chapter 10: Lay?

Thief kisses
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its been a whole week after our meeting,After that i never meet him,because my work was over,so there no reason i need to be in the same building with him.but i need to be honest,my life never be same after our meet. I keep remember him and our past.I dont know why i need to feel this way, my chest hurt everytime i think of him.Why i need to feel that way..When I dont have any feeling towards him anymore..?arghh...get out of my mind and dont mess with my heart.

My thought cut when i heard my doorbell ringing.I wonder who is it.I mean its only 8 in the morning and who will visit someone early in the morning? The bell keep ringing and it start to annyoing me.

“i am coming!  Jezz,be patient people”

I dragged my feet from my comfortable bed and open my front door,and i need to say that iam very shocked! This people really cant see me happy just for a bit.”what do you want?”

He just laughing and grab me for a hug..”i miss you ,thats why i came here firts after my traning was over..didnt you miss me too?”

I rolled my eyes,and struggle to get out from his grip.jezz,i really love-hate this man.”drop the act lay!”

This is Zhang Yi Xing or known as lay,he is my cousin actually.his mom and my mom are sisters,but we are not like other cousin,i d

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