Same Place, Same Time

Sideways Glance

You jumped at the sound of Bobby's so close behind you. You turned around and he was standing directly behind you. "Um..." you stuttered more out of shock than looking for things for him to do. You measured out the rice in the rice cook bowl and handed it to him. "Will you wash this for me?" you asked.

Bobby smiled and took the bowl from you. "That's my specialty," he stated. He set the bowl on the counter by the sink to take off his sweatshirt. He tossed it onto the couch and proceded to wash the rice thoroughly in the sink. You breathed a sigh of relief that he seemed preoccupied while you pulled out a pan to cook the meat. As you sliced some pickled radish for the side dish you listened to the methodical swish of the water on the rice as he washed it. It was a very calming sound and you smiled to yourself. Suddenly it stopped and you turned to see him putting the rice into the rice cooker with the proper amount of water, shutting the lid, and pressing the start button. He smiled, proud of his work and turned to you. You had just finished the radish and it wasn't quite time to start the meet in order for it to be done at the same time as the rice. You thoughtn and decided you had about 20 minutes of time to kill. 

Without missing a beat, Bobby asked if you had a laptop he could use. You went to your room and brought yours out from your room. You sat at the kitchen table booting it up and Bobby took a seat next to you. "Thanks," he said gratefully, "there's something I really have to check." He opened YouTube and pulled up a fancam of iKon at Epik High's concert. He watched the full ten minute video intently with eyes like a hawks. For me, I remembered every minute of that performance from experience. Once the video ended he smiled and closed out the window. "That was a great concert," he murmured. "I was so nervous during rehearsals, but I'm glad it turned out good. I never got the chance to monitor that concert because it wasn't filmed or anything." He sat back in the chair and just smiled to himself satisfied and like a giant weight had been taken off his chest. 

I smiled to myself. "Don't worry," I assured him. "It was really a wonderful concert. Trust me."

It took a minute for your words to sink in. His smile faltered for a moment and then suddenly it hit him like a train. "YOU WENT?" he asked incredulously. 

You laughed. "I'm a huge fan of Epik High," you stated matter of factly. "I've been waiting for that concert for ten years. It was unforgettable." 

Bobby was staring at you wide-eyed and mouth slightly agape. After a moment he seemed to get a hold of himself. "If we become good friends I'll introduce you," he promised. 

You laughed. "Okay. I'll hold you to it."

"Sorry," he said suddenly, "but do you by chance have pictures?"

You thought for a second then pulled up a folder from your files. You had a decent camera and you had sat pretty close so you did have some pretty good pictures if you did say so yourself. You opened the folder for him and stood to start cooking the meat. You could hear him clicking through the photos and you smiled when you glanced at him and saw him almost glued to the screen. Soon your ears were just filled with the sounds of the meat cooking in the pan. 

"Hey, Jee," Bobby called. 

You looked over your shoulder at him and he turned the computer so you could see a picture of Donghyuk staring back at you. "Yeah?" you answered  confused at what he was trying to get at. 

"Did you like Donghyukkie the most during the performance?" he asked. You could almost fool yourself into hearing a tinge of disappointment in his voice. 

You laughed. "Based on looks, Donghyuk would be closest to my type," you answered more confidently than you were. "But to be honest, I didn't really know you guys at the time. I had heard your names and seen some performances randomly on Music Bank and stuff but I didn't really start paying attention until after than concert." 

Bobby nodded and kept clicking through the pictures. He chuckled and you turned around. His eyes were fixated on a picture of himself. It was a moment captured while he was rapping passionately with his wide, silly smiled plastered all over his face. "How on earth did you not recognize me in the street earlier when you had a picture like this on your computer?" he asked incredulously. 

You turned and began to scrape the meat onto a plate. "I don't know," you said. You scooped rice into two bowls and took out kimchi and other side dishes from the fridge and placed them on the table. You sat down opposite him as you placed the meat in the middle and a spoon and chopsticks in front of him. "You know how when you look at people through computer screens or your phone screen and they look a certain way, but then you see them in person and they seem really different?" you asked. "That's what it was with you I think. You gave off this feeling that you can't feel through a computer screen, you know?"

Bobby closed your laptop and set it aside. He looked at you for a moment and then a wide smile spread across his face. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean," he replied. He picked up his chopstick and smiled at you again. "Thank you for the food," he said quickly before digging in like this meal was his last. 

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;