Staying In

Sideways Glance

You huffed and struggled from the elevator to your apartment door with all the groceries weighing you down. You were trying your hardest not to upset the cake box in your left hand with the grocery bags that you were forced to hold in that same hand while you heaved everything towards your door. Finally you reached the door and set down some bags to punch in the passcode for your door. It beeped open and you kicked the door open and as your held the door open with one foot, you used the other to slide the groceries inside your door. You quickly ducked inside before the door closed and sighed in relief as you and all your groceries made it into your apartment. 

You set all the groceries in the doorway as you took off your shoes. Then you proceded to haul all the groceries into the kitchen and unloaded all of them onto the counter and into the fridge if they needed to be in there. You fell onto the couch once you were done and blew out your breath in one long huff. You were exhausted. You closed your eyes for a minute and for some reason an image of Bobby flashed across your mind. You can't rest now. Bobby is working infinitely harder than you. Get off your and start giving it your all. You hated that voice of reason in your mind sometimes, but you knew it was right. You glanced at your watch. It was only seven o'clock, but you would have to start dinner soon for it to be ready by the time Bobby got there. Not to mention, you needed a shower and time to mentally prepare yourself. 

You heaved yourself off the couch and decided to shower first. It would be checking one thing off your list while still allowing you time to destress from work. You the hot water and slipped out of your work clothes. You sighed as the hot water hit your body and let all your worries follow the water down the drain. After your shower you changed into some baggy sweats and a t-shirt before blow drying your hair and clipping it out of your face to make dinner. You stood in the kitchen staring at all the ingredients you had gotten out on the counter. For some reason, it seemed a little overwhelming, but you rolled up your imaginary sleeves and got to work. 

The seaweed soup sat on the stove simmering, it would be good if it just stewed for a little bit by itself. Next was the bulgogi. You set the meat in the marinade and shoved it back into the fridge to soak. It would need some time. You checked your phone. It was only 8:30 so you decided you could have maybe an hour and a half or  two hours to yourself before you had to start the rest of the meal. 

An hour later you were back in the kitchen starting the rice and checking on the meat. You had put on a mix of YG artists on your laptop to pass the time and you were enjoying the mix of old Big Bang and 2NE1 songs and new Winner and iKon songs. You had made rolled egg a few minutes ago and it was chilling in the fridge. You decided to dig out the kimchi your aunt had sent you from Busan. You usually ate it very sparingly because she only sent you some once every six months and you could eat that stuff all day, everyday. As you rummaged through the kimchi fridge near the pantry your phone began to ring. Zion T's "Yanghwa Bridge" poured from your phone and you almost hit your head on the lid of the freezer as you rushed to answer it. 

"Hello?" you answered without looking at the caller ID. Part of you dreaded it that it would be your mother again about Clary. It was only 10:30, it was a little early to be Bobby. 

"Jee?" a tired voice answered you. Your heart began to pound. It was Bobby. "I'm outside. Come get me, it's cold." 

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." You waited for him to hum in confirmation before hanging up and hastily finding some slippers to wear outside your apartment. You ran out of your apartment and into the elevator and finally to the front of your apartment building. You smiled a little as you saw Bobby through the glass door. His back was to you but this time he was in jeans, a pullover hoodie with the hood up, and a light padded parka. He had a backpack thrown over his shoulders and he scuffed his low top sneakers as he waited for you. Although the door was glass it was and automatic, passcode protected door, you found that a little ironic.

You pressed the button to open the door from the inside and Bobby jumped a little as the door slid open. His face turned to meet yours as you leaned out the door and smiled at him. His face was covered in one of those medical masks and some thick-framed glasses were perched precariously on the bridge of his nose. His eyes crinkled into a familiar face and you knew he was smiling at you from behind that mask. 

You shivered as the outside cold air at your bared arms. "Come in," you said. "It's cold." 

Bobby followed you to the elevators and it was silent while you waited for the elevator then in the elevator as you went up the ten floors to your apartment. Neither of you said anything until you were in your apartment. Only then did Bobby kick off his shoes and remove his mask. He breathed a sigh of relief as he pushed the mask into his jacket pocket and took off the glasses. Finally you were able to see all of his face. He looked down at you and quirked his signature smirk. "Thanks," he murmured.

"Hm?" you answered. "For what?" you asked curiously. 

"For letting me come over," Bobby said. "I needed some away, you know?"

You nodded and began to make your way back to the kitchen. "Come on," you waved him in, "dinner is almost ready." 

You had finally finished cooking. It hadn't taken long but you had sat Bobby on the couch and threatened him until he stopped trying to help you. Everything was set. The rice and soup was in bowls, the meat was cooked, and all the side dished including the rolled egg were out on the table. You put your hands on your hips and looked down at your handywork, only the slightest bit proud of yourself for pulling it off. You checked your phone. It was 10:45 and you glanced over at Bobby he was still sitting on the couch where you had left him with the TV, but when you approached you saw that he was actually asleep snuggled in his hoodie. You cringed at the thought of waking up, but you had to. 

You leaned over him bracing yourself on the sofa arm and reached out with your other hand. You hesitated before placing it on his shoulder and gently shaking. "Bobby," you murmured, "dinner is ready." 

He shifted in his sleep and sighed a little bit as you continued to shake him. Eventually he groaned and blinked open his eyes. His eyes instantly met yours and to you time seemed to slow almost to a halt. Something passed between you and chills errupted through your body as Bobby steadily gazed at you, his eyes never wavering or breaking away from yours. Suddenly, you blinked and time resumed its normal time. 

"Dinner," you managed to stutter out. 

Bobby smiled at you and nodded. He stretched and got up from the couch. He followed you to the table and sat in his chair. You sat opposite him and watched him as his eyes roamed the food. He sat for a moment like he was in shock before slowly picking up his spoon and dipping it into the seaweed soup. You watched nervously as he brought the spoon to his lips. You saw him swallow and smack his lips together tasting the soup. He looked down for a moment before taking another spoonful. His eyes raised to meet yours and your heart beat quicked until it felt like your heart would explode in your chest. Your stomach twisted in nervousness and you could feel your palms beginning to sweat. 

He smiled a small smile at you. "Tastes like my mom's," he murmured before going back to his food. 

You breathed a sigh of relief. 

A/N: Sorry that this chapter has very little Bobby in it, but I thought it was important to show that Jee is a separate person and has a life outside of her encounters with Bobby. Hope you understand. Also in case some of my lovely readers don't know: Korean apartment buildings tend to have passcode locks on not only their apartment doors, but also down at the front door of their apartments. Just for double security. 

Another cultural note: Koreans also usually have 2 refridgerators: a standard standing one with a freezer attached (like in most of the world) and a kimchi freezer that usually opens from the top like a treasure chest. This is because kimchi is made is HUGE amounts and has to be kept fresh (plus there are many different kinds of kimchi), but also because kimchi can smell prettyy strongly even in containers, so it's to help keep the whole refridgerator from smelling like kimchi. 

Hope this helps. Please look forward to more chapters. (The coming chapters will have a lot more Bobby, I promise~)

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;