Joining the team

Who are you guys?

I stared at Dray in disbelief, letting out a ridiculed laugh. 

Join the team? He must be kidding.

"I don't know what you guys are or what you're doing." Istarted to mutter under my breath. 

"I just know that what you're doing is illegal and that I'm going to report to the police!" I screamed once again, at the top of my voice.

Excluding me, all habitants of the car gave a brief chuckle.

The rain pelted down harder and harder and the night skies appeared, grey clouds at the very surface. I heard the low quiet rumbling of the thunder and occasionally saw lightning strike down on the trees. A storm was on its way.

We had travelled for three or so hours now and I could tell that the others were getting tired. Dray had started snoring next to me. He was radiating warmth and I was starting to feel sleepy as well. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.


"Hey, time to wake up." 

A shadow was standing over me, nudging me gently on the shoulder. The car door was open and I was jerked awake by the cold rain on my skin. I gave a slight groan and lifted my head. It felt heavy and I noticed that it was pounding with ache. I brought my hands up to my head, trying to steady myself. I looked up at the figure looking down at me.

I recognised him by his blue hoodie. He was the one who sat in the front, next to the driver. He hadn't spoken a single word during the journey, I realised. Does he even know I exist? I wondered to myself.

He gave me a thoughtful look, eye brows hunched together.

"We're staying here for the night. You can choose to stay in the motel or in the car."

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and sank back in my seat. Motel? I'm a girl and they're four strangers who kidnapped me! Why would I go in ---

And then it occurred to me. Of course I had to go in the motel! How else would I be able to get help, I thought.

"In the motel." I said emotionlessly, trying to cover my plan.

He looked at me again.

"Alright." he replied. "Let's go."

He stepped aside and held the door open for me as I tried to heave myself up. Not only was my head spinning, my body was also aching from top to bottom. The world was swaying as I pulled myself slowly out of the car. 

"Hey wait." 

He caught me just before my legs gave way and I fell into his embrace. As I my face came in contact with his now-soaked hoodie, I realised how hot my face was. 

With his arms still around me, he brought his hand to my forehead and slowly moved down my face.

I heard him give a small sigh.

"Look. You've got a high temperature. I'll have to take you to the doctors."

He lifted my legs off the ground but just as he was about to make a move, a commotion approached from behind him. His friends were running back to the car.

I was too weak to see what was happening but managed to hear a serious exchange of words between them.

"We have to go. They found us."

"The guards are all the motel right now. Crap. Let's get in the car." That was Dray's voice. 

Someone finally noticed me.

"Dave, what's wrong with her?" So his name is Dave.

"She's sick. We need to take her to the doctor's". His voice was so close to me. It became the only familiar thing I could hang onto before I slowly lost grasp on the world around me. Everything spun and spun and spun and soon, everything turned black.



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Exquisitely #1
good story!!!!!!