
His Been Taken...

"Let’s not fall in love, Bae."
"Are you breaking up with me?" 
"No...I'm just trying to save our friendship." 
"Is it because I didn't make up with you last night?"
"Not really, but last night really made me realized something. Maybe it's better like that. Our desires develop each day but we can't do nothing about it."
"So, you choose to leave me?"

Yongbae get up, gazing sadly toward Jiyong, who seems had lost his word. 
"Do you think we can be a normal friend after this? Do you think we can talk to each other without being awkward after you dump me like this? You are so mean Jiyong ah.." Yongbae heading to the bedroom when he didn't get any reply from Jiyong. He quickly pack his things and step out from that room. Before he leave the front door he throw a glance toward Jiyong who still sit on the same spot, without looking at him. "Maybe you had forgotten what I've said in front of this door yesterday. It's our promised. If you don't remember, at least I do. I will leave you for now. It doesn't mean that I'm agree with you, but I will give you sometimes to think again. If you really want it that way, so I will stay away from you, being a friend like you wanted to. But I just want you to know... I can't do that  actually. However, I will sacrifice this feeling if it is the best for you. I'll be going Ji. Take care." Yongbae leaving the house with the heavy heart. Because of the past experienced he being more calm with this situation now. He only hope that Jiyong will change his mind and stay in his embrace once again.

Jiyong drop his tears once he heard the sound of the closed door. He wants to shout his lungs out, but the voice doesn't come out. His heart is such in a great pain but that is the only way for him to let go of Yongbae. "I'm sorry Bae. I love you so much until my heart could explode. I can't be so calm like you did. Until the day that I can contain this feeling, I have to let myself away from you." Jiyong slowly walk to the bedroom, looking for Yongbae's traced. The room fills with Yongbae's scented cologne. Jiyong caressing the pillow that Yongbae once used, hugging it tightly while remembering the warm and cozy feeling in Yongbae's embraced. He miss him already and the tears keep falling, wetting the cover of the pillow.


MADE tour will be continue once again. All members start to busy themselves with the preparations. Since the day Yongbae step out from Jiyong's apartment, their relationship seems cold. They barely speak with each other. If there is something they need to say they just tell their members to deliver the message. All members notice the awkwardness and every time they tried to arrange the meeting for those two, they only got warned by the fierced frown of Jiyong. Yongbae in the other hand, had try to contact Jiyong trough messages and sometimes he took the courage to make a phonecall once they return to their apartment, but its never get any reply. Its really makes Yongbae piss off. So he stop showing his cares. 

They reached Beijing for their MADE concert. Thanks to the glorious success of their concert which makes the company provides a single room for each of them. So, they can get a good rest when they stay in the hotel room without being cramp up. Normally, Yongbae will stay next to Jiyong's room but this time Jiyong has decided the arrangement, which mean they will not stay close as usual. Yongbae just keep silent, accepting all the scene that Jiyong played. He knows that Jiyong is struggle to get rid of him. 

While the concert being perform, Yongbae try to act cool when seeing on how Jiyong treat Seungri. His heart aching so much when VIP's screaming out loud when the Nyongtory scene had been captured on the screen. He remember that moment, it's like the old time, when he hold his feeling by himself without Jiyong noticed he being hurt by those scene. But now, once the scene has been shown, he noticed Daesung and Top glancing over him. He maintaining the poker face that he mastered for so long, pretend to dance and interacts with the fans. 



"What happened with both of you? Have you broke up?"

He remember Daesung asked him that night, after their second day of concert has been wrap up. That night he had decided to meet Jiyong in his room. He slowly walk to Jiyong's room with various feeling lingering in his heart. Even though he knows that Jiyong will avoid him, but he doesn't care anymore. He just want to grab any possible chances to fix their relationship. Despite being hurt on how Jiyong treats him, he still can't deny how much he miss that guy. He doesn't believes that Jiyong already forget those feeling. He still can see some spark on his eyes when their eyes unconditionally meet with each other. So, he bracing up to confront with Jiyong. He stand right in front of Jiyong's room. However, before he could buzz the bell, he heard Seungri's voice echoing inside of the room, continue with Jiyong's laugh. His hand freeze. He takes sometimes to catch up with the voice just to find out they having a great time in there because he can heard Jiyong laughing continuously. "So, he really had move on."Yongbae grit his teeth and clamp his fist over the wall. Without waiting any longer he walk directly to Daesung's room, which is just opposite Jiyong's. After the room's door swung open, he directly step in without waiting Daesung's welcoming greeting. 

"Are you ok, hyung?"
"I should be ok...but I'm not" 
 "I believe this must be about Jiyong hyung, am I right?" 
"You know me very well. I'm sorry if I interupting your rest time. I just need someone to talk."
"It's ok. I don't mind if you wanna hang out. Want some drinks?"
"It would be great"

So, that night Yongbae spend his time just talking with Daesung instead of seeing Jiyong. Once again Daesung lend his ears for Yongbae. After his relationship with Jiyong become awkward, he always spend  time with Daesung and  sometimes with Top. That's all because Jiyong avoiding him and always clingy with Seungri. He noticed how Seungri feels guilty every time Jiyong drag him out from their practice room. He never blame Seungri because he knows that was Jiyong's intention to hurt his feeling. After sharing a bottle of wine with Daesung he return to his room. He doesn't has any intention to meet Jiyong on his way back to his room. But he did... Once he open Daesung's door, Jiyong was standing outside his room while hugging Seungri in his shoulder. He drop his sight on the floor and quickly walk to his room without looking back. His heart aches so much and tears starts to form in his eyes. "It's all ruined." He clenched his fist, try to control the broken heart.



"Hyung, why did you used me like this? I've so much trouble already." 

Seungri whining towards him. He just laugh seeing Seungri protest. He knows that Seungri afraid of Yongbae, but he just don't want to be alone because loneliness only makes he think about Yongbae. He could spend time  with Daesung and Top but those two always together with Yongbae. So, the person he believed could live up the mood is Seungri. Since he parted  from Yongbae, he always ask Seungri to accompany him. He knows it will hurt Yongbae, besides it's hurt him even more when seeing Yongbae's sad face. He thought by doing this can help them to contain their feeling towards each other. That is why he pretended to  be lovey dowey with Seungri in their concert. However, it's only make him want to jump in Yongbae's embrace everytime their eyes meet with each other.  He almost scream when seeing Yongbae's name appeared on his phone screen but he hold himself from answering because he was afraid he will begging for Yongbae to return. He save all the messages that Yongbae send to him and he keep reading it when he laid on his bed at night. He can't lie to himself, he miss Yongbae badly. He really miss those full lips leaning on his. He miss the touch...and he miss the moment they spent in the shower. He still can't get rid those memories. "I'm going crazy with all this" he mumbles. 

"Hyung, why are you have to hurt Yongbae hyung if you still love him? Both of you seems miserable. Why did you broke up at the first place?"
"Sometimes, when we love someone that much, we have to make them free."
"Yes, I know that, but it doesn't mean you have to avoid when they coming back."
"It's all depend on time. Time will healing those pain....I guess."
"I really don't understand the way you are thinking."
"That is why I'm the leader and you are just a panda.." 

That is how Jiyong entertained himself. Being with Seungri, making jokes and hearing jokes. Teasing the youngest until he feels annoyed, then he will laugh at him when the youngest protest. That night Seungri brought a few bottle of wine to his room. So, their coversation will take turn with sipping those liquor until Seungri collapsed. "Yahhh...Seungri yah, please return to your room first. You can't sleep here." Jiyong try to wake him up, but the youngest totally passed out. Since he has a slander body compared to Seungri, he struggle so much while dragging the youngest to his room. He holds Seungri's shoulder and let Seungri's arm wrapping on him. He bumped to the wall while he walk out.He also had consumed  so much wine makes his head a little bit dizzy but still he doesn't want Seungri sleeping in his room. With a little concious that he had, he slowly assist Seungri to his room. While he struggle with the burden on his shoulder, he startled once he saw Yongbae stand in front of Daesung's room. The scene where Seungri and him interlocking each other arm is not something that he wish Yongbae would see. But it's too late to hide. He noticed Yongbae drop his sight with annoyance before rushing to his room. Jiyong just follow him with his eyes. "'s really over" he cursed to himself.

Since that day, Jiyong noticed Yongbae doesn't shows any interest on him. He can hear Yongbae laughing happily with Daesung and it hurt his feeling. "Does he really get over me?" His mind keep thinking silently. There is no more message has been received, no more miss call on his phone screen. He can see Yongbae's cheerful face once again...but it's really stomped direct to his heart, because the person who makes Yongbae's smile is Daesung. He also feels surprised how Yongbae can boldly greets him like nothing happened.  He supposedly happy with the changes, because that is what he want when he asked for break up, but telling the truth, he feels heartbroken with the thought that he is no more special for Yongbae. 

"You look so happy now."
"I try my best, it's a good thing anyway."
"How are you been doing lately?"
"Being a person rather than zombie. Learn how to breath once again."
"That's good to hear."
"How about you?"

That is the last conversation Yongbae and Jiyong  really had when they accidentally meet at the roof top. Jiyong doesn't know he will meet up with Yongbae in that place, so does Yongbae. The meeting bring back memories for both of them, but neither of them said about the past. The place covered with awkward silent for a while when their eyes locking towards each other until Yongbae excused himself to leave that place. 

Yongbae try to walk normally even though he can feels his strength fly away. Meeting Jiyong alone in the place that holds their memories together is not something that he plan for. He almost pull Jiyong for a hugs because he miss him so much. That is also the reason why he come to that place, tracing their moment when they were deeply in love. He knows time had change their relationship but his love towards Jiyong still the same. He just concealed it deep in his heart  as per Jiyong request.

A few month have been passed by, as their MADE tour had been conducted in various city and country. However, Jiyong keep shrinking his heart looking at Yongbae's changes. The jealousy keep rising in his heart when Yongbae boldly hugging Top and touch up Top's teary eyes with his bare hand, after their fans singing birthday song for Top. Rather than looking at them, Jiyong quickly hugging Seungri who is stand near him, just to throw some revenge towards Yongbae. But, Yongbae doesn't seems to care. While both of them performing Good Boy together, Jiyong knows, it is the only chance for him to make a skin ship with Yongbae. He miss that muscular arm around his shoulder. Although it is just for a while but being close with Yongbae is enough to make his heart flutter. How he wish Yongbae can just stay there and hold him a little bit longer but it never happen. Day by day the desires to get Yongbae's attention become more desperate. Jiyong try to make Yongbae jealous by doing more skin ship with Seungri, but at the end he is the one who being hurt when seeing Yongbae and Daesung having fun at the corner of the stage. He hates seeing that, but he has to admit it's all happened because his fault. Deep in his heart.....he regrets.

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Chapter 16: I am in love with this story and I can't wait to finish reading this. This is beautiful
moon_swan #2
Chapter 20: Thank you for sharing your story with us!
Chapter 20: That was such a nice fic and I teared up great work author nim fwighting
TalkativeChibiko #4
Chapter 20: Awesome fic ! Thanks for writing it ~
vododoll #5
Chapter 20: Thank you for this lovely storyyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️
Maisari #6
Chapter 20: Okay done. oh nope. Okay, WELL DONE! I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy reallllyyyyyy hope that you will write more gdyb fic as in real life. Cause it would made my day. Thanks to you too for writing such a good plot and scene there.
jasmine751 #7
Chapter 20: Aw, it's done. I liked the ending and I hope you continue writing stories especially gdyb ones!
Xxxgd_ #8
Chapter 19: this so good im gonna be thinking abt this for days :(
Chapter 19: Jiyong, confront him saying. "i am because you don't want to me" lol