Peace - Namjoon

Run (BTS FanFic)

"I've had enough of this place, let's find somewhere better!" Taehyung whined, slurping up the remains of his drink through his straw.

"Come on, can't we stay for a while? This is my favourite place yet!" I pleaded, to no avail. They all raised their eyebrows at me. I knew I had no choice but to follow their will. And I was okay with that. I could always come back here in the future. I rolled my eyes as Jimin and Jin linked arms with me, dragging me back to the car.

The intense head banging competition resumed once we settled on some music to blare out. This time, I hadn't noticed the flashing light. The car jolted to a halt on some dusty, abandoned dirt track. Well, it looked abandoned.

"What happened?" Taehyung yawned, stretching out.

"Shush, Jimin's asleep," Hoseok whispered. He pulled a blanket over Jimin, and tucked him in so he wouldn't get cold.

"We're out of petrol," I murmured, trying to come up with a solution. But I had no idea how we would get out of this one.

"Does this mean we can go find a new hideout?" Jungkook asked. I could almost feel the excitement in his voice, and it was infectious.

"Sure, why not?" I replied softly. Hoseok gently woke up Jimin, and we all got out of the car, leaving it on the side of the dirt track. "You don't think someone will steal it, do you?" I asked.

"No, it's out of petrol. And it's a piece of junk anyway," Yoongi reassured in his usual sarcastic manner.

We walked along the track, stopping every now and again to venture left or right. We walked through fields of long grass and lay down on the ground, looking up at the sky. It was so dark that we could barely see each other. But I knew they were there. They always were. We came across some train tracks that stopped abruptly, like the workers were too idle to finish the job. I walked on one side, while Jin walked on the other. I held onto Taehyung's shoulder for support.

We passed by several large, metal containers, each one a dull plain colour. Yoongi ran ahead and started to climb up a blue one. He was always climbing things. As I approached, I saw the tattered blue paint peeling off the sides, and I looked up to see Yoongi at the top, arms in the air. He helped up Jungkook, and one by one, we joined them on the top of the container. The crisp wind stung my face, and I scrunched it up in discomfort. We lay down, even though the metal was harshly cold against our skin, and looked up at the empty void which was the sky, and lost ourselves in thought. Apart from Hoseok and Jimin, they just wouldn't stop talking. I wasn't paying much attention though.

"Is it just me, or is it really cold?" Taehyung whispered.

"Yeah, it is cold," I replied simply. 

He turned his head to look at me. "Then can we go somewhere warmer?"

"But I don't want to walk all the way back to the car... I'm tired," Jin sighed, using his hands to support his head.

"How about in here then?" Yoongi suggested. He knocked his knuckles on the side of the container, causing echoes to resonate through the air.

"Sure, why not?" I complied. We grudgingly jumped off the container and slid open the rough door. It seemed like someone had already been living there. There was a metal can filled with old papers and sticks in the middle, with two grubby sofas positioned around it.

"Perfect!" Yoongi grinned, and jumped on the nearest sofa, stretching out over the entire surface area. He was quickly followed by Jungkook and Jin, who forced him to budge up. I shrugged and pulled out my packet of cigarettes to light the fire. I had stopped smoking a while ago, but I kept them with me in case I had a sudden urge to have one. Old habits die hard.

Before I could even take one out, the packet was smacked out of my hand and landed on the ground, the cigarettes spilling out. "What're you doing with cigarettes!?" Taehyung gasped.

"Calm down, I was going to use them to light the fire,"

"Are you stupid? I have a lighter, duh," Yoongi rolled his eyes at me. He was flicking his lighter on and off and stuck out his tongue. The flame was almost the back of Jungkook's head.

"Fine. Just don't do that so close to Jungkook," I warned.

"What? This?" He smirked. He held the lighter even closer to Jungkook's hair, letting a little of it singe. I lurched forward to grab the lighter away from him, but Jungkook sat up. He turned to Yoongi, smiled, and blew out the flame.

"Go light the fire, not me, or yourself. Be careful, stupid," Jungkook told him.

"Don't forget that I'm older than you!" Yoongi grumbled, heading over to the can to light the pre-set kindling.

"Everyone here's older than me!" Jungkook reminded us. He really didn't act like the youngest sometimes. I knelt down to pick up my scattered cigarettes.

"You don't need these," Taehyung mumbled, helping me pick them up.

"But what if I do?" I asked. He blinked and continued to gather them. He hesitated before handing them over to me. He didn't look me in the eye. I joined Jin on the leftmost sofa and pulled the blanket he was using slightly over me to share it. I hadn't seen him look so distant before. Something was wrong, but I didn't ask. I should have asked.

Instead I took out my packet of cigarettes. I wanted to have one, and I intended to at first. But then, I saw the glare of disappointment that Taehyung gave me. I resealed the packet, and chucked it into the fire. The orange tinged flames sparked up in the air, making everyone's eyes widen. It was like our own mini fireworks display.

We moved in closer to the fire, putting our hands out to warm them up. I hated getting cold hands. We were slowly but surely drifting asleep. The only movement all night came from Hoseok. He was putting something into the fire, but my vision was too blurred to see what. It couldn't have been that important.

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Chapter 21: Oh man. I'm in tears. Beautiful story.
musicfreak201407 #2
OMG !!!! I can't believe it !!!! I read this fic back when I didn't have an account yet^^ And now that "Our Escape" is complete, I when to check your other stories out and I find out that the beautiful fanfic that I stumbled upon randomly that I recommended to a friend was written by the same person whose story I've been following for weeks XDDDD
choijana #3
i never cried so much. very good job! T-T
snarmy #4
Chapter 21: my heart T,T... props to you mr/missus author. that was a perfect way to end this story. though i knew, he would die, it doesn't hurt less though. my fav fanfic/ theory of the mv ever. :) thanks for updating!! give me a shoutout if you do more stories. i would surely take a peek.

p/s there is just a few grammar and spelling mistakes. sorry can't help myself. i'm a bit of a grammar nazi. hope you're not offended :)
ferniture #5
Chapter 21: Nope im done this made me cry. Im done with life....
Btw good job this was really good!! :-D
snarmy #6
Chapter 18: can't wait for the story to conclude. ^,^ i have a feeling that i'll be needing tissues T,T
Wow, thank you so much! I loved all the music videos and theories so much, that I just had to write something on it! That really means a lot. Thank you.
joana666 #8
Chapter 18: I've been reading your story for some time now and I hope that you know this is amazing. You're grabbing small moments we have seen hundreds of times now and you're making them connect. You're giving them sense. You're not coming up with a big and original plot but it's beautiful nonetheless. I'm really looking forward to read more chapters of this :)
ferniture #9
Chapter 9: Oohh i can to be good im really read this even though it gives me the feels. This is great \(^.^)/