
Your Loss Is My Gain
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Minwoo's POV:

This entire thing is so stupid. Is it really necessary to discuss this stupid "EunJoe" thing? We spent ten minutes just talking about the two, TEN WHOLE MINUTES! I preferred watching Seungri's impression; it was so much more interesting than listening to EunJoe. The other idols awing and cooing when they were talking about their relationship was just the icing on top of my awful day cake. I was surrounded by girls so it was extra loud. Chorong cooed extra loud, it was as if she tried to make my heart shatter even more. She kept on holding my hand during the show too, it was uncomfortable.

"I know we shouldn't be sharing silly rumors, but there's one specific video that caught our attention." the host seriously told us with a solemn expression. His stares stopped at L.Joe, EunJi, Chorong and me. I do not love this. "Apparently a fan sneaked behind the stage at Music Core on the third of December. While she or he was backstage, there was a chaotic fight between three rookie groups -four if you count B1A4 stopping everything. Well, that person filmed everything while their high quality camera and posted it on Youtube." there were various murmurs from everyone. They were all whispering to the person next to them, and I know they were secretly talking about us newbies. "Shall I play the clip?"

Here it comes; all of that awful argument is rushing back in. As soon as that shameful moment in my life had vanished from my memory, it comes back. I thought being in the yelling-fest was bad, but watching it might have been even worse. Throughout the short clip, my eyes were drawn to the crying girl in the back ground. many tears have you shed because of me?

"Oh my goodness." I heard Jessica of Girls' Generation gasped. That was like a punch in the gut. I love her, not as much as I love EunJi, but I still love her. I'm a big fan of hers, and for Jessica to watch that video was just plain disappointing.

"Whoa..." G-Dragon simply said. Everyone was blown away. I'm sure the viewers are just as shocked as they are. The only person who didn't seem too flabbergasted of the whole thing had to be Brian, former member of Fly to the Sky. The screen turned black, ending the pitiful video. It was pure silence until...

"Fantastic." Brain cheered, applauding with a very impressed expression. "What's the title of this movie? I must watch the entire thing. Who was that actress who started that brawl? She's a really amazing actor. She really made me want to hit her."

In an instant, Chorong burst into tears as if on cue. She (finally let go of my hand) covered her eyes, shielding away the droplets of water. I could hear her light whimpers. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. She did say she didn't mean it. I placed an arm around her, trying my best to make the weeping girl calm down. I also gave my greatest to not remove my arm because of the stares.

"Why she's crying? I know the movie is pretty sad, but there's no need to be bawling." Brain innocently asked. He blinked numerously, still not understanding anything.

"I was that mean girl in that tape!" she screamed before she started sobbing again. "It wasn't a movie either. It's all real!"

" that...wasn't a movie?" Brian looked around to see everyone shaking their heads. "I thought Mr. Host was reading the summary, not telling us what it really was!" he yelled in defense.

"I'm sorry to be saying this, but I find the whole situation was Chorong's fault." Hyuna bluntly admitted. "I mean, that whole situation wouldn't have occurred if she didn't 'joke' around." she further explained, making quotation signs around the word 'joke'. "It was obviously not a friendly kid-around. I feel she had some intentions to hurt EunJi."

"I think it's the opposite." Jessica calmly disagreed. She turned her

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Alternative chapter is up! Chapter 35. THIRTY FIVE


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b2utyjalene #1
Chapter 24 Brian joo. I cant stop laughing even though ut was supposed to be sad I mean omg His diva persona came out . I actully like hyuna in this and hated jessica.
OMO!!!!!! This is the best story I've ever read!!! I'd never hv thought of this ending!!! The ending really left me dumbfounded T.T L.Joe oppa is sooooooooo noble!!!!!!!<3
InYourHeart #3
This fanfic end being with Ljoe ? Aww. I thought it gonna be Minwoo so I read it >< But still, its DAEBAK ! And, I love Ljoe too :b kekekekekeke. I'll read the sequel now ! Author - nim, fighting ! :)
Musiclover3132 #4
Awww I like this endding also ^_^ L.Joe!!!!! <3
Woah~~ When did this happen?!?! OMY GOSH OMY GOSH OMY GOSH!!! *Runs 2000 miles, finds your house, runs into your room, nearly squish you to death with a hug* (Ohhh... ^^ Maybe I'm the CreepyStalkerAroundTheCorner... You never know.. 0.0 Eheheheheheh... Haha Jk.. Or am I?! Hahaha) IT.. CAME... TRUE!!!! XD XD XD XD PARTAYYY PARTAYYYY WOOOOOWWW!!!! Fantastic Bbbaaaabbbyyyy!!!! Haha that was a GREAT sequel ending thingie even though it was just one chappie(TT^TT) and Eunji actually ended up with Minwoo (haha I loved this sequel-type endin even though I'm a Minwoo bias... Hehehe)~~ And so funny too!! Here I am, rolling around in my bed, squealing and laughing, with my sister thinking I'm out of it. BUT THAT WAS WONDERFUL!!! Hehehe^^ no. I'm not dead yet. Nope. Wait. I died. Cuz that means I came back to life... To read your story!! And it was worth being a shameful fallen angel (WTF.. Idk what I'm writing/typing..) Haha anyways, I'm alive, I LOVE LOVE LOVED THIS, and... I'm looking forward for more from you!!(: Thanks for writing a story that lit up my days ;D (lol that sounds weird too) THIS STORY LIT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BODY ELSE DO IT~~ Haha... Thanks again!! <3 PLEASEEEEE PULEEZE!! Keep writing!! :D
Awww... So cute... If L.Joe asked me that, I'd say...
"Hmm, I dunno, let me think about- YES I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND" XD
aegdvjkxljgnld I wanted ljoe to be with her D: no minwoo! LOL. see what I did there? xDDD omg. I'm laughing so hard at that joke
Omgggggggg! <3 I loved it! :)