Cold - Jimin

Run (BTS FanFic)

I stumbled into the bathroom, with red swollen eyes. I had no interest in talking, doing, or sleeping. Nothing worked. I bumped into Hoseok, who rushed out, his head hung low. I opened my mouth to say something, but my throat was dry, and I had no interest in talking. I heard the front door slam a few seconds later, and he was gone. What was wrong with me? I should have said something. But I didn't. We were both grieving. I knew that for a fact.

I the tap, and filled the bath. I didn't care that the water was cold. I felt numb all the time anyway. My feet prickled as I entered the bath, and my teeth began to chatter. However, I slipped further into the water, ignoring all of my muscles pleading me to get out. I took a deep breath, and let the water engulf me. I almost stayed under for too long. I shouldn't have done that.

I regretted it.

I shook my damp hair and clambered out of the bath awkwardly, landing on all fours. I collapsed on the pure white tiles of the floor and shivered. I grasped for a towel, and wrapped it around my shoulders shakily, managing to sit up a little. My eyes wildly looked around, searching for an answer to my problem. As if I'd find it right in front of me. That was wishful thinking. I put my head in my hands and brought my knees to my chin. I felt something grind against my foot as I moved it. I unburied my face out of my hands and looked at what was under my foot. It blended in unbelievably well with the tiled floor. It was a tiny white capsule, and I recognised it instantly as Hoseok's sleeping pills.That made me stand up. I used the edge of the bath to steady myself, and knocked a bottle off onto the floor. The sound it made rolling across the tiles filled the room. I picked it up; blinking to make sure it was real. It was Hoseok's bottle of sleeping pills.

And it was empty.

I blindly ran out of the apartment barefoot, just in boxers and an old oversized t-shirt. I immediately sprinted to the bridge, ignoring the cuts the rough gravel made on my feet. Only yesterday we were talking. He seemed so calm, relaxed, prepared. I thought he was getting better. It was all just a façade, a lie. We talked about our favourite places, the beach, the train tracks, the forest, the alleyway, the petrol station, the bridge. The closest place was the bridge, and I knew it was his personal favourite. I had told him we'd go there tomorrow. I can't be too late. I can't let him be the second.

I saw him. Right ahead of me. I urgently yelled out to him. "Hoseok!"

He began to turn around. A smile of relief began to form on my face. Then he began to fall. And I dashed over to stay with him on the ground. His head hit the concrete with a sickening sound. I was scared and worried.

I don't remember calling the ambulance, but I must have, as they arrived within minutes. Too long for my liking. I refused to leave his side, and I stayed with him in the ambulance. I was lucky. So was he. After hours of wanting to burst, they told me he would live, and that I could see him.

I stumbled into his room, and he was asleep. Always sleeping, that Hoseok. I shook my head, and sat on the chair beside his hospital bed. I hated hospitals. But I stayed. I brushed his hair off of his closed eyes, as a tear fell on his pale cheek. My tear. "Do you remember when I said I loved you?" I whispered.

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Chapter 21: Oh man. I'm in tears. Beautiful story.
musicfreak201407 #2
OMG !!!! I can't believe it !!!! I read this fic back when I didn't have an account yet^^ And now that "Our Escape" is complete, I when to check your other stories out and I find out that the beautiful fanfic that I stumbled upon randomly that I recommended to a friend was written by the same person whose story I've been following for weeks XDDDD
choijana #3
i never cried so much. very good job! T-T
snarmy #4
Chapter 21: my heart T,T... props to you mr/missus author. that was a perfect way to end this story. though i knew, he would die, it doesn't hurt less though. my fav fanfic/ theory of the mv ever. :) thanks for updating!! give me a shoutout if you do more stories. i would surely take a peek.

p/s there is just a few grammar and spelling mistakes. sorry can't help myself. i'm a bit of a grammar nazi. hope you're not offended :)
ferniture #5
Chapter 21: Nope im done this made me cry. Im done with life....
Btw good job this was really good!! :-D
snarmy #6
Chapter 18: can't wait for the story to conclude. ^,^ i have a feeling that i'll be needing tissues T,T
Wow, thank you so much! I loved all the music videos and theories so much, that I just had to write something on it! That really means a lot. Thank you.
joana666 #8
Chapter 18: I've been reading your story for some time now and I hope that you know this is amazing. You're grabbing small moments we have seen hundreds of times now and you're making them connect. You're giving them sense. You're not coming up with a big and original plot but it's beautiful nonetheless. I'm really looking forward to read more chapters of this :)
ferniture #9
Chapter 9: Oohh i can to be good im really read this even though it gives me the feels. This is great \(^.^)/