Trying - Namjoon

Run (BTS FanFic)

I want to go back to the way everything was. The way we used to all hop in our car and drive wherever we wanted to. We never cared if we got lost. That was the fun of it all. We would stumble across new things each time. The petrol station was still my favourite, even though no one agreed with each other on one ultimate place. I just wanted a normal life again. So, what was more normal than going back to work? I had to try.

Believe it or not, I went to get a job at the petrol station. I began filling up people's cars for a living. How sad was that? I always used a little of the money to buy some lollipops from the store. The same ones that Jimin threw at me that one time. The prick. I hadn't seen him for days now...

Every day it was the same old routine. But it was normal, so I didn't mind. I picked out the same lollipop, served the same cars, used the same petrol fillers, worked the same hours, and made the same amount of money. How normal.

A car I hadn't seen before drove up quickly, whizzing by dangerously close to my foot. I restrained myself from lashing out at them. I didn't want to get fired after all. I silently filled up the tank of their car, moving the lollipop around in my mouth, out the strawberry flavour. I turned around to get the money, and they drove off, fast. Someone threw a few notes out of the car window, and they slowly drifted to the ground, several blowing away in the wind, out of my reach. I picked the scattered money up and counted through it. It was less than they owed me. I threw my lollipop on the ground in frustration, and flipped them off; even though it was unlikely they would see me.

I realised that normal wasn't satisfying any more. I pretended that I had wanted normal, when I had really only wanted him back. He was the normal I wanted.

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Chapter 21: Oh man. I'm in tears. Beautiful story.
musicfreak201407 #2
OMG !!!! I can't believe it !!!! I read this fic back when I didn't have an account yet^^ And now that "Our Escape" is complete, I when to check your other stories out and I find out that the beautiful fanfic that I stumbled upon randomly that I recommended to a friend was written by the same person whose story I've been following for weeks XDDDD
choijana #3
i never cried so much. very good job! T-T
snarmy #4
Chapter 21: my heart T,T... props to you mr/missus author. that was a perfect way to end this story. though i knew, he would die, it doesn't hurt less though. my fav fanfic/ theory of the mv ever. :) thanks for updating!! give me a shoutout if you do more stories. i would surely take a peek.

p/s there is just a few grammar and spelling mistakes. sorry can't help myself. i'm a bit of a grammar nazi. hope you're not offended :)
ferniture #5
Chapter 21: Nope im done this made me cry. Im done with life....
Btw good job this was really good!! :-D
snarmy #6
Chapter 18: can't wait for the story to conclude. ^,^ i have a feeling that i'll be needing tissues T,T
Wow, thank you so much! I loved all the music videos and theories so much, that I just had to write something on it! That really means a lot. Thank you.
joana666 #8
Chapter 18: I've been reading your story for some time now and I hope that you know this is amazing. You're grabbing small moments we have seen hundreds of times now and you're making them connect. You're giving them sense. You're not coming up with a big and original plot but it's beautiful nonetheless. I'm really looking forward to read more chapters of this :)
ferniture #9
Chapter 9: Oohh i can to be good im really read this even though it gives me the feels. This is great \(^.^)/