
Love Hurts

Weeks and weeks on end you were stuck in the warehouse. When Taeyeon left, Rufus came and when they were there, Rufus left in time before getting caught.

Lay on the other hand was worried. He texted and called you multiple times and it was either no response or straight to voicemail. He ran his hand through his hair with frustration. He was worried sick about you, and he didn't know how else to contact you. He sat there in silence before gasping. Did Taeyeon do something to her?!, he thought.

He dialed the members numbers and they arrived at the dorm shortly. "What's going on Lay hyung?", Sehun asked. 

"I can contact Yoon Hee. She's not answering at all!"Lay responded

"There's only one way we can find out.",D.O said. 

"How?",Kai asked.

"Through Baekhyun."


"What did you do with her?!!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play this game with me! Tell me where Yoon Hee is!"

"What! Yoon Hee is missing!"

You're acting . Now tell me where she is!"

"I don't know hyung"

"Well, you better get your over here."

Call ends

Lay groaned in frustration. Were you cheating on him? 

No, he thought. She wouldn't cheat on me. She's not that type of person.


Lay answered the door and pulled Baekhyun inside the dorm and pinned him against the wall. 

"You better tell me where she is right this instant!"Lay yelled.

"Well it wasn't me that took her!"

Lay took his hands off of Baekhyun. 

"I'm keeping my eyes on you"

The members including Baekhyun sat on the couches thinking hard. Who would take her? Who hated and despised her? Lay gasped. Was it Taeyeon?!


"Eat up very well!"Taeyeon said sarcastically. It had been a week or two since you've been stuck here. You ate plain bread and cold soup for the past week. You were getting sick and tired of the food. You thought you were going to be stuck in the warehouse for the rest of your life. Taeyeon kept her word. She did make your life here a living hell. You had so many cuts and bruises. You became extremely pale and skinny. There were dark circles under your eyes. For god sakes, you were like a panda.

If only the members could know where you were. Lay was probably upset that you hadn't called or texted him lately. Taeyeon's bodyguards were on a break and Taeyeon was busy doing her makeup.

You looked down and saw Taeyeon's phone. What if you texted one of the members? 

Your feet were tied up, so it made it ten times harder to type. You searched through the contacts and squinted at the screen. The only member Taeyeon had in her contacts was Baekhyun. You cringed at the sight of his name. Could you bring up the courage to text him?

Taeyeon moved and you froze. You thought you got caught, but Taeyeon was searching through her drawer for her foundation. You sighed with relief and ended up texting Baekhyun. It was risky to do it, but she was trying to save herself from this hell. Each word you typed took forever because you was using your toes. You typed your name so Baekhyun knew who sent it. You just hoped he received it. 


What does she want this time?! Baekhyun thought. He whipped out his phone and reread the message over and over. 

"Guys look at this message sent from Taeyeon's number. It's from Yoon Hee!"

His phone was passed around to all the members. They were shocked that Taeyeon would do such a thing. Lay thought hard. He was in Korea and she was in America. What would he do?

Lay couldn't sleep all night. He was on his laptop. There was a flight leaving tomorrow at night. He couldn't go alone. He needed backup. But from who?

He gathered all the members into the kitchen in the morning and decided to pick the strongest members. Well mostly. He decided on Xiumin,Himself, and Baekhyun. Now Baekhyun had been working out lately, but Lay only brought him along to see if he could stop Taeyeon. Lay was worried. He couldn't stop thinking of you. You were in his mind the entire time.

They boarded the plane and sat in their seats. Their fans noticed them and they barely made it out of the crowd alive. But Lay couldn't focus on them. Usually, he would interact and talk with the fans during this time, but he only focused on his main task. Finding you and saving you.


You cringed at the sight. Taeyeon had just spent an hour or two doing her makeup. From the looks of it, she had pounds of makeup on and her dress was so short. And those heels she was wearing, they were literally taller than the Eiffel Tower. She got up and grabbed her purse.

"I'm leaving for a fashion show. Don't cause any trouble or else you'll pay." She glared at you and you just gave off an inncoent look. Her back turned to you and you smirked. She had no clue you had sent him a text. 




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ld2nybl #1
Thanks for sharing
stuffs2 #2
Chapter 10: awwww thx <3
stuffs2 #3
Chapter 9: I like how you said "confuzzled" lol
Chapter 6: I want her to be with yixing!!
Chapter 5: Lmao I cracked up when Nicki Minaj came XD
stuffs2 #6
Chapter 5: dun dun dun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stuffs2 #7
Chapter 2: I like the part where chen falls out from the tree. hahahahahahahaahh lolololololol <3
stuffs2 #8
I love it! It's like the best stuff on earth >:)