Three years later

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Diiing Diiiing 

Ha Ri woke up at the sound of her alarm. She turned it off and sat up yawning. She dreamt of him again, but this time it was more realistic, she could feel Yoongi's touch, she could hear his voice, his figure hadn't faded away from her mind even after three whole years. Maybe because she came across him frequently. She would keep up with his group's updates just to make sure he was okay. He was fine and that sometimes made her happy even though, he wasn't here anymore or even though he had probably forgotten about her already as she hurt his feelings and never saw him since that day.

But that was okay.

She was relieved to see him happy with doing what he loved the most. He focused on music and even though music was her dream as well, she had given up because she knew she wouldn't go far like him. She was now in an Art University and she loved it. She had her own small apartment and worked as a part-timer in a coffee shop. The payment was not very satisfying but it was just enough to maintain herself since she didn't like asking money from her mother. Her mother lived at their old neighbourhood and she was now engaged with a coworker, so getting involved in her life was something Ha Ri was trying to avoid as much as possible. She was happy for her, indeed, she just didn't want to get into her happiness. 

Wonwoo had moved to the States for studying which resulted in her being alone until she got familiar with the adult life. They talked to each other frequently and Wonwoo never forgot to even visit her if he came to Seoul for holidays or just to see his family. As for Seulbi...well that was a different story. Ha Ri found out a couple of months after their graduation that his father had found a better job at Germany and she dragged along. Meaning that her and Jimin were either used to the long distance relationship or they weren't together anymore something that comforted Ha Ri, as she felt like she did the right thing back then. 

Though she would easily admit that she felt lonely. She had a couple of people at the uni with who she hang out with and her coworkers were also cool to be around with and were funny as well, but it wasn't the same. She had no one to call and talk or to to shopping with or trust her feelings to or even have someone close to her. It was something she had to learn to live with. And she was doing fine so far.

Ha Ri stood up with those sleepy eyes as she didn't sleep much the passing night. She moved to the kitchen and put the coffee machine in work. In almost an hour she had finished with her morning routine and was now heading to work since she had a morning shift. "Morning!" Hyejin, the mood maker of this little team working at the coffee shop said happily. Ha Ri loved when it happened to share the same shift with her since Hyejin was the happiest person she had ever met and she felt very comfortable around her. Hyejin was also a university student studying English but she was a year older than Ha Ri meaning that Ha Ri was the maknae of their team. She hated it at first but she got used to it later on when she realised that being the maknae always ended up with getting free meals from the older ones. Which was kind of helpful especially if she hadn't prepared anthing to eat.

"Good morning." Ha Ri replied not as happily but she at least tried to not show her hate towards mornings. She put on the shops outfit which only consisted of a yellow T shirt since the logo of the shop was also written in yellow. Hyejin was ready and she unlocked the glass door to welcome the customers not that anyone would come at this early hour. The coffee shop was not a cafeteria. It was a place in which you could get your breakfast before you got to work or anything similar to that. Meaning that there were no tables to clean and no bathrooms to clean which was the reason why Ha Ri liked working at this place. The only thing you had to do is make the coffee the customer wanted and tadah! Mission completed.

Not many customers entered until noon and her shift was going to end in less than two hours. "I'm going to clean the glasses before the shift is over." Hyejin stated and took a rag and went to the door and started cleaning. Ha Ri nodded and and started cleaning the counter and tidying up the products that were placed in some selves until she saw them. She was behind the counter when she saw Taehyung and Jungkook entering the shop. Hyejin welcomed them but she kept cleaning leaving her alone to deal with this. Ha Ri panicked but she was thankful Yoongi was not there at least. So she was just going to pretend she didn't know them.

"Hello. What could I get for you?" She asked avoiding their gazes. Jungkook checked the catalogue and took a moment to think when suddenly Taehyung noticed. "Oh wait! Aren't you Ha Ri-ah?? It's been so long I was wondering how you've been all this time!" Taehyung said happily and gave her a wide smile. Jungkook immediately stared at her and agreed with his hyung.

"Um, I'm sorry I don't really- what could I get for you?" She repeated to avoid the conversation but Taehyung was having nothing of it. "You're working here? Wow seems like a cool place what are you doing? Are you studying or something?" He kept asking and Ha Ri knew she couldn't keep avoiding him forever. "Yes. I am working here. My shift will end soon so what could I get for you?"

"Have you contacted to hyung at all? He always avoids the conversation when I ask about you. I know you're not together anymore but I thought you would keep in touch at least." Ha Ri sighed and she wanted to yell at Hyejin to come and help her out because she really didn't want them to be here. "No I haven't talked to him, please just tell me what you want." She desperately said which made Jungkook look at the catalogue again. 

"Hyung is with us. The others are waiting in the van with our manager, do you want me to tell him to come?" Taehyung asked and took the phone out of his pocket.

"No! I'm okay. You don't need to! Don't let them wait and just tell me what you want for 's sake!" Ha Ri panicked again which made Jungkook gulp loudly. Hyejin came back as she heard her almost yelling at the customers. She got behind the counter as well. "Ah I'm sorry if she was rude to you. I will take your order instead." She said and Ha Ri sighed loudly.

"No she wasn't rude to us. We know her." Taehyung continued talking and Hyejin nodded in understanding. Jungkook eventually said what he wanted which was like seven different coffees guessing that they were for the others as well. Hyejin started making them and Ha Ri, to avoid any other question, she helped her to get finished as soon as possible.

"Ya! Will you ever stop flirting and come?" A familiar voice sounded from the door and then it striked her. Crap Crap Crap Crap. Ha Ri turned around with her back in front of the others trying to breath calmly hoping Taehyung or Jungkook wouldn't say anything about her and kept making the coffees with clumsy moves. Yoongi walked in the shop without noticing her since her back was facing him. Hyejin put the four of the coffees on the counter and continued with the others as a result of Yoongi not paying any attention to the workers. 

"Hyung H-" Jungkook was about to say when suddenly Ha Ri stopped him without turning around. "Do you want chocolate on the cappuccino?" She asked quickly trying to not sound like her which was kind of impossible since she was her. "Yes please." Jungkook replied and dropped the conversation but she could feel Yoongi's stare on her. She knew he was getting suspicious. She knew he would recognise her voice from everywhere. 

"Ha Ri-ah?"  Yoongi eventually asked which made Ha Ri close her eyes hardly then turn around with the other orders and place them on the counter. Ha Ri pretended like she didn't hear and she looked surprised when she saw him. "Oh, Yoongi. Hey." Was all she said before she got to the machine and started typing something. "That will be 11 dollars." She said and Taehyung gave her the money and was about to leave but Yoongi was not going to move any time soon. He felt like he couldn't lose this opportunity.

"How are you doing?" He asked with a small voice and Ha Ri faked a smile. "I'm doing fine, thanks." She lied and started cleaning the counter with the rag again. "It's been a while."

"Yeah." She replied shortly avoiding his gaze. Yoongi bit his lip. Oh god, how much he missed her. How much he wanted to hug her and kiss her again. "Anyways, thanks for the coffee. Bye." He said when he noticed that she was feeling uncomfortable. He started walking out of the shop when she stopped him. "Yoongi! " She said and he turned around to the sound of his name.

"Are you doing anything now? My shift is ending in ten minutes and I want to talk to know, catch up with you since it's been so long." She explained and smiled widely. How could he say no to her? "Uh, no I'm not doing anything, we were about to get back to the dorms anyway. I just don't know the way back." He explained and stood there. "Don't worry we'll ride a taxi later on." She stated and Yoongi turned around to let the others know so they would tell the manager as well. "Okay then." He said and put his hands in his pockets waiting for her. 

"Hyejin-ah, is it okay if I leave ten minutes earlier?" She asked her coworker who was in the staff room checking her phone. "Yes sure go ahead." With that Ha Ri took her coat and bag and pulled Yoongi out of the shop. "So...what's up?" Yoongi asked a little hesitant since he had no idea how Ha Ri could probably be feeling. "Nothing much. Just working, studying and struggling with my adult life what about you?" She asked as they got into a taxi and she told an address Yoongi had never heard of. "You know, the same things. I'm just more busy than I was earlier. Where are we going?" He asked and stared out of the window. "My apartment. I thought that you wouldn't want anyone to recognise you..." She stated and stared at him then they made eye contact which lasted for more than a minute. 

"Yeah, nice thought." Yoongi said and smiled which made Ha Ri's heart melt. She missed his voice, his scent, his hugs, his kisses. Everything that was his, she missed it. "So you got an apartment now." 

"Yea, well it doesn't say much. But it's perfect for me. Since I can maintain it and all. It's close to my work and university too." She continued then before he knows it, they were there. She paid for the ride and got outside. The building she was living in was very safe since instead of keys there were cards that she used to unlock the main door, the elevator and her apartment door. Which meant that nobody could get in if they didn't have those cards. That's why she thought that bringing Yoongi there to talk would be safe for both of them.

After they got off the elevator she unlocked her apartment door and got in. "Are you hungry maybe?" She asked as she closed the door behind them and automatically locking. "No I'm fine." He replied and just stood there awkwardly. "Come on, don't stand there." She said and took off his jacket and left it on the couch then sat him down. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked and tried to make himself comfortable as he gazed at her cute little apartment.

"Well, to be honest, I want to apologise to you."

"For what?"

"For lying to you. It's been a really long time and saying this now will be very stupid of me but I really feel like I should eventually say this. I didn't break up with you because I liked Wonwoo. In fact, I didn't even want to break up with you in the first place. I just...saw that you didn't focus on your dream and kept caring about me and I didn't want this to happen. I wanted you to care about your job more than me. It sounds like a pretty stupid reason but it's really not to me. And honestly I'm not expecting you to forgive me or anything, I just felt like you should know." She explained and left a glass of water in front of him on the coffee table. 

Yoongi stared at her with his signature cold expression. "And what do you want me to do now?"

Yoongi's words fell like rocks in her stomach. This didn't go very well. "As I said, I'm not expecting anything from you. Besides, you can't keep loving me forever." Ha Ri-ah... you really don't know me do you? "Does that mean that you never liked Wonwoo?"

Ha Ri shook her head while biting her lip.

"Not even once?"

She shook her head once again.

"But the question is, do you still like me?"

Ha Ri took a moment to think and shook her head slowly making Yoongi gulp loudly. "I don't like you. I love you. Just like I did three years ago and just like I do now. But as I said I'm not expect-"

"Babo. You really are a babo."

Ha Ri pouted and before she knew it, Yoongi pulled her in a tight hug and a tear slipped down her cheek. She felt like home again.

"I love you too. And don't do anything stupid again without letting me know okay? Babo." He whispered in her ear then kissed her passionately after so long. 

Ha Ri pulled away from the kiss after some seconds and started kissing every part of his face while letting tears roll down her face. 

"Yah don't cry anymore. It's all over."

A/N: This was longer than I had expected!!


The next chapter will be the last one and I want to know what you guys want to see in the final chapter so the options are:

Their first time etc OR describing their day being together like a normal couple etc 

Please let me know because I don't want to disappoint anyone!!

Also subscribe and up vote if you haven't already!

Anticipate the final chapter woohoo


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Chapter 9: Well that escalated rather quickly...
Chapter 2: I realize that 3 years isn't that big of a difference but it was KIND OF creepy for me when I read that his heart fluttered to her voice....
I still want them to end up together nonetheless muahaha
Chapter 13: Bless your soul for doing this
Chapter 2: 3 years is not a big gap to be honest haha my grandparents is 10 years but they are very much in love with each other until now :)
fibbychoi #5
Chapter 12: Yeeeey!! I'm looking forward for the JIMIN FANFIC *O*
Chapter 12: I srslt can't wait for the alternate ending lolol
btw, why are you at the hospital everyday? I hope you'll get better :)
dimple101 #7
Chapter 11: I want the next chapter to be about their first time
fibbychoi #8
Chapter 11: Waaaah!! Yoosh!! I really like this chapter! ^^
Chapter 11: ok I regret asking for a happy ending I'm so mad like wth why I can't even--
Chapter 10: wtf i am mad so mad like wtf how could she just--