What a Whimsical Notion

Dear readers, 
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update quickly, exams are but five weeks away, for me, and I've been studying like a mad man. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to ignore all my school work and sport events for this story. Trust me, I LOVE writing this fic whether or not anybody else does. I found that I very much enjoy writing and creating plots, it makes me happy and makes me feel proud, somehow. But my updates may take a little longer than the usual, already long, intervals. Please, don't worry, I will finish this fanfic no matter how long it takes, I won't give up on it or you guys! So please try to forgive me for the wait and I will do all I can to write well and speedy! Wish me luck! Hope that I'll update soon and put a smile on all y'all faces! Okay, that's all, I guess.
                                                 Well anyway...

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the_geene #1
Chapter 6: Don't worry and focus on your exams. Good luck!