Be Careful

Sideways Glance

You could feel Bobby's eyes on you as you cooked the two of you a meal. He had tried to help but the two of you kept bumping into each other in the small kitchen that eventually you made him sit down. You glanced back at him as you flipped the eggs in the skillet. He was sitting at the table facing you with his chin cradled in his palm and his arm propped on the table. He smiled at you as your eyes met his and you couldn't help but smile back. Soon the eggs were cooked and the toast popped out of the toaster right on time. You sat across from him and set the plate of eggs and toast in front of him. Before he could start eating, he stood up and to your surprise he flung the fridge open and began to rifle around. You just sat and watched him in disbelief. Soon he returned with a container. He popped it open and set it in between the two of you. It was the leftover bulgogi from the night before. He smiled as he took a bite of the beef and then a bite of toast. 

You laughed. "I'm glad you can find things on your own," you commented before taking a bite of egg.

"Is that okay?" Bobby asked startled. "I didn't mean to be nosey."

You waved his concern off and smiled. "It's fine, Bobby. We're friends. What's mine is yours and you're welcome to whatever you want." 

Bobby smiled smugly to himself as the two of you continued eating. 

"What do you want to do today?" you asked. "It's your birthday and your only day off. Do you have anything you want to do?" You looked up and across at him. He continued to eat, contemplating his options. 

"We can't do anything too public," he said. It may have been your imagination, but you caught a bit of disappointment in his voice. "And it's cold outside. I don't want to go outside for very long." Disappointment was plain on his face this time. "I always want to go outside on my birthday, have a picnic or something, but I never can."

"Do it for your half birthday," you suggested.

"Half birthdayy?" Bobby questioned. 

"Yeah. Your half birthday is six months after your actual birthday so yours would be in June. You could do it then," you encouraged.

His face automatically brightened at that thought. "That's a great idea," he enthused. 

"But anyways," you called his attention back to the present, "what do you want to do today? It's your day, so we can do whatever you want." 

Bobby became silent for a long time. His brow furrowed and his bottom lip jutted out in a concentrated pout. Your lips tugged up at the edges at his expression. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes until Bobby looked up at you. "Let's go to the ocean," he said finally.

"The ocean?" you asked incredulously. 

He nodded enthusiastically and after smiling at you, you couldn't say no. 


After breakfast/lunch, you cleaned up quickly and went to your room to get dressed. When you came out, Bobby traded spaces with you to change. You went into the bathroom and put on your normal, everyday makeup. Both of you met in the hallway and it looked like you were ready to go. You pulled on your coat and your mint-colored scarf that engulfed most of your face. You stuffed your mittens in your purse as well as your phone, wallet, and other essentials. You glanced over at Bobby. He was wearing his hoodie with a puffy jacket over it, his saggy jeans and his surgical mask. He pulled a beanie out of his backpack and slouched it on to his head. You glanced at his bare hands and exposed neck. You ran to the shore rack cupboard. Inside there was a small basket with various scarfs, mittens, beanies, and hats. You dug around for a minute before producing a soft, fleece, black scarf and matching mittens. Bobby seemed dubious of whether or not they would match his outfit and looked at you unconvinced. You sighed and took his hand in yours before shoving them in this hand. He laughed in defeat and wrapped the scarf around his neck and put the mittens in his pocket. 

"You'll thank me later," you warned as you stepped out the door. 

On the elevator down you realized you hadn't asked which ocean he wanted to go to. It made most sense to go over by the airport. "Should we take the subway?" you asked. 

Bobby shook his head vigorously. "I can't risk it," he mumbled. "I called our manager. Because there we have the day off he agreed to drive us." 

You heart stuttered and leapt into your throat. Their manager? You were going to meet their manager. 

Bobby smiled down at you. "Don't worry," he assured you. "He already knows about you. He's basically our father and our keeper so there's no way he couldn't." Bobby chuckled. "He thinks it's good I have a friend, plus he'll love you for sure." 

You smiled up at Bobby as he reassured you. The two of you waited inside until a black car pulled up outside. Bobby took your wrist and pulled you outside opening the door and gesturing for you to get in. You sat and slid over to make room for Bobby. You looked up to the driver's seat and were greeted with a large smile from a surprisingly tall but friendly looking man. 

"You must be Jee," he said reaching back to take your hand. "I'm iKon's manager, YunHyuk. Thank you for taking car of Bobby." 

You were a little shocked at how nonchalant he was at meeting you. "No, no," you stuttered. "I'm sorry Bobby disappears sometimes because of me." 

YunHyuk laughed. "No, no," he brushed off your apology. "I think it's wonderful Bobby has a female friend. He needs other people around him besides the company people. He's always been social. Although, I don't know how you put up with him. He's such a child."

"Awwww, hyung!!" Bobby complained as his manager laughed in the front seat. You couldnt' help but laugh too. Somehow it felt like something new had been unlocked in your and Bobby's friendship by meeting his manager. It was a new side of Bobby that you wouldn't have been able to see otherwise. 

"Where to?" YunHyuk asked. 

"The ocean," Bobby declared. "Go! Go!"

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Chapter 1: This is such a well written fic, hope you update soon! ❤️
nambaehyun #2
Chapter 14: i always look forward to this story updating! thank you for your hard work!!
Chapter 13: If the problem persists contact AFF!! I really love this story... I feel like Bobby is protrayed so genuinely. Thanks for writing such a great story!!~
author-nim! update please :D
Olleebin #5
Chapter 11: Omg i was looking forward to next chapter! It was so good!:)
Chapter 11: really really thanks for ur update author-nim :D
Chapter 10: omooooona these two are the cutest!!! I love the anticipation i get from reading your story ^^
Chapter 10: WOW! Why are these two so damn cute?! :D I also wanna see his normal time :P
nambaehyun #9
Chapter 8: oh this is so sweet! the seaweed soup! i hope Bobby is able to rest when he comes over ;;_;;