
Sideways Glance

You gaped at Bobby incredulously. What had he just said? He wanted to stay at your apartment tonight? What did that mean? He had just met you this afternoon. More importantly YOU had just met HIM this afternoon. You had no idea who he was, what he was doing at your apartment, or why you had let him in in the first place. Your mind raced as it tried to process what Bobby had just asked you. What did he mean "sleep here"? Where would he sleep? On the couch? It would be uncomfortable? But certainly not in your bed with you. You didn't have a guest room. So those were the only two options. Unless you dug out the futon mattress from the closet. That would be okay. But then where would you put the futon? In the living room? Kind of sad for Bobby. On the floor in your room? Too suggestive? What were you going to do? 

With all of that running through your mind, you simply took a deep breath in. "What?" you whispered to Bobby. 

He took your hand in his and you felt goosebumps rise on your arms and a shiver run through your body. His hand was warm against yours and you weren't going to lie, it felt nice. "Please Jee~" he plead with you. Aegyo tinged his voice and his eyes almost disappeared in a whiny looking pout. "I don't want to go back to the dorm~ It's noisy there and I don't have any schedules. That almost never happens. Plus I like it here. It's quiet and you're nice~" He tugged on your hand like a child and made small, huffy whining noises at you. 

He might as well not even tried to convince you because you knew you already couldn't turn him away. 

"Plus I told HanBinnie I wouldn't be home tonight so it's my one free night. PLEEEEEEEAAAASE~" 

That was the last straw, the nail in the coffin. You were convinced. You swallowed and tried to wet your dry mouth. It felt like your mind wasn't in your body. "Okay," you heard yourself saying. Your mind was suddenly jolted back into your body as Bobby smiled and engulfed you in the biggested bear hug you had ever been in. He arms wrapped around you and sqeezed so hard it pulled the air right out of your lungs. In that moment, you probably should have been embarrassed or flustered, but all you could think about was Clary. All that sadness that had been supressed today was bubbling up and you could barely put its lid back on before Bobby pulled back. He kept smiling at you and you tried to smile back. 

"Well let's go find the futon," you said getting up. 

Bobby bounced behind you as you approached the storage cloest that you never used. Folded up on the floor was the thick mattress pad, sheets, spare blankets, and a pillow. You pulled them out and handed the sheets, blankets, and pillow to Bobby. You followed after him with the mattress. He stood in the living room but then decided against it and went into your room and dumped the stuff on the floor. Sleeping in your room it was. Your room was the largest room in the house besides the living room. Your full-sized bed was pushed up into one corner with a desk at the foot of your bed by the door. This left all the space between your bed and the opposite wall open except for a small dresser by the window at the head of your bed. 

Your room was simple. You liked to think of it as slightly modern chic. There were a few pictures stuck to the wall by the head of your bed by the window. One of your entire family on the beach in California, a selfie of you and your older sister you had had printed, one of you and your best friend from your university in America, one a restaurant in your hometown that your uncle owned, and lastly, an older square Polaroid of you and Clary. It had been taken right after high school graduation. Both of you were smiling with your caps and gowns on and flowers and diplomas in hand. That was the last picture you two had taken together. You sighed as your eyes fell on it.

You unfolded the mattress pad and laid it out by your bed so Bobby's head would be near yours. The two of you set up the bed and soon Bobby was stretched out on it and laughing like a maniac. "I love this," he said. "It reminds me of sleepover when I was little." 

I laughed lightly at his comment. It did seem like that was what we were doing. "I'm going to go wash up," you told Bobby. "Do you need to too?"

"You go ahead first," he said. "I'll just stay here and look for your darkest secrets." 

You looked at him skeptically and chuckled. "You're welcome to try," you challenged. You walked out of the bedroom and the door on your right at the end of the hall was the bathroom. You went in and shut the door. As you brushed your teeth and washed your face, you thought about what was happening. Not just Bobby, but about Clary too. You sighed as you dried your face and looked at your reflection in the mirror. What kind of friend were you? You could have helped her. You blew out your breath and fought back the bubbling up sadness and grief that you were storing in your chest. You couldn't while Bobby was here. 

You stepped out of the bathroom and returned to your room. Bobby was in the exact same position you had left him in, on his stomach on his phone.

"Didn't find any secrets?" you asked quietly.

Bobby rolled over and smiled. "One or two," he joked.

You went to the dresser and pulled out and clean hand towel. "Here," you said turning to hand it to him. He was again closer than you expected as you turned around. You blinked in surprise and backed up only to be met with the hard wood of the dressed. You winced as the wood dug into your lower back a little painfully.

"Are you okay?" Bobby asked, stepping away.

"Yeah," you said. "I've always been clumsy," you joked."Feel free to use whatever you need in there. There's face wash, soap, if you want to take a shower there's clean towels under the sink. Oh!" Your mind suddenly flashed to something else. You opened the drawer in the dresser again and pulled out a toothbrush still in its package. "Here," you said handing it to Bobby. "I bought it for my sister when she said she was going to come visit, but that never happened..." you trailed off thinking you were babbling. 

Bobby smiled and took the towel and toothbrush from you. "Thanks," he said. "I'll be back in a minute."

Once he was gone and you heard the bathroom door close you went and fell face first into your bed. Why were you being so... clumsy and weird with your words today? Stop being a stupid head you chided yourself. He's just some random stranger that you let into your house. There's no need to impress him. You rolled your eyes at yourself with that logic. You turned over and looked up at the ceiling. White. That's how you wanted your mind to be right now. White. Blank.

You sighed as you reached for your phone but it wasn't anywhere. You huffed as you realized it was still out on the couch. You got up, went to get it, and went back into your room. You laid back down on your bed on your side and scrolled through Instagram idly. Infinite had just opened an official account but they were updating frustratingly slow. You jumped as you heard the bathroom door open and you looked up to see Bobby coming back into your room with damp bangs and a goofy grin.

"What?" you asked. What was he grinning about?

"Sensitive skin?" he asked back quirking an eyebrow at you.

When you didn't respond he just smiled wider. "That's your dark secret that I discovered tonight."

You gave him a look that you understood but why did he choose that as his dark secret. You sat up and couln't help but smile back. "Yes I have sensitive skin," you proclaimed. "My darkest secret has been revealed," you said with mock fear. "What shall I do now??"

Bobby flopped onto his bed. "You know what," he asked muffledly as he snuggled into his pillow, "I do too."

The lights had been turned out and you and Bobby laid in your beds chatting idly about random topic late into the night. 

"Bobby?" you asked after a period of silence.

"Hm?" he souded tired. Just one more question you thought to yourself.  

"Are we friends?" you asked hesitantly. 

You heard him chuckled quietly. "Yeah. I would say we're pretty good friends," he replied. 

"Good," you murmured. 

Silence settled again and you couldn't help another question. 

"Bobby?" you murmured.

"Hm?" he answered again. 

"Will I ever see you again after tomorrow?" you whispered. You hoped the whisper hid the fear and shaking in your voice. 

There was a long pause before Bobby spoke again. "I don't know," he murmured. Your heart fell at his words. With Clary gone and your family on the other side of the world, you had hoped you had found someone besides coworkers who would be there for you and who might offer some comfort as a friend. "I don't know," Bobby repeated, "but I will try my best. I don't want this to be a one time thing. Don't worry, okay?"

"Okay," you murmured. You turned over with your back to him and felt fatigue wearing on you. "Good night, Bobby," you whispered and before he could answer you were drifting off into sleep.

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;