Blink Twice

Sideways Glance

You were  almost out of breath as Bobby sped walked dragging you along behind him. Your mind was blank besides the thought of keeping up with him without falling. You glanced down at his hand wrapped tightly around yours and your mind was wiped into a blank slate. What were you doing? What was he doing? The two of you escaped down the main street and soon cut down another street where Bobby stopped. He looked like he was going to hail a taxi. He dropped your hand and the two of you caught your breath for a minute. 

"That was fun," Bobby chuckled quietly. "You did great. Thank you." He smiled at you and your heart sped up at his irresistable eye smile. 

"I should go," you said. You bowed and turned to go. 

"I can take you somewhere," he called after you. "You helped me. Can I help you back?" he offered. 

You turned back to face him. He looked so friendly and inviting, like you two would be friends in another life. You closed your eyes and blinked once, then twice and that's when your tears began to pool in your eyes. They didn't fall but simply sat in your eyes. The breeze ruffled his messy hair and his eyes searched your face softly like he was trying to unlock your expression with his eyes. You smiled a little at him. "I don't think you can," you murmured. You turned to go not even taking one last look at his face before turning your face away and continuing down the street. 

You had gone about a dozen pace before you felt strong hands grasp you by the shoulders and spin you around. You were shocked to see Bobby holding you by the shoulders, his eyes filled with something that could only be described as determination. Time slowed at his pulled you and pressed you to his chest in sweet embrace. One of his arms wrapped tightly around your back while the other came up to cradle your head against his chest. All you could do was stand, frozen. What was he doing? Wasn't he going somewhere? What were you doing just standing there like an idiot? Suddenly your heart clenched and the pain washed over you like sudden rain storm. You held your breath trying to hold back the flood, but as soon as Bobby held you tighter there was no stopping the inevitable. Your arrms moved by themseled and rose to wrap around the stranger that was holding you. You pressed yourself closer to him and begged the world that you would just melt into him. All you wanted to do was disappear. Yet still your tears did not fall. All that escaped you was a single tear that was promptly wiped away. 



Somehow in some way you ended up in an empty cafe sitting opposite Bobby. Bobby had gotten up to get your drinks and you looked out the window. You were on the 4th floor of some building and you liked watching the people down on the street. Bobby came bustling back with two coffee mugs, one in each hand. He set one down in front of you and smiled as he blew on his before taking a sip. You looked down at the creamy brown liquid and the smell of chocolate wafted into your nose. A smile quirked at the corners of your lips as you cupped the mug with your hands. It's warmth spread from your hands up your arms and almost to your heart. 

"Okay," Bobby started, "let's start over." He stuck out his hand and smiled widely. "My name is Bobby, Korean name is Kim Jiwon. Going to be completly honest with you, I am member of YG's newest group, iKon. I'm a 95-liner and myy hobbies include writing lyrics, laughing, and cracking jokes. Pleased to meet you."

You took his hand and smiled awkwardly. "Nice to meet you," you said timidly. "My name is Gee, Korean name is Park JeeYoon. I'm a 95-liner. I'm from the United States and here in Korea for an internship. Uh..." you paused as you ran out of things to say, and suddenly a light bulb went off in you head. "Oh, my hobbies include listening to music, going to the Han River, and following pop culture." 

Bobby smiled. "Nice to meet you, Gee. Since we're the same age, can I speak to you informally?"

"Sure," you said and even though you said that, you couldn't bring yourself to drop honorifics. 

Bobby laughed. "We'll take things slowly." He looked out the window and even though there was complete silence between the two of you, somehow it wasn't awkward at all. It was a very warm and comfortable silence. 

"Sorry, but weren't you sneaking out to go somewhere? To meet someone?" you asked timidly. 

"What?" Bobby asked breaking out of his trance. "Oh no. I just wanted to get out. We don't have any more schedules today, so I was going to have some alone time. It's hard to come by when you're super famous and live with six other people plus managers and a company." 

You laughed out loud at his mock arrogance. 

"There it is," Bobby chuckled once you quietted. 

"What?" you asked curiously. 

"A smile that touches your eyes," he explained sincerely. "It looks nice on you."

You were too shocked to blush at his words. How was it that this man that you had just met could read you so easily? How was it that he could see into your very soul? Who was he? 


I hope anyone who is reading this is enjoying this story so far. I'm basking in iKon's glory of "Dumb and Dumber" and "What's Wrong" and I hope you all are too. So far the pictures at the beginning of chapters are just his profile because the original character only get to see once side of him so far. I hope that makes sense. As she gets to know him better pictures will reveal more of his face. Thank you for reading and please look forward to more chapters. I'm going to update as much as I can without getting writer's block. Thank you~~

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;