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A couple of months later...

Ha Ri yawned and stretched when she noticed the green LED light beeping. She smiled and grabbed her phone then read the message that had just arrived.

Y: Did you fall asleep so quickly?? 

Before she even had the chance to reply, another one came then another one too.

Y: Yah! How could you leave me alone?

Y: I'm so bored!

She giggled and started typing.

H: I'm here, babo!

Y: I'm not a babo :< but okay if you want to be like this then I'm leaving

H: Nuu don't go

Y: Beg 

H: You know I don't do that!

Y: Bye

H: fine, fine. Please don't go just yet 

Y: And why's that?

H: Cause you told me to

Y: T.T.

H: pshh I want to talk to you

Yoongi smiled at her silliness and bit his lip. He couldn't believe this person would have such an impact on him that he would even stay up all night just to talk to her a bit more. "Hyung?" He heard a voice and he immediately closed his phone. He saw Jimin approaching him holding his phone as a light since he was sitting in the pitch black of his bedroom.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked and yanwed. Yoongi was automatically switched to his cold mode and clicked his tongue. "Look who's talking! Why are you still watching this show when you can't even keep your eyes open?" He half yelled half whispered as everyone was far away to dreamland. "That wasn't the question. What were you doing here before I came? Staring at the wall?" Jimin sarcastically said since he obviously knew what his hyung was doing late at this hour.

"It's my fault I tell you everything." Yoongi muttered to himself and hid under his blanket as Jimin lied on his bed at the other corner of the room smirking at himself. Yoongi unlocked his phone screen and went back to the conversation he had left unconditionally.

H: oh great T.T now you're the one who fell asleep

Y: I'm still awake but I gotta go cause Jimin came to sleep

H: Ahh I see, night sleep well

Y: thanks, you too ^^

"Hyung? Are you done yet?" Jimin asked still with the sarcastic tone which made Yoongi groan and put his phone next to his desk. 




Yoongi woke up to the sound of his phone beeping. He took it and unlocked it with small eyes as he couldn't stand the light of his screen. 

H: Good morning! Have a nice day and wear warm clothes cause it's freezing cold outside! Too bad I have to wear a skirt to go to school with this stupid weather! Ahh and don't forget to eat well! See ya later!

Yoongi smiled at the nice morning message and after putting his phone down, he stretched and sat up. He looked around but Jimin was nowhere to be found. He stood up and after washing his face with cold water to wake him up, he got dressed and went to the kitchen. He frowned since no one was awake. "Isn't it too late?" He muttered and glanced at the clock. "6AM?? Aish, Ha Ri-ah, why do you always send me a message so early in the morning? Not everyone goes to school!" He muttered and giggled at himself since he realised that he loved those little messages she always sent him at this hour. It was the happiest hour of his day. 

After wandering around, he decided to go grab a cup of coffee since it was too early. He took his wallet, his keys and phone and headed to the closest cafe hoping it would be open. He sighed in relief as he read the 'Open' sign behind the glass door. Yoongi took a seat and ordered the warm coffee. Ha Ri was right. It was freezing cold but he loved that weather. Too bad she has to wear a skirt even during winter. After some seconds, he couldn't control himself and took his phone out of his pocket. 

Y: Yah, Ha Ri-ah. You were right. It's freezing cold outside. Make sure you dress up warmly and wear many sweaters since you're forced to wear a skirt even during winter. I hope you don't get sick. Text me once you get back.

He smiled, satisfied with the message he just sent then stared out of the window. The weather was dull with those gray clouds covering the morning sky. People were walking busily to their jobs, others with their cars, others on foot staring at their screen or having their earphones plugged in. Suddenly, the world transformed into a zombie land in Yoongi's eyes. Everyone looked so suffocated in their phones, like they were searching for answers. Why are we zombies? He looked back at his table and begged himself to not look like those zombies. He decided to use his phone less and less because he understood that technology was slowly eating them alive. Until he remembered. Ha Ri.

How could he stop using his phone when Ha Ri was at the other side of technology?


 Step. Step. Step. 


Step. Step. Step.

Ha Ri sighed as she was slowly walking the way home. Today was such a horrible day for her. Despite the fact that she had a fever because of the sudden cold -it was just November!- she had so many homework for tomorrow which meant she would have no free time to practise on her new song. She clicked her tongue as she remembered all the chores and useless things she had to do. All of those things were so useless to her. She couldn't care less about school or about her low grades. The only thing she cared about was music. She just wanted to never stop playing the piano. Because that was the only thing she loved doing.

"How was school today?" Her mother asked as she saw her entering. "Horrible as always." Was her every day answer to that stupid question before she went to her room and lied on her bed holding back her tears. She had been feeling depressed for quite a long time, though that was because she was in an unstable age. It was normal for a teenager to have those ups and downs in her mental world once in a while. But she hated feeling like this. She hated feeling like she was nothing and the next second feel like she just wants to start living. Because she was aware that neither of those feelings were real.

Her phone brought her back to reality with a loud buzz as it automatically connected to the wifi. She sighed and took it in her hands, reading the text she had just gotten.

Y: Yah, Ha Ri-ah. You were right. It's freezing cold outside. Make sure you dress up warmly and wear many sweaters since you're forced to wear a skirt even during winter. I hope you don't get sick. Text me once you get back.

Ha Ri smiled as she read Yoongi's message. He seemed like he cared about her well being. And Ha Ri had persuaded herself to use the word seemed when refering to him. She was still insecure about this sort of friendship between the two of them, though she hated that, she couldn't do otherwise. She knew that Yoongi was three years older than her and that made the situation worse than it truly was. She wanted to trust and cherish this person so badly but at the same time, she wasn't sure if he wasn't just one of those es. Just because he made her happy, that didn't mean that she could trust him completely. And things got complicated when she, one day, got a weird text from him.

Y: Ha Ri-ah. Let's meet. Tomorrow night. 

H: What? That was too sudden! I know, my parents don't know about you and I can't tell them either! They will over react and who knows? They may take my phone away. Then we will never talk again. Is this what you want?

Y: That's not what I want, but I don't want to regret it either. I understand that you're in a difficult situation but you don't understand the importance of this? And you don't have to tell your parents yet, but you can take a friend with you when we meet so you don't feel scared. I'm also thinking about meeting in a cafe so there are many people. There's no reason for you to feel uncomfortable then. Just please think about this. I know you want it too. 

H: Why do you want to meet me so badly? I mean I thought we would wait until I graduated from high school...

Y: I know I'm sorry. But.. I can't do this anymore. I also have something very important to tell you. Just please promise me you'll try to make it possible for tomorrow night.

H: I promise...

"Aish, he sounds really desperate." Seulbi commented as she read the latest texts of Yoongi. Ha Ri was staring at her while biting her nails. She had never mentioned anything about Yoongi to Seulbi but Ha Ri needed her help that day and she was ready to answer every question Seulbi may had so she could join her tonight. "When did you start talking to him?"

"Almost a year ago."


"Well you know that I like recording the songs I play on the piano? We somehow found each other through this promoting site and we realised that we had a lot in common and here we are."

"How old is he?"


"Ha Ri! What will your parents say when they find out? You know that it's illegal to date a minor?"

"Seulbi! I'm turning 18 in a couple of months! That's not the main problem here! Wait wh- we are not dating!" Seulbi rolled her eyes then passed Ha Ri's phone to her. "I'm just saying, that what happens after you meet him? Or what happens when you realise that you don't like each other then stop talking and pretend nothing happened? Are you sure you're ready to live a weird life from now on?"

Seulbi was right. There were some scenarios that Ha Ri had never thought about. Scenarios that made her think twice about meeting him tonight. But she couldn't do something else right? She was dying to meet him she had also promised to him she would try to do so. After school was over she took a deep breath and all the courage she had left and send two words to him. Just two words. 

H: Call me.

Yoongi's eyes widened at the message. He recalled all the other times he had asked her to call him but she was too embarrassed to do so. No matter how many times he had told her it was okay and that he would start a normal conversation, Ha Ri would still refuse. Yoongi started wondering if it was that important that made her say those words to him. Now he was the one who was getting nervous. 

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked confused as he saw Yoongi getting up from the couch and running outside without an explanation. Yoongi walked further away then dialed the number. It took her only a couple of seconds to answer her phone and her small voice saying hi to him made him freeze.

"Hey." Yoongi said back almost whispering. There was a long pause that looked like ages to him until Ha Ri decided to continue. "About tonight...I just wanted to ask where are we going to meet...?" She asked more like herself than him. She still sounded a bit insecure but Yoongi noticed none of it. His heart fluttered to the beautiful tone of her voice that he had to shake his head to come back to reality and answer her question. "I will send you the address of the cafeteria in a text...don't worry about it."

There was this pause again but this time it lasted longer and Yoongi realised that he had promised to her, he would make a normal conversation. " was school? Did you get home yet?" 

"Uh, it was okay. And I'm on the way there..."

Yoongi smiled happily then nodded to no one in particular. "Did you persuade that friend of yours to come with you?"

"Nae, it took me sometime to explain to her but looks like she's in."

"That's nice then I guess I'll see you there?"

"Yeah...see you soon."

Yoongi smiled and let out a giggle. He had never been that happy before.




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Chapter 9: Well that escalated rather quickly...
Chapter 2: I realize that 3 years isn't that big of a difference but it was KIND OF creepy for me when I read that his heart fluttered to her voice....
I still want them to end up together nonetheless muahaha
Chapter 13: Bless your soul for doing this
Chapter 2: 3 years is not a big gap to be honest haha my grandparents is 10 years but they are very much in love with each other until now :)
fibbychoi #5
Chapter 12: Yeeeey!! I'm looking forward for the JIMIN FANFIC *O*
Chapter 12: I srslt can't wait for the alternate ending lolol
btw, why are you at the hospital everyday? I hope you'll get better :)
dimple101 #7
Chapter 11: I want the next chapter to be about their first time
fibbychoi #8
Chapter 11: Waaaah!! Yoosh!! I really like this chapter! ^^
Chapter 11: ok I regret asking for a happy ending I'm so mad like wth why I can't even--
Chapter 10: wtf i am mad so mad like wtf how could she just--