Hopeless - Hoseok

Run (BTS FanFic)

We lost him. Forever. He wouldn’t be coming back, no matter how hard I wished, or dreamt, or imagined. It won’t be the same again, unless I join him. I glanced anxiously at the bathroom door. I had locked it, but I was still worried that someone would see me. That someone would try to stop me, or convince me out of this. I had never felt so alone, so lost, so incapable of doing even the smallest tasks. And this was only the beginning, the beginning of the pain, the suffering and the endless road of emotions that were in store for me.

I filled the sink to the brim with lukewarm water, the most soothing temperature. I splashed my face with the water, hoping that it would knock some sense into me. Unfortunately, no epiphany followed. I looked at myself in the mirror above the sink. Droplets of water mingled with tears slid down my face. I traced them with my fingers, the way I would with raindrops on a window.

I tentatively ran my fingers over the features of my face. I had changed so much. He had changed me so much. I hadn’t seen the others in days, but I imagine they would look the same. Gaunt, haunted, restless, and hopeless. At least my sleeping pills helped me sleep. I prefer sleeping to being awake now. It’s an escape. Jungkook always talked about escaping, I’d even helped him do so once. It was my turn to escape. Into a never-ending world of peace, of dreams.

I swiped the bottle of pills up in my hand, and roughly shook the white capsules out into my hands, some of them cascading into the water, falling with minuscule splashes. I stared at them. This could all be over. I brought them to my eye level and held them flat in my palm. I could end it. I brought my hand to my mouth, and I swallowed.

It was done.

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Chapter 21: Oh man. I'm in tears. Beautiful story.
musicfreak201407 #2
OMG !!!! I can't believe it !!!! I read this fic back when I didn't have an account yet^^ And now that "Our Escape" is complete, I when to check your other stories out and I find out that the beautiful fanfic that I stumbled upon randomly that I recommended to a friend was written by the same person whose story I've been following for weeks XDDDD
choijana #3
i never cried so much. very good job! T-T
snarmy #4
Chapter 21: my heart T,T... props to you mr/missus author. that was a perfect way to end this story. though i knew, he would die, it doesn't hurt less though. my fav fanfic/ theory of the mv ever. :) thanks for updating!! give me a shoutout if you do more stories. i would surely take a peek.

p/s there is just a few grammar and spelling mistakes. sorry can't help myself. i'm a bit of a grammar nazi. hope you're not offended :)
ferniture #5
Chapter 21: Nope im done this made me cry. Im done with life....
Btw good job this was really good!! :-D
snarmy #6
Chapter 18: can't wait for the story to conclude. ^,^ i have a feeling that i'll be needing tissues T,T
Wow, thank you so much! I loved all the music videos and theories so much, that I just had to write something on it! That really means a lot. Thank you.
joana666 #8
Chapter 18: I've been reading your story for some time now and I hope that you know this is amazing. You're grabbing small moments we have seen hundreds of times now and you're making them connect. You're giving them sense. You're not coming up with a big and original plot but it's beautiful nonetheless. I'm really looking forward to read more chapters of this :)
ferniture #9
Chapter 9: Oohh i can tell.this.is.going to be good im really excited.to read this even though it gives me the feels. This is great \(^.^)/