Oh No

Love Hurts

The past month Baekhyun had barely been next to Yoon Hee when she slept. Yoon Hee was to shy to ask him about it and just faked a smile when she saw him. She had asked the other Exo members and they had said they know nothing. Everynight she wondered where he was but he was never there. One day, Yoon Hee had decided to get her mind on an important thing she wanted to do. She wanted to see the house she used to live in.

Flash Back

Yoon Hee's past had been dreadful. Her parents had fought everyday after she had come home from school. She had done nothing but hide in her room hearing all the words they said to each other. Finally one day, her mother had shouted at her father, "I can't believe I married a jerk like you. I never loved you..."Then she left with all her belongings. After that my father had commited suicide, leaving me alone with no one to care for me. I had went to my friend Lay's house and that is where I had stayed for the rest of my life. Then Lay had decided to be in Exo and I had followed alongside him. We entered the dorm and Lay had begged the other members to let me stay. But I still didn't understand why her mother had never loved my father. But I can never ask my mother because she died as well.

End of Flashback

As she stood in front of the house, memories flowed into her mind. Bad memories. Her vision had become blurry and tears filled her eyes. A shadow had appeared behind me. "It's okay."said Lay. I immediately turn around and hug him. I sobbed into his chest. Lay patted my back as I cried. After I had calmed down we walked back to the dorm. On the walk, I had a sudden urge to tell Lay about Baekhyun. "Lay I can trust you right?" I asked. "Of course you can, I've been your friend for years!"he replied. Then I told him about my problems and he said if anything happens he will be there for me. "Thanks Lay."I mentioned. "No problem!" he said. Finally we arrived to the dorm.

After a few weeks, Christmas had come. Yoon Hee had a surprise for the members and went out to the shops to buy the gifts. "Okay so Lay wants a stuffed unicorn......." After I gathered all my things I went outside to the center of the shops. There I saw a girl out in the cold sitting on the sidewalk alone. Of course I had to care for this girl so I went up to her. She looked up at me and shivered. "Come with me honey." I said to her as she nodded her head. I went into one of the stores and bought her a cozy jacket. When we headed out of the store, I heard her stomach growl. "Hungry?" I asked as she nodded. I took her to a place that sold hotteok(korean "pancake") and sat down at a table with her. As she ate I saw Exo members spying on me in the corner of my eye. I told the girl to wait a minute as I walked up to them.

"What are you doing!"I questioned them. "Ummm.We were hungry."said Chanyeol. Anyways I let them sit with us and introduced the girl to them. She was she when she talked with them. Then we heard a voice across the shop."Sandara!"yelled a voice. The little girl rised from her seat and leap into the arms of an older woman who looked exactly like the girl. After the lady had thanked me she gave me a gift. I placed it in my pocket and waved to the two. "So cute." I thought. Then the Exo members left and I walked back to the center of the shops.

There I saw a man. He looked really familiar. He was wearing a beanie and a coat that I recognized was Baekhyun. "I should go say hi!" I thought. As I was about to walk up to him, he put his arms around this girl. I gasped at the sight. The girl was none other then Kim Taeyeon the amazing kpop star. I dropped all my bags and ran back to the dorm. MY DREAM WAS BECOMING REALITY! Tears rushed down my face. My heart had shattered into a million pieces. And the worse thing  is that Baekhyun didn't even realize I was there!

I barged into the dorm and ran upstairs into my bedroom and slammed the door. I collapsed onto the floor. All the Exo members ran upstairs to see what had happened considering Yoon Hee would NEVER act like this. When they opened the door they found Yoon Hee on the floor, in a ball with tissues all around the room. Lay had gone up to her and patted her back while the others surrounded her asking what in the world had happened. She told them what had happened and the Exo members were shocked. "This kid is gonna get it for doing this to her."mumbled Suho. Right as Suho said that. The door opened and it was none other than Baekhyun.....


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ld2nybl #1
Thanks for sharing
stuffs2 #2
Chapter 10: awwww thx <3
stuffs2 #3
Chapter 9: I like how you said "confuzzled" lol
Chapter 6: I want her to be with yixing!!
Chapter 5: Lmao I cracked up when Nicki Minaj came XD
stuffs2 #6
Chapter 5: dun dun dun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stuffs2 #7
Chapter 2: I like the part where chen falls out from the tree. hahahahahahahaahh lolololololol <3
stuffs2 #8
I love it! It's like the best stuff on earth >:)