
Your Loss Is My Gain
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Minwoo's POV:

There's only four days left until it's Christmas Eve. It's also four days until another fan signing event. Yup, I'm spending Christmas Eve signing albums all day. Yoopee...The 25th isn't that thrilling either. Boyfriend is going to be a guest performer at K.Will's Christmas concert. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's going to be fun, it's just...To be honest I don't want to attend the concert this year. I rather be doing something else; I want to be with someone else. Being in the concert again reminds me of the days before I debuted. The days were I was just a back-up dancer for hyung, and known as "K.Will's Pretty Back-Up Dancer".

"Hello?" I answered the mobile phone in a flat voice.

"Minwoo, where are you? Come back to the dorm. EunJi's finally visiting and you're out partying in the streets. Hurry back." Donghyun worded his orders before quickly hanging up.

"He could have at least bid a farewell instead of leaving me handing." I muttered to no one in particular. I sighed, turning around to return to where I left. It was at least a twenty minutes walk back to the dorm. Why couldn't I just wander around the block, instead of moving towards an entire different neighbourhood? Picking up the pace, I hurried back to where EunJi is. It's been so long since she last came, I wonder why she's visiting today.

"I'm back." I lazily announced, kicking off my shoes. I look up to find the place almost deserted. The dorm was pretty dark, aside from the small corner illumated by a dazzling, small Christmas tree. The only person present was Hyunseong and that mysterious tree. I'm certain it wasn't here this before I left. "Hey Hyunseong hyung, where's everyone? What's up with the tree too?"

"Do you like it? It was EunJi's idea. She thought we would feel more of the season's joy if we put up a tree." he explained, taking the last sip of his coffee, "Put on your shoes. We need to leave as soon as possible."

"Why? Where are we going?"

"You sure got a lot of questions today don't you? The others dropped EunJi off at the airport a while ago. I was stuck here waiting for you to come back so I can bring you to the airport and answer questions." he slid his arms into the jacket's sleeves, grabbed a pair of keys and walked out of the door. I sloppily slipped on my shoes then chased after Hyunseong. Urg, it felt really irksome racing down the stairs when shoes weren't even on properally. "Let's go before her plane leaves."

"Where is she going?" I questioned, following close behind his trail. I buckled on the seat belt as soon as I entered the car.  "Hyung, please answer me. You're taking so long. Where is she going?" I asked again. I hopped on my seat, anxious for an answer.

"She's going to Japan for a bit." he answered with no detail whatsoever. "She'll be back before Christmas." he added, eyes still glued on the street light lit road.

"Why? Is she going on a family vacation or something?"

"Nope. She's going with Teen Top. I think they're holding some fan signing events and such in Japan, so EunJi's tagging along." a smile painted itself on his face, "I think it's cute how they want to be with each other. L.Joe only left yesterday, and he wants EunJi to be by his side. It's vice versa for her too."

"Great." I rolled my eyes, facing the other way. Can people shut up about EunJoe once in a while? It's really irritating. It's just as annoying when they create these couple names for them...which I use...Damn it. "Is that why she came over? To get a ride to the airport?"

"No, she came to tell us goodbye. She was afraid she was going to miss her plane by the time you get back so she left early. She's probably boarding her plane right now." Hyunseong exhaled. He faced me with an ugly frown during the red light, "If you never left you could have saw EunJi and decorated a Christmas tree with everyone. You know, she was actually looking forward to seeing you the most."

"Really? Knowing that makes me feel even mo

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Alternative chapter is up! Chapter 35. THIRTY FIVE


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b2utyjalene #1
Chapter 24 Brian joo. I cant stop laughing even though ut was supposed to be sad I mean omg His diva persona came out . I actully like hyuna in this and hated jessica.
OMO!!!!!! This is the best story I've ever read!!! I'd never hv thought of this ending!!! The ending really left me dumbfounded T.T L.Joe oppa is sooooooooo noble!!!!!!!<3
InYourHeart #3
This fanfic end being with Ljoe ? Aww. I thought it gonna be Minwoo so I read it >< But still, its DAEBAK ! And, I love Ljoe too :b kekekekekeke. I'll read the sequel now ! Author - nim, fighting ! :)
Musiclover3132 #4
Awww I like this endding also ^_^ L.Joe!!!!! <3
Woah~~ When did this happen?!?! OMY GOSH OMY GOSH OMY GOSH!!! *Runs 2000 miles, finds your house, runs into your room, nearly squish you to death with a hug* (Ohhh... ^^ Maybe I'm the CreepyStalkerAroundTheCorner... You never know.. 0.0 Eheheheheheh... Haha Jk.. Or am I?! Hahaha) IT.. CAME... TRUE!!!! XD XD XD XD PARTAYYY PARTAYYYY WOOOOOWWW!!!! Fantastic Bbbaaaabbbyyyy!!!! Haha that was a GREAT sequel ending thingie even though it was just one chappie(TT^TT) and Eunji actually ended up with Minwoo (haha I loved this sequel-type endin even though I'm a Minwoo bias... Hehehe)~~ And so funny too!! Here I am, rolling around in my bed, squealing and laughing, with my sister thinking I'm out of it. BUT THAT WAS WONDERFUL!!! Hehehe^^ no. I'm not dead yet. Nope. Wait. I died. Cuz that means I came back to life... To read your story!! And it was worth being a shameful fallen angel (WTF.. Idk what I'm writing/typing..) Haha anyways, I'm alive, I LOVE LOVE LOVED THIS, and... I'm looking forward for more from you!!(: Thanks for writing a story that lit up my days ;D (lol that sounds weird too) THIS STORY LIT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BODY ELSE DO IT~~ Haha... Thanks again!! <3 PLEASEEEEE PULEEZE!! Keep writing!! :D
Awww... So cute... If L.Joe asked me that, I'd say...
"Hmm, I dunno, let me think about- YES I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND" XD
aegdvjkxljgnld I wanted ljoe to be with her D: no minwoo! LOL. see what I did there? xDDD omg. I'm laughing so hard at that joke
Omgggggggg! <3 I loved it! :)