Confusion, Fears and Warmth


Here's another chapter guys :)) Once again, I feel like I overdid this one maybe it's too dramatic. Not sure. Hope you still enjoy it though ;)) And I'd love to hear more about your theories xD. 

“This tastes really good.” Seokjin hummed as he ate the sweet dessert, he looked at Jungkook who was staring at him and cocked his head slightly to the side, “Are you not going to eat, Kookie?” 

Jungkook was snapped out of his daze and he stiffly smiled at the ghost, “I'm not hungry. Besides, I know you want to finish all of that.” 

“You make it sound like I'm a selfish glutton.” Seokjin pouted, “I know how to share too, you know!” 

“I didn't mean it that way!” The raven huffed before Yoongi’s story earlier suddenly got to him again. He looked away for a bit, unsure what he should do now that he has knowledge about Seokjin’s past. He wanted to ask the ghost some questions but he was worried that it might not turn out well. What if Seokjin didn't want him to know or what if the ghost doesn't want to hear about his obviously harsh background? 

“Hello! Earth to Kookie! Wake up!” Once again, his thoughts were interrupted by the ghost’s voice— said ghost now staring intently at him with worry etched on his beautiful face. What? Did I just think he was beautiful? What the—

“What?” Jungkook replied after several attempts of blinking the thought away, “What do you want?” 

“I was asking what do we have for dinner?” Seokjin smiled before he gestured to the empty boxes, “I ran out of food now.” 

“Seriously Jin?  I just got here and it's barely past four and you're asking about dinner already?” Jungkook shook his head, laughing slightly, “Why are you not fat?” 

“Wow, listen to your self.” Seokjin replied sassily, huffing at the human, “Tell me about ghosts having fats— we don't even have a weight!” 

“I don't believe you.” Jungkook glared back, though playfully, “Last time, you sat on me and I swear that your weight puts the cows to shame.”

“Untrue! You're exaggerating it!” The ghost gasped comically, “I don't even remember sitting on you!” 

“Because ghosts don't have brains.” Jungkook stuck a tongue out to Seokjin, who visibly turned red. Ha! Always wanted to do that. Now, who's sticking his tongue out huh? 

His thoughts paused when Seokjin suddenly pouted and gave him a kicked puppy look. And he was whimpering, what the heck?

, why is he staring at me like that? Jungkook backed away slightly, eyes twitching for a moment before he huffed, 

“Fine, I'm sorry. There, happy?” 

Seokjin nodded triumphantly at him before the ghost stands to gather the empty boxes and the liter of coke to throw it away. Jungkook watched as the other floated away to the nearby trash bin and mindlessly dumped the trashes, he stifled  a laugh when the boxes wouldn't fit and the other was practically shoving his feet to force it in. 

“Kookie, it won't fit.” Seokjin whined, he turned to the other, “You know what? Why don't you just bring these trashes outside. The garbage truck will claim them later.” 

“Yes, ma'am.” Jungkook joked as he mock-salutes Seokjin. 

“I'm a man!” The ghost sticks a tongue out but watched as Jungkook does what he was told to do. 

“Well, you sound like my mom when she's bossing me around to do chores.” Jungkook countered, smirking as the ghost glared at him. He turned around for a moment and contemplated, “I guess we should just put away all the trash now, right?” 

Jungkook, with the help of Seokjin, emptied all the trash bins and placed all their waste in a black trash bag. He then proceeds to bring them outside and place them where a truck would claim them later on. He looked up for a moment and observed that the clouds are grey and slowly darknening, Is it going to rain soon? Jungkook thought as he noted the cold atmosphere. 

The raven haired was about to enter his house when he heard a familiar voice calling out for him, “Jungkook! Hello!” 

“Taehyung?” Jungkook recognized as the other ran across the street, waving animatedly towards him. 

“I was disposing the trash that my mom asked me to.” The orange haired young man smiled toothily before he glanced up, cheerful face changing into a thoughtful frown, “Man, it seems like it's going to rain again.” 

“Yeah.” Jungkook muttered out a reply, observing the darkening skies. He has a feeling that it's going to be a heavy one, based on how dark the clouds were. 

“So, what do you plan on doing today?” Taehyung tilted his head as he looked at Jungkook, “I’m kind of bored, wanna come to my house? Or we could go to yours.” 

“Huh? I'm not so sure, Tae.” Jungkook replied hesitantly as he glanced to the house, where Seokjin was probably waiting. “I'm not free today, sorry.” 

“Nah. You're fine.” Taehyung smiled before he stared at Jungkook’s house, “I still can't get over the fact that the once called haunted house is a super-cool home of my friend now.” 

“Oh,” was Jungkook’s reply as he glances back to his house, Yoongi’s words coming back again at the mention of haunted house. He wondered what really happened after Seokjin died. How come Hoseok knew nothing? He could've at least heard the news or something. But what if Jin’s death wasn't revealed and was kept hidden? Jungkook found himself wondering again. And how come Hoseok only said that the man only had one child? He turned to Taehyung who was staring at him, “Hey, Tae. Do you mind if I ask you something?” 

“You're already asking me though.” Taehyung laughed before he nodded, “Sure, ask me anything.” 

“So, I heard from Hoseok that you transferred inhere three years ago—“

“Woah, I have a stalker!” 

“That's not it!” 

“Just kidding. But why would you ask about me though?” 

“I didn't. Hoseok was the one who told me.” Jungkook answered with a huff befor he continued, “As I was saying, Hoseok told me you transferred here three years ago, Jimin and Yoongi followed a year later.” 

“Yes, that's true.” 

“And this haunted house— my house.” Jungkook gestured to the structure, “Has been called a haunted house since four years ago when the owner left it to go to another country and his son was missing, right?” 

“Yes,” Taehyung nodded before he frowned, “But we never really know the true story to that. This neighborhood was really lonely back then. The original settlers left right after the so-called haunted house rumors started.” The Orange haired gestured to the other houses, “If you notice there's a lot of ‘for sale’ lots here and there's only a few who lives in this district. And most of the people who live here right now haven't been around when the rumors of the haunted house started.” 

“Well, that's right.” Jungkook bit his bottom lip, “I guess no one really knows what happened to this house, huh?” 

“Why are you so curious about it anyway?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow before he grinned, “But when we first moved in here, I was like you though. I've always loved horrors and mysteries, made me feel like I'm in an anime like detective Conan. So you could say that I tried to investigate your house before. I kind of gathered different stories about it, wanna hear them?” 

“You did?” Jungkook blinked, and he nodded eagerly at Taehyung.

“Wow, you're actually interested?” The orange head beamed excitedly, “That's great! People don't usually take me seriously. I kind of gave up after a year and considered that it was impossible to find out about the house’s history. But I just got so curious cause if there's a ghost in a house, that means there must be a very interesting mystery behind it like a murder or something. After all, the reasons why ghosts stay is because there's still something they wish to be fulfilled before they can finally rest in peace, right?” 

Something they wish to fulfill before they can rest in peace?, Jungkook thought before he took a glance at the house, Is there something that Jin’s waiting for to finally rest in peace? 

“I actually have a list of theories in my notebook back at my room. I also listed all the rumors I've heard there in case I forget about them.” Taehyung grinned, “I could show it to you but” the smile suddenly disappeared as Taehyung visibly paled, “I just remembered that I’m supposed to do an errand for my mom. Ah! She's going to kill me if she discovered that I haven't left yet. I'm so sorry Jungkook, can we have it tomorrow?” 

Jungkook could only nod before he watched Taehyung run frantically, looking for a cab. He wondered if his strange friend would be okay especially that it looked like it’s about to rain soon. It might not be enough but perhaps Taehyung could help in answering a few of my questions, Jungkook thought before he frowned, But if what he had said was true, then what is it that Jin wants to fulfill? Is there any reason why he's still here? Or maybe he was still unprepared to die. 

Jungkook’s head were filled with questions as he slowly walks back towards the front door. Maybe he wants to be given justice? It's a murder after all, and no one seems to know about his death. Or maybe he wants to see his brother again? But he has seen Jimin already, and Yoongi-hyung. Or maybe there's still something he's looking for. Like a precious thing he wants to find or…

His body

Jungkook stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened at the thought, That's what it usually is. Is he looking for his dead body, perhaps? Based on Yoongi-hyung’s story and the rumors that Hoseok-hyung said, it seemed that Jin was killed but nobody knew. What was just told is that the owner, I presume it's their father, lost his son. No reports about death or anything. No body found dead. 

But it could be just rumors. Hoseok-hyung couldn't be so sure with just gossips. But then he said that Yoongi-hung and Jimin just moved here two years ago. But if Jimin was really Jin’s brother, then he must've stayed here longer. And if Yoongi-hung had always been here with Jimin then. Jungkook slowly massaged his forehead, feeling a headache coming from all the analyzing he's doing. It's all so complicated. He's getting nowhere with just guesses. He needed to hear the truth from someone or he'll forever be bothered. 

And there's only one person where he could trust the truth. 


But he can't just waltz in and ask the ghost for his history. He's pretty sure he won't get anything out of Seokjin. The other probably wouldn't like for him to know anything, he's suspiciously secretive— not telling him important details like how Jimin was his brother, that he knew Yoongi after all, not allowing him inside the other rooms and being scared of thunders. 

He knows that the ghost was not entitled to tell him anything but still, Jungkook felt cheated for not being informed. 

He cares about Seokjin and he wants to know. 

Thoughts were disrupted by the feeling of a cold droplet dropping on his cheek. He looked up and found that it was already starting to rain. He sighed heavily, before he entered his house. 

“What took you so long?” Seokjin looked up from his position from the couch. Looking at his curious eyes, Jungkook couldn't believe how this one was abused and murdered when he was still alive. Not thinking clearly, he walked towards the ghost and wrapped him gently in an embrace.

“Hey, what? A-are you okay? Is there something wrong?” Seokjin was taken aback by the sudden hug. Usually, it was him who initiated them and it's surprisingly new for the younger to make the first move. He was concerned. Was the other hurt somewhere? Did something happen when he was outside? The ghost pondered before he slowly brought his hands up and hugged back. 

Jungkook pulled away first right after and Seokjin almost flinched when his eyes met the younger’s. There’s so much emotion in there that Seokjin is overwhelmed. The other was usually calm and collected, seeing his eyes so expressive at the moment blew him away. The other caressed his cold cheek and asked, “What do you want to eat tonight? I'll get you anything.”

“Kookie?” Seokjin blinked, worried over the other’s behavior, “Is there something wrong?” 

“Nothing.” Jungkook just smiled, “I just thought that I'll let you choose what to eat today. Whatever you want.” 

“O-okay.” Seokjin hesitantly replied. He was curious of the other’s strange behavior but decided not to pry. 

Jungkook patiently waited for Seokjin’s reply. It took a while before Seokjin decided that he didn't want to have a takeout so they decided to cook what they can with the ingredients in their kitchen. They ended up working on a simple spaghetti and quickly ate it in silence. Jungkook, still in deep in thought about Seokjin and the latter still worried over Jungkook’s unusual behavior. 

Jungkook declined the ghost’s offer to wash the dishes as he did the chores himself, telling the ghost to relax and watch the television or something. Seokjin reluctantly accepted the offer, debating for a moment if he should ask the other if he had any troubles or not. Wondering if he could lend a help but he just sighed and did as he was told. The ghost proceeded to sit in front of the television and after a long while, his thoughts about the human was completely gone as he engrossed himself in the Korean drama that he was watching. 

Jungkook finished washing all the dishes and he momentarily took a glance to the window outside where it was raining hard, It looks like it won't stop any sooner. It seems to be getting stronger. A storm, perhaps?

 He walked out of the kitchen and entered the living room where the ghost sat in front of the television, smiling happily at what looked like a milk commercial. He noticed Jungkook approaching him and he comically pointed at the screen, “Kookie, look! It's a flavored milk! They have milks in various colors and flavors, I wanna try one!”

Normally, Jungkook would've questioned or teased Seokjin for his lack of knowledge. But now, his heart only clenched at the sight, The reason he probably doesn't know these things is because he's been deprived of it. Being locked up and force to work. And among others, abused and murdered. Jungkook thought before he smiled at the other, “I’ll get them for you when I can. Probably, tomorrow when the rain is gone.” 

“It's raining really hard, right?” Seokjin frowned when he glanced at the curtained window, “Do you think it will go on for the whole night or will it stop soon?” 

“I don't know.” Jungkook replied honestly. He took slow steps towards the sofa and sat beside Seokjin, the ghost’s attention was now back to the Korean drama that resumed after commercial. He didn't care much for the movie, he just stared at Seokjin as the other’s face contorted to different types of emotion, completely engrossed in the movie to notice him. 

“Jin.” The raven haired called out absentmindedly, though he successfully caught the other’s attention. Said ghost was looking at him questioningly, waiting for him to speak. “Do you mind if I ask you something?” 

What am I doing? What if he doesn't like it? 

“Sure.” Seokjin smiled as he reached out for the remote control and muted the television, he then turned to the human to give him his full attention, “Ask anything.” 

He gave me permission. But do I really have to ask this? 

Jungkook breathes in, If I want to know the truth, might as well get it from Jin himself. Besides, it doesn't hurt to try, right? 

“How was your life?” Jungkook found himself slipping out a question, “You know, when you were still alive?”

He saw Seokjin’s eyes falter for a moment before the other grinned at him, though it looked forced for Jungkook. If he hadn't known the other that well, he would've been convinced. But has seen many of Seokjin’s true smiles that he can't be deceived anymore, “My life was great. I have my brother with me.” 

“Just your brother?” Jungkook gulped a bit, hesitating whether he should continue or not. But, in the end, curiosity got the best of him, “What about your father?” 

“W-what about m-my father?” Seokjin looked away from him, laughing nervously as he trembled a bit, “I-I got along well with my father. H-he’s alright.” 

“May I ask for his name?” Jungkook pressed on, clenching his fists, “What was his work? Does he help you when you in your studies? Does he—“ 

“I don't remember.” Seokjin smiled at him, but it didn't reach his eyes. The ghost reached out for the remote control but Jungkook’s hand stopped his, “What do you want, Kookie?” 

“You didn't answer my question.” Jungkook gripped harder, “You said I can ask you anything.” 

“But I didn't promise to answer them.” Seokjin pulled away harshly and stood from his seat. He took two steps backward and glared at Jungkook through glassy eyes, “Why are you asking about him anyway? Why are you even asking about my life back then?” 

“I'm just curious. Seokjin, I’ll ask you another—“

“I'm not entitled to answer them.” 

“Do you remember my friends? You know, the ones that I've brought here.” Jungkook watches as Seokjin’s eyes flickered, 

“Do you recognize some of them?” 

“W-well, yeah….” Seokjin looked away, “I remember Taehyung and Yoongi.” 

“That’s it?” Jungkook asked, standing up straight and looking Seokjin in the eye, “Do you not recognize anyone with the name Jimin?” 

“Jimin?” The ghost raised an eyebrow as he looked questioningly at Jungkook. He slowly shook his head, “I don't recognize him.” 

“Answer me truthfully, Jin. I'm sure you know Jimin. Please don't lie to me.” Jungkook countered, feeling a little frustrated that he's not getting anything, Why is he denying Jimin? He's supposed to be his brother, right? 

“I'm telling you the truth. I don't know anyone by the name Jimin.” Seokjin looked so genuine with his confusion that Jungkook found himself questioning everything again. 

“Park Jimin.” Jungkook stated, eyes not leaving Seokjin as he tried to read the other, “Have you not heard that name before? Not even once?” 

Jungkook was taken aback when Seokjin shook his head naturally. He stared into those brown eyes, searching for any sign that he was lying but the ghost was truly genuine with his answer, “I don't recognize anyone by the name Jimin. I recognize Taehyung, your neighbor and friend way before because he keeps trying to enter the house. Yoongi because…” Seokjin looked away, “I asked about him before, remember? He's just…” The ghost’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked for the right word, “interesting.” 

He doesn't know Jimin? But why? I thought that he’s his brother. Then why doesn't he recognize him? Jungkook was greatly confused at the moment, Was Yoongi-hyung lying to me all this time? Maybe he got mixed up. But, if Jimin isn't related to Jin, then Hoseok-hyung must be right about him and Yoongi-hung recently moving in Seoul two years ago. But that doesn't help at all. What's Yoongi-hyung’s relation to Jin then? 

Hoseok’s words suddenly echo back to his brain. 

The owner lost his only son. 

Taehyung moved three years ago, I think. Yoongi and Jimin followed a year after. 

A stranger said that he recognized Jimin before but that's impossible since he just move in. 

Yoongi-hyping was accused of shooting someone in the head and his terrified expression was hilarious. 

It's not possible right? If Yoongi-hung was telling the truth, then he's related to hyung because he's Jimin’s friend. But if hyung doesn't recognize Jimin, who's supposedly his brother, then Yoongi-hyung’s words couldn't be true. But how else would he know about Jin’s story? How else is he supposed to know Jin’s death. Jungkook’s head was starting to hurt as he thinks, But someone recognized Jimin when he came here. That’s supposed to mean that he came to Seoul before, right? And the accusation of Yoongi-hyung killing someone is suspicious. 

Then Taehyung’s words earlier came back, “The original settlers left right after the so-called haunted house rumors started.”

Did Yoongi-hyung and Jimin leave right after Jin’s death as well? Jungkook blinked at the thought, And they returned to Seoul two years ago where they met Hoseok-hyung. It could be possible. But it still doesn't answer my questions. 

“Jin, let me ask another.” Jungkook said, but he hesitates when he sees the ghost’s pained expression. Is it really okay for him to continue asking this? He gulped and proceeded anyway, “What's beyond that door?” He gestured to the door near the stairs, “Do you mind if I—“ 

“No! Don't you even think of it!” Seokjin suddenly dashed and stood protectively in front of the door, “There's nothing in here. You're not interested. You won't find anything here so leave it be. Don't get in here please.” Jungkook regretted when tears started falling from the ghost’s frightened eyes, lips trembling as he shook his head, “There's nothing in here, just leave it be.“ 

“Jin.” Jungkook took a step forward from where he was but Seokjin backed away and his back bumped against he door. He felt his heart clenched before he walked forward, ignoring the fact that the ghost trembled harder as he got closer. “Jin, I'm sorry. It's oka—“ he was cut off by sound of thunder once again. But he jumped in surprise when Seokjin whimpered at the sound. That's right. He's afraid of them. “Jin, it's okay. I'm here.” 

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I’m sorry.”  Seokjin muttered like a mantra, tears falling from his eyes as he hugged himself tighter, “I promise to be good, please don't hurt me.” 

“Jin, I'm not going to hurt you.” Jungkook moved forward to try and hug the ghost but he was pushed away. Another loud bang from outside caused Seokjin to hug himself tighter as he whimpered. As Jungkook stared at the terrified ghost, a sudden thought came to him. Based on his reactions, could it be that the sound of thunder reminds him of the abuse he had? No, wait. Could the sound remind him of something else? He doesn't seem to be scared of the rain, so it couldn't be that he was beaten up on a rainy day, right? It's loud. What else resem— no, wait. Thunder. Loud.

What's loud enough to resemble a thunder?

A gunshot.

Yoongi-hyung hinted that there was the sound of gunshot. 

Jin is afraid of thunder.

Jin is afraid of thunder because it reminds him. 

Jin is afraid of thunder because it reminds him of a gunshot.

It slowly processes in Jungkook's detective mind At the sound of another lightning, he dashed forward to wrap the other in his arms, "Jin, it's okay. He's not going to come for you." He feels a sense of deja vu from the situation, "Jin, that's not the sound of a gunshot. Calm down."

"No, he's going to come for me. He's—"

"He's not going to come for you. He won't hurt you. He's not here."Jungkook said firmly as he hugged the trembling ghost, "You're okay. You'll be alright. He's not going to come for you, okay? I won't let him."

"Don't say that." Seokjin sobbed as he gripped Jungkook's shoulder, "You're starting sound like him. Please don't say that."

"Whoever he is, Jin, I am not him." Jungkook said, "Whatever he did to you, whatever happened between you to has nothing to do with us.  Has nothing to do with me. Listen, I'm sorry for forcing my questions to you. I won't do it again, I promise. But please know that whatever happened to you before, it won't happen now. You're okay. You're not going to be hurt."

They stayed in that position for who knows how long, yet uncaring of how much time had already passed. They didn't notice how the rain had long stopped, they just remained in their embrace, listening to each other's breathing. Seokjin hears the heart beat coming from Jungkook, he wonders how it feels to be alive. He's dead for so long that he forgot how it felt to have a beating heart. Finally realizing his position in Jungkook's arms and the tantrum he had just did, the ghost flushes red in embarrassment before he pulls away.

"Thank you." Seokjin mumbled weakly, looking anywhere but to the person in front of him, "And I'm sorry for the trouble...again."

"Don't apologize. It was more of my fault." Jungkook shook his head before he smiled, "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah." The ghost whispered weakly and stood from his position on the ground, watching as Jungkook slowly stands as well. "Thank you again."

"No problem." Jungkook replied and they stood awkwardly as the silence reigns, both having the same thoughts, What now?

"Do you want to—"

"I was wondering if—"

They both spoke at the same time and paused. Jungkook told Seokjin that he can speak first but the ghost declined as he insisted that Jungkook could speak first. In the end, they both laughed about it and agreed to go upstairs and retire for the night. Seokjin waited patiently as Jungkook was showering. When the other came out, Seokjin flushed red at the sight of the other's toned body and he had to look away. 

After torturous minutes for the ghost, Jungkook was finally finished and he laid on his bead and muttered a small goodnight before the lights were turned off. Seokjin just sat silently on his bed on the other side of the room, staring at Jungkook's sleeping figure in the dark. The ghost usually doesn't do anything at night when the human sleeps, a part of him wants to play a trick like changing the other's wallpaper but after what transpired today, he didn't feel like doing anything mischievous.

Still, boredom comes to him so he gets off his bed and floats over to Jungkook's side of the room. He crouched and peeked over the human's sleeping face and observed his features. Kookie looks so handsome even when he's asleep. His skin looks so soft. Seokjin blinked curiously, bringing a hand up to poke the other's cheek. Woah, his skin is soft. Thank goodness this kid is a heavy sleeper. He won't wake up if I touch him.

"What are you doing?" he heard the other's voice, for some reasons, Seokjin shivered at the other's voice, Since when did his voice get so low? Wait.

"Y-You're awake?" Seokjin blinked repeatedly at the human, face turned red after being caught. 

"I was awake this whole time. I couldn't sleep." Jungkook muttered, changing his position so he was facing the crouching ghost, "Besides your fingers are cold."

"Sorry." Seokjin mumbled, looking away. He was taken aback when he was pulled from his position and before he knew it, he was trapped in an embrace. Wait, what? Jungkook is hugging him. "W-what are you doing?"

"Trying to sleep. Good night."

"What are you saying?"

"I need a pillow."

"Well, I'm not a pillow."

"You're soft."

"Are you implying I'm fat?"

"And comfortable."

"That doesn't give you the right toYah! Don't sleep."

Unfortunately Jungkook's breathing is even and quiet snores come out from him. Seokjin found himself frozen in spot. He tried numerous times to push the other away but in the end, gave up.

This annoying kid. I swear he's going to get it from me tomorrow. But... Seokjin's thought trailed, He's so warm. 

When was the last time he felt human warmth? It had always been so cold eversince he became a ghost.

It feels so strange, yet comforting.Seokjin closed his eyes as he buries himself deeper into the warmth, He doesn't have to know. 

I actually like it.

Seokjin smiled as he just stayed in that position the whole night, staring at the sleeping human beside him.

Oops. Sorry for this chapter like really really sorry. And sorry for giving you something so cliche but then this story had always been mediocre so yeah xD Thank you for reading <3 Thank you for those who subscribed, who commented and who upvoted. <3

Jinkook is love<3

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Ardya1815 #1
Chapter 15: Authornim,why i cannot see the sequel? But seriously your story so good,brilliant. I really enjoy it,thank you for sharing this with us
Chapter 1: If I were JK I would leave the house at second of first throwing paper from Jin. I really can't stand be in the same house with ghost despite how cute it is
Chapter 15: I felt overwhelmed while reading this story.. I didn't dwell much on the past story of jin. But their present made me felt something.. really feel good, light weight story.. like a feather caressing our cheeks.. I cried at the ending.. the line where jin saying about the alpaca having asthma.. your continuity in characterization tho.. great story.. thank you. Keep up with your good work..
Trngmy #4
Chapter 1: You know, I love this story so much I'm reading it for the second time. Too bad there is no sequel. The ending is great as it is but a sequel or a bonus chapter would be awesome. However, there is still a mystery that pique my curiosity. I may be right, but...the lock room was never opened and jin's body was never found. to answer my curiosity? Did jin refuse to reveal behind that door because his body is still lying there rotten? Or because the room remind of his death and didn't want JK to see it?
AuraC25 #5
Chapter 6: I knew it.. It's Jimin, jin's brother
AuraC25 #6
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #10
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?