the fact on how you almost died..we were all worried

(You)-Well i guess i owe someone an apology~

(Jongdae)-Speaking of which..did you miss me?

(after hearing that question you automatically choked on your food as he then handed you a glass of water as you then glared at him)

(You)-You really think i didn't miss you, i practically cried every night just wondering about our relationship

(Jongdae)-Our relationship? Why was wrong with it? (he says hinting you)

(You)-Nothing it's just that i want some more napkins..i'll go get some (you said running away from the situation as fast as you could)

(In your thoughts: "Yah Jung Yumi what are you doing you have a boyfriend, and plus i doubt that we'll be feeling the same way about each other")

Just then Jimin and Kai entered the cafeteria heading over to Jongdae after hearing the news about Joshua completely worried on how to tell you

(Jimin)-Poor Joshua..i never got to say bye to him, i can't believe he was in pain all along..what is this some kind of korean drama plot

(Kai)-She doesn't know yet right? (he asks Jongdae)

(Jongdae)-No, can you guys help me out?

(Jimin)-It's like telling a child that their mother left them..ugh its impossible to control her depression

(Jongdae)-What do you mean by depression?

(Jimin)-Ever since you left she had to get treatment to control herself from cutting, she only stayed inside her room crying waiting for the day you would you could say your the cause of her severe depression~

(Kai then nudges her shoulder saying "Don't say that Jimin-ah")

(Jongdae)-No it is my fault..i had no idea

(Kai)-What do we do know, she's going to find out sooner or later

(You)-Find out what? you say while getting a bunch of napkins

(Jongdae)-On how happy we are about your recovery we're so glad you're alive

(You)-Aww i'm sorry for worrying you guys

(And here goes the awkward silence)

(Jimin)-So (she says looking at Kai for help)

(Kai)-Right there's something we need to tell you

(Jimin)-We didn't know how to tell you this but here we go..

(You)-What about?

(Jongdae)-About Joshua..there's really no easy way to tell you this so please promise the three of us that after hearing this you won't go through your cutting habits again

(You)-I promise now what is it? (you said being extremely curious)

(Jimin)-He passed away a week before your recovery (she said as the three of them looked at you with a worried look)

(You)-Was he in this hospital the whole time? (you said then rushing towards the doctor's asking where his room had been as you then ran towards his hospital not wanting to believe the truth until one of the nurses then handed you a letter as you entered his room as if she had expected your presence)

You opened the letter which read...

Dear Yumi-ah

i know you're probably thinking this is some sort of joke, and thinking that i'm a jerk which is completely ok with me the last person in this world that i didn't want to find out about this was you. I couldn't handle seeing you cry knowing that you've already suffered enough, i'm sorry for never being there for you. I remember when we first met which was no doubt the best day of my life. Loving you was the best achievement and seeing your face everyday gave me the strength and courage to live everyday. I wanted us to last for as long as the universe existed, seeing you walk down that aisle for our possible futures together as i would then kiss you reminding you everyday how beautiful you are..but as i was enduring my last days i realized something which was the fact that your heart belonged to someone else, who's now crying wondering how to get you back in his arms as he will be the one who you'll spend your future with, that kind of fate is something truly unbreakable.

So until the day we meet again, i wish the best for you and Jongdae

I will always love you~ my adorable potato

Love Joshua

 you then dropped down on your knees crying out, feeling both stupid for not knowing and sorry for not being able to do anything for him, you had truly loved him, but at this moment right now you only wanted one person right beside you...Kim Jongdae (your idiot)

And right at that moment he had came in seeing you on the ground crying and immediately made sure if you were okay

(Jongdae)-Please don't kill me for not telling you, i will take full responsibility for having you suffer all these years because of me

(You)-(smiles while cupping his face)-"i'm not going to yell at you, i'm going to ask you one thing though"

(Jongdae)-What is it? does it involve making me taking you and Jimin shopping again cuz i really don't want to this time(you then stopped him before he continued rambling which is one thing you missed about him)

(You)-No i was actually going to ask you if you were free Saturday night (you said looking down due to his charming face)

(Jongdae then lifs your chin up before giving you a passionate kiss as the two of you then broke the kiss breathless)

as he replied with the words "i'm all yours" as he then kissed you again

(Epilogue)-Two years later

(At the cemetery)-

(You,Jongdae, Kai, and Jimin had come to visit Joshua after almost two years went on by, as the two of you were now happily engaged, and Kai and Jimin well let's say their about to have their first child and Jimin's mood swings aren't helping anyone)

(You then placed a flower at his grave stone before saying "Hey Joshua how have you been, we've all missed very much a lot of things have happened since we've all last seen each other. How are you? Are you taking care of yourself properly, eating your meals you've once forgotten? i hope you're happy accomplishing great things in another world that's beyond what we could imagine..we will never forget you--- just as you were about to finish up Jimin and Kai had been arguing again:)

(Jimin)-I told you i wanted mangos not peaches!

(Kai)-It's been weeks since you've been doing this and don't say that "he" wants it (he said pointing at their son) since we all know it's all you

(Jimin)-So it's my fault that i cant eat whatever i want?

(Kai)-Yes and also the fact that because of you i've had to spend over $50 on just food this week! and yet you say i do nothing for this family we're about to have since i'm the one that provides pretty much everything!

(You then continued saying "see what we deal with everyday, until next time then (you said about to cry) i hope to see you smiling again")

As Jongdae then accompained you and Kai and Jimin who were now "cooled off" from their arguments back to the car to head on a supposed "family vacation" since you guys had truly become a family over the years through all the ups and downs all you guys really needed was each other, the four of you had created a bond no one else could break

As new chapter's were opening for each and every one of you, you became excited to see what was next~


So how was it? Sorry if there were any grammatical errors. And be sure to check out my new story which will be coming soon this summer!

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So awesome. Love this <3
lunapark998 #2
Chapter 13: OMG , NO JOSHUAAAAAA ~
cute jongdae that cares about Joshua, so sad That he needs to live this world like this.
Yumi you better wake up, Jongdae is waiting for you !!
DaisYeolPark88 #3
Chapter 13: Wake up ~~~~~
DaisYeolPark88 #4
Chapter 12: Omg Joshua !! Why did you do that !! See what happened !
DaisYeolPark88 #5
Chapter 11: OMG nooooo
Chapter 11: i rather she end up with joshua .. Joshua is such a sweetheart
DaisYeolPark88 #8
Chapter 10: OMG what happened !!
DaisYeolPark88 #9
Chapter 9: Omg they met !!!! Omg is it bad that I ship both of them with her XD
DaisYeolPark88 #10
Chapter 8: OMG I can't wait until they met ~~~