Birthday Day

Sideways Glance

You  tried to calm yourself as Bobby continued to sleep peacefully with his arm wrapped around you loosely. Your heart beat began to settle again in your chest and you breathed a sigh of relief that you hadn't woken him. You looked up into his face and smiled at how childish and innoccent he looked while he slept, his eyes closed, and his eyelids looked so smooth, his cheeks that slightly buldged as they squished towards the pillow, and his pouty lips that fanned his warm breath across your forehead. As you looked at him you saw his brow furrow for the slightest moment before smoothing again. You couldn't help but wonder what he was dreaming about? Had something happened in his dream to upset him? You smiled sadly to yourself as you realized you would probably never know this boy well enough to know what he dreams about. At that moment Bobby was so close to you, but you couldn't feel farther away. You and Bobby had only met once before and yet the two of you had slept in the same bed twice, brushed your teeth together, eaten meals together. Despite all of that you probably couldn't tell if he had any siblings or how old he was when he decided to become a singer. But the fact that you knew that he would rather fly than read people's mind made you laugh at yourself in mockery. Were you even this boy's friend? What could you offer him. He, who already seemed to have everything at his fingertips. 

"Oh, you're awake."

The voice made you jump and blink up bewilderedly at the now awake Bobby. His eyes blink down at you and he smiled sleepily before he yawned and stretched. As he stretched his arm moved off of you and your breath hitched at the sudden loss of contact. You felt oddly empty without his arm slung over you. You hadn't realized that you had gotten so used to it. But before you could miss it too much, Bobby finished stretching and his arm surrounded you again. 

"Did you sleep well?" you asked quietly.

"Like a baby," Bobby replied closing his eyes again and smiling as he snuggled into the pillow again. "I always sleep well when I'm here," he mused quietly.

"That's good," you murmured. 

"Were you up for long?" Bobby asked cracking his eyes open at you. 

"No," you said. "Maybe fifteen minutes?" you guessed. 

"What were you thinking about?" Bobby asked. 

You looked up at him surprised. His eyes were closed again and he didn't open them to look at you. How had he known that you were thinking about things? Specifically things that concerned him. "What?" you asked in confusion. How did he always see right through you?

"Oh, Jee," Bobby sighed. "I know you well enough to know that you were deeply thinking about something." He paused to smile smugly to himself. He opened his eyes and looked down at you. Those eyes sometimes seemed to pierce down into your very being for all you knew. "You get a small little crease right here when you think hard about things," he joked poking you right in between the eyebrows. 

"I do not," you complained as you swatted away his hand, but you knew he was right. After meeting you in person once, he already knew you that well. Who was this kid? "Sometimes I wish you weren't so observant," you murmured as Bobby grip around you tightened as he chuckled. 

"Why? You're important to me so I should pay attention," he mock-whined. 

You couldn't ignore the butterflies in your stomach this time. Bobby had just called you important. He was probably the first person in a long time to say that to you. Coming from him it was so different. "But I don't know you half as well as you know me," you complained. 

Bobby laughed. "So that's what you were thinking about," he guessed, hitting the bulls eye once again. "You don't know it, but you know me better than a lot of people," he assured you. "It's not about the person's habits or their quirks, it's about how you accomodate them and how you are with them. Does that make sense?" He looked down at you. "So it doesn't matter that I know that you get a crease in between your eyebrows when you're thinking or distressed. When we first met, you had that exact same crease and you were sad. I can't forget that look. Anyways, all that matters if you can read me and make decisions based on that. You knew I needed your home cooking. You knew that would be hard work. You knew it was my birthday and you celebrated with me. You knew that would be special to me. You knew and that's all that matters." He trailed off and you were speachless. 

He could read you. He could tell when you were thinking. He could tell when you were feeling uneasy about things. He could tell exactly what he needed to say in order to make you feel better. All you could do was stare up into his face as he focussed his attention on the wall behind you. Soon his gaze met yours though and when his gaze met yours for some reason tears stung the back of your eyes. Bobby looked a little startled as tears pooled in your eyes but before he could say anything you buried your face in his chest and sighed, willing your tears to got back into your eyes. Luckily for you they did. "How do you know exactly what to say to make me feel better," you laughed into Bobby's chest. 

He laughed as he patted your back. "I'm me and I know you. But you're you and you know me. Don't question that. But also this is a new friendship. Eventually we'll know everything, even our darkest secrets." He laughed louder at his own joke. 

You laughed with him and pulled away from him sitting up. "Okay, let's get up," you cheered. "It's your birthday and I'm not letting your spend the day in bed." 

Although Bobby groaned he let you drag him out of bed towards the kitchen for breakfast... or lunch. 

A/N: OKAAAAAAAY~ Back in business haha Sorry this update took so long and sorry for the difficulties with that new "I'm not a robot" thing. I don't know what was happening. I hope you like this chapter. It's not very long due to my cruel amount of homework. But hopefully I will have time for short chapters more often. Please enjoy and look forward to new chapters. And of course please leave me comments and feedback~~

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;