
Love Hurts

I enter the room. Xiumin is in the bed, eyes shut, and he looks life-less. I roll up my sleeves and I prepared for the surgery. I haven't done a surgery like this since last year when Baekhyun was injured, but this time, Xiumim was worse. I work fast, using my stethescope to hear his heartbeat. His heartbeat was very faint. He was on the verge of dying!  I bit my lip. I was worried about what was going to happen and I needed to work fast. Surgerys like this took 4 hours maximum. Yoon Hee immediately remembers what her grandfather used during surgerys like this. A certain medicine was needed by combining different medicines. Yoon Hee grabs the required medicines and mixes them together. She instantly injects the mixture into his body. This mixture should help his body awaken. Yoon Hee then put her arm on Xiumin's chest with her palms down. She then focuses all her energy, forming a light green from her hands. Using this secret technique, requires all her energy. Although it does heal major injurys, there are many side effects. A sweat drop rolled down her face, but Yoon Hee couldn't stop yet. She couldn't stop even for a minute. 

Exo members waited outside. They were all worried and frightened for what was to happen. Sehun paced back and forth frantically. He didn't want his hyung to die. not yet. But someone appears infront of them all, making the members freeze in place. Baekhyun............

Meanwhile, Yoon Hee was on the verge of collapsing. The special technique had used most of her energy. But she couldn't give up yet. Yoon Hee uses the technique. This time however, green light is coming out of her and transfers to Xiumin's body. The green light was visible. She was using all her energy to save Xiumin. Finally,she could feel his heart beat become normal now. She sighs with relief. She wipes all the sweat off with the back of her hand. Xiumin awakens, slowly opening his eyes. He looks at Yoon Hee who looked pale and unhealthy. He had recovered quickly because of her so he jumps out of the hospital bed and runs to hold Yoon hee still. Yoon Hee releases from his grip and Yoon Hee opens the door. "Xiumin don't worry about me. Go see your members. They were worried sick for you." Xiumin nods and heads out of the door. Yoon Hee could hear some of the members crying. Some of the members sighed loudly. Yoon Hee forces a smile. She saved him. She decided to head out the door. When she takes a few steps out the door, she stops in her tracks. Baekhyun was there in front of her. Lay was beside you. Lay whispers in your ear,"I'm here, don't worry." I nod my head. Right when Baekhyun was about to walk up to me, I could see black in front of me. In seconds I collapsed into Lay's arms...........

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ld2nybl #1
Thanks for sharing
stuffs2 #2
Chapter 10: awwww thx <3
stuffs2 #3
Chapter 9: I like how you said "confuzzled" lol
Chapter 6: I want her to be with yixing!!
Chapter 5: Lmao I cracked up when Nicki Minaj came XD
stuffs2 #6
Chapter 5: dun dun dun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stuffs2 #7
Chapter 2: I like the part where chen falls out from the tree. hahahahahahahaahh lolololololol <3
stuffs2 #8
I love it! It's like the best stuff on earth >:)