
Sideways Glance

You breathed out slowly at you looked down at your phone. It was the evening after Bobby left and you had just gotten back from running errands. You were sitting at your kitchen table with the TV on quietly in the background. You had been living by yourself for a couple years now, but you had never felt this lonely in all of that time. You rested your head on the table looking across the expanse of the table. There were only two things there. Your phone. And the slip of paper Bobby had given you. You had debated all day whether or not to text him. You didn't know why you felt this way. On one hand you were just too nervous and couldn't bring yourself to do it. On the other hand, you were so scared that you would never see him again it didn't seem worth texting him. It would just be setting you up for disappointment. You hadn't even entered his number into your phone as a contact yet. You sighed as you closed your eyes, shutting out the image of the small folded piece of paper. When you opened your eyes, you picked up your phone without thinking twice about it and entered his number, saving it into the contacts. Again without thinking twice about it, you composed a text and sent it without letting yourself stop you. 

You let out your breath that you hadn't realized you'd been holding once the message when through. You looked at it on your phone. A small text box with a time stamped on it and you knew there was no taking it back. You stared at the text and wondered if you should have said something different. But then you decided there was no turning back and got up to make dinner. But in the back of your head, the text burned into your mind and you worried about whether or not he'd reply.

Hi Bobby. It's Jee. I wasn't sure if I should text you, but I did anyway. I hope you got home alright. Thank you. 

You cooked and listened to the TV even though you couldn't see it. There was a short news broadcast about the upcoming end of the year shows and the Golden Disk Awards early next year. Your ears perked up as the reporter mentioned iKon but were quickly disappointed when all she did was mention them and nothing more. You huffed out your breath in disappointment and continued to stir your ramen slowly. The noodles would be done soon. You jumped at the sound of your text tone on your phone. You turned off the heat under your ramen and slowly turned to look at your phone. It sat innoccently on the table. There was no sign you had received a text... until the LED light notification lit up yellow before fading quickly off. You slowly made you way to the table and waited for the light to glow again before you picked up your phone. The light blinked at you innoccently and you took your phone in your hand unlocking it slowly. Your heartbeat thrummed in your ears loudly. You clicked on your messaging app your heart almost stopped when there was a notification next to Bobby's name. Your thumb quivered as you opened it. Your heart calmed and your hands stopped shaking, and you actually smiled at the text. You replied quickly and went back to your ramen in a much better mood.

Hi Jee~ FINALLY you text me. I would have first but I didn't get your number. I got home alright, but we're eating take out again tonight. Ahoo.... Thank you for letting me stay. It really refreshed me.

I'm glad you're home. Don't worry about the food. Sometime I'll cook for you again. Promise. 

You heard your text alert sound again but you were almost done with your ramen so you finished it and set it out on the table ready to eat. You took a first bite before looking at your phone. You heart stuttered at the text and for some reason a hugely bittersweet feeling spread through your entire body. The feeling reminded you of exactly what kind of situation you were in. An uncertain one with incredible odds against you. But for some reason Bobby's texxt gave you so much hope you didn't care about any of that. You just wanted to believe that you would make it. 

Until we meet again then. 

It had been a few weeks since that fateful meeting between you and Bobby and you had returned to normal life. Your internship had become a lot busier and you found it hard to keep up with your work sometimes. It was getting colder in Korea and Christmas was coming too. You huddled closer to yourself inside your coat and pulled your scarf higher around your face as you waited at the crosswalk. Even though it was Sunday you had come in to work, your boss had promised to give you the day off tomorrow. You were opposite the MBC building and you smiled to yourself as memories flashed across your mind. It was sometimes hard to believe that meeting Bobby had happened and sometimes you even convinced yourself that it hadn't happened. The light changed and you crossed the street looking forward to getting home. Your phone vibrated in your pocket against your hand but you waited until you were in the subway station to check it. Your blew on your cold hands as you pulled out your phone and smiled. It was Bobby.

Be careful in the cold, Jee. 

You replied telling him to be careful too and hoping that he was well. You stood by the doors of the subway that would take you home and you were really looking forward to being in your warm house. You looked down at your phone as it buzzed again. 

What are you doing tomorrow? 

You thought about it quickly and remembered your day off. Nothing you replied. I have the day off. Before you could even put your phone in your pocket a new text arrived. 

Can I come over? Either late tonight or tomorrow night?

You blinked in surprise. Bobby wanted to come over tonight? Why? Was there something wrong? You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss him, but also to be honest you had tried your hardest to put it out of your mind. But this was a time that you had thought wouldn't come again. Bobby wanted to come over and you two actually had time that was at the same time. Without thinking about it you had texted him back. Tonight would be find. What time were you thinking?

Probably around 11? Is that okay? Or is it too late?

No that's fine. I don't have any work so you can spend the night again if you're not busy. You cringed and let out your breath in a quiet groan as soon as you sent the text. It was WAY too suggestive, wasn't it? What would he think?? Before you could beat yourself up anymore about it Bobby had replied.

That would be great. I really need a home-cooked meal. 

You felt bad. You couldn't really tell through text, but something told you he was really tired and as the end of his energy. Is there anything you want in particular? You texted back. You wanted to help but didn't know how to other than a meal. If you could you would make it a good one.

Miyeok guk (traditional Korean seaweed soup). And bulgogi. Sorry it's a big order. 

You thought about it for a minute. You knew how to make both of those, but why seaweed soup? Koreans usually only ate that when women were pregnant or..... when it was their birthday. Realization struck like lightning but you looked it up on your phone just to make sure. You looked at your watch. It was the 20th of December. Tomorrow was Bobby's birthday.

I can definitely do that. You replied to Bobby. You would have to go the grocery store right now. 

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;